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Partner pianomahnn

Mar 26, 2003, 8:06 PM
Post #101 of 121 (1593 views)

Registered: Feb 17, 2001
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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Why are we even debating the issue of the 2000 election?


Mar 26, 2003, 8:13 PM
Post #102 of 121 (1593 views)

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Why are we even debating the issue of the 2000 election?

Threads do wander. I think the Florida 2000 election thing came from a post a while back, claiming that Bush was not "elected" President.



Mar 26, 2003, 8:13 PM
Post #103 of 121 (1593 views)

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Maybe he was just trying to keep more ignorant ass voters from voting.

I like that idea. Only if you know about more than TWO candidates can you vote. Yes. Goodcall on my part.

Yes, Bush was trying to keep ignorant ass voters from voting? That's funny because most of the voters kept off the list were minorities and other groups that typically vote democrat. Curt, that's the same "Unprecedented" documentary I was talking about.


Mar 26, 2003, 8:21 PM
Post #104 of 121 (1593 views)

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Curts Signature:

Men often stumble upon the truth. Some then pick themselves up and carry on as though nothing had happened. -W.S.Churchill

I think it's funny that you have a Churchill quote as your signature, as he was the one to gas the Iraqis in the first place between 1920 and 1924. "Churchill despised the squeamishness of those who objected to the use of such gas against uncultured tribes. It spread 'lively terror,' and could prove a 'useful experiment.'" Doesn't this mean that Churchill's was a terrorist also?

Partner pianomahnn

Mar 26, 2003, 8:27 PM
Post #105 of 121 (1593 views)

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Yes, Bush was trying to keep ignorant ass voters from voting? That's funny because most of the voters kept off the list were minorities and other groups that typically vote democrat. Curt, that's the same "Unprecedented" documentary I was talking about.

Exactly. Ignorant people vote Democrat.

Unfortunately, ignorant people vote Republican as well.


Mar 26, 2003, 8:33 PM
Post #106 of 121 (1593 views)

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Okay, so why don't you petition to get a viable third party going? I voted third party in the last presidential election... I agree that Republicrats all stand for big money and big business, so we should do something about it. People are ignorant because they're kept that way. Perhaps if the mainstream media wasn't owned by the same ten corporations with a vested interest in keeping (insert politician here) in office, perhaps we would hear more about the libertarian party, the green party, the freedom socialist party, the communist party, etc. and then people wouldn't be quite so ignorant. And maybe, some candidates from these parties would even be allowed to debate and real issues would be brought up instead of who was wearing the better suit.


Mar 26, 2003, 9:08 PM
Post #107 of 121 (1593 views)

Registered: Aug 13, 2002
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Flynnypek,I apologize to you for the response to your thread.I just want to forget it. I hope you will accept my apology.Jeff


Mar 26, 2003, 9:57 PM
Post #108 of 121 (1593 views)

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Curts Signature:

Men often stumble upon the truth. Some then pick themselves up and carry on as though nothing had happened. -W.S.Churchill

I think it's funny that you have a Churchill quote as your signature, as he was the one to gas the Iraqis in the first place between 1920 and 1924. "Churchill despised the squeamishness of those who objected to the use of such gas against uncultured tribes. It spread 'lively terror,' and could prove a 'useful experiment.'" Doesn't this mean that Churchill's was a terrorist also?


To the extent churchill favored using gas as a means of control in Iraq, he was talking about something similar to tear-gas, not fatal nerve or biological agents.

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Excerpt from pages 179-181 of Simons, Geoff. "Iraq: From Sumer to Saddam". London: St. Martins Press, 1994:

Winston Churchill, as colonial secretary, was sensitive to the cost of
policing the Empire; and was in consequence keen to exploit the potential
of modern technology. This strategy had particular relevance to operations
in Iraq. On 19 February, 1920, before the start of the Arab uprising,
Churchill (then Secretary for War and Air) wrote to Sir Hugh Trenchard,
the pioneer of air warfare. Would it be possible for Trenchard to take
control of Iraq? This would entail "the provision of some kind of
asphyxiating bombs calculated to cause disablement of some kind but not
death...for use in preliminary operations against turbulent tribes."


Partner pianomahnn

Mar 26, 2003, 10:35 PM
Post #109 of 121 (1593 views)

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Okay, so why don't you petition to get a viable third party going? I voted third party in the last presidential election... I agree that Republicrats all stand for big money and big business, so we should do something about it. People are ignorant because they're kept that way. Perhaps if the mainstream media wasn't owned by the same ten corporations with a vested interest in keeping (insert politician here) in office, perhaps we would hear more about the libertarian party, the green party, the freedom socialist party, the communist party, etc. and then people wouldn't be quite so ignorant. And maybe, some candidates from these parties would even be allowed to debate and real issues would be brought up instead of who was wearing the better suit.

Petition? Who?

I'd rather explain to people why they're wrong in voting for either Republican or Democrat, and how the "lesser of the two evils" menatality will drive this country into a deep canyon of despair.

Radio has a tendency to broadcast lesser known candidates. That's how I found out about my Presidential hopeful in 2000. I listen to a lot of am radio, though, which most people don't. They're more concerned with American Idol and the next Bachelor.

I don't think this will change for quite a while. I'd have to skull fuck 90% of the population before they realize how wrong and misguided they truely are.

I need some MOABs. :twisted:


Mar 27, 2003, 5:20 AM
Post #110 of 121 (1593 views)

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Harry Browne for president!

Partner pianomahnn

Mar 27, 2003, 1:11 PM
Post #111 of 121 (1593 views)

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Good idea.

Is he going to run again?


Mar 27, 2003, 6:02 PM
Post #112 of 121 (1593 views)

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I found some stuff on that documentary.

This link is to the reporter's site and a transcript of the show. He obviously has an agenda as the transcript comes across as being rather slanted. But, if the "facts" of the story are true . . .

But, I found another site that seems more balanced, and it includes references to stories in newspapers such as the Orlando Sentinel and Miami Herald. Those references make me think there is legitimacy to the story.

Why it hasn't been a national story, I don't know. Maybe the big news outlet thought people were tired of the election story. After all, their mission is to market, not to deliver news, right? One things for certain. Florida was screwed up big time, and I'm not sure they've fixed the problems.


Mar 27, 2003, 6:06 PM
Post #113 of 121 (1593 views)

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I was just thinking, who could run as an independent and actually stand a chance of winning? One name comes to mind.

Colin Powell.

That is, if he can keep himself from being tainted too much by his involvement in the current administration. I guess the outcome of the current war would have a lot to do with his future electability.

Can anyone think of others who might actually win as an independent?


Mar 27, 2003, 7:31 PM
Post #114 of 121 (1593 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2003
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in case ther is any doubt. we are the united states not the united people we have presidents elected based on the states decisions.


Mar 27, 2003, 7:35 PM
Post #115 of 121 (1593 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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With our countries lack of voter participation, laziness and ability to be wooed by endless rhetoric You might as well vote for Bozo the Clown let alone an independent.


Mar 27, 2003, 8:01 PM
Post #116 of 121 (1593 views)

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I was just thinking, who could run as an independent and actually stand a chance of winning? One name comes to mind.

Colin Powell.

That is, if he can keep himself from being tainted too much by his involvement in the current administration. I guess the outcome of the current war would have a lot to do with his future electability.

Can anyone think of others who might actually win as an independent?


I think there was a time when Colin Powell could have won the Presidency if he ran either as a Republican or a Democrat. I don't know if that is still true today--maybe though. I don't think he could win as a third party candidate, but that's just my opinion. That said, I do think his showing could be as good or better than Ross Perot's first run.

Even Teddy Roosevelt wasn't successsful running on a third party ticket, and he was enormously popular.


ps. Thanks for the additional election info. I will look at those links you provided.

Partner phaedrus

Mar 27, 2003, 9:27 PM
Post #117 of 121 (1593 views)

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With our countries lack of voter participation, laziness and ability to be wooed by endless rhetoric You might as well vote for Bozo the Clown let alone an independent.

I think that was done... if memory serves, Bozo won, too. :wink:


Mar 27, 2003, 10:21 PM
Post #118 of 121 (1593 views)

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I just wanted to add a little happy thought! :lol: My brother in law went to Sea World last week. They asked where everyone was from. There were people from all over the US and the world, and when someone said "France" all you could hear was:




Mar 27, 2003, 11:15 PM
Post #119 of 121 (1593 views)

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I just wanted to add a little happy thought! :lol: My brother in law went to Sea World last week. They asked where everyone was from. There were people from all over the US and the world, and when someone said "France" all you could hear was:



Yeah, stupidity abounds our country right now. Like I saw on the news a couple weeks ago how in Houston someone spray painted on the garage of a French woman's home "go home you French ---" following by a string of obscenities. This woman has lived in the U.S. for 14 years. When she lived in France as a child during WWII her family took in and hid from the Germans downed American pilots, risking their own lives.

Some Americans really ought to be ashamed.


Mar 28, 2003, 1:47 AM
Post #120 of 121 (1593 views)

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And so should a awful lot of the Frenchies too.


Mar 28, 2003, 7:30 AM
Post #121 of 121 (1593 views)

Registered: Dec 1, 2002
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there is no excuse for ignorance people
unless you have minimal education on the subject don't act or speak
on either side.

i personally believe saddam is a ruthless sadistic maniac whose time has come and i say its time to go in and clean up.

opinions are worthless without evidence or education, bash bush all you want or say nuke the ragheads all you want then go read a news paper or see what peaceful mediation has done with saddam.

i may be conservative and pro war but please "nukers" educate then opinionate.

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