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March climbing in MN.
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Mar 15, 2003, 12:55 AM
Post #51 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Well Barns was great today, I think you guys going out to TF tomarrow are going to have just as nice a day, sorry I cant make it but I have to get ready for this show so I can buy more toys. looks like the rain that was pridicted for Sat afternoon is not going to happen, so have a good day.

:D Les :D


Mar 15, 2003, 3:53 AM
Post #52 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Sorry to correct you Dann, but the nearest gym for the Red Wing folks is Prairie Walls in Rochester. I'm sure you just forgot. I have never been there, but they tell me it's nice.

BTW Les...
Good luck on your show. I hope you sell a hundred knives.

The flooding is only a problem in the Spring and then only some years. I don't think we got enough snow this year to have to worry about it.


Mar 15, 2003, 5:19 AM
Post #53 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Well, I didn't forget about Rochester... Its basically a "toss" as to which is literally closer when starting from Red Wing.

And not to "one-up" you Patrick, but a basic check for "directions" from MapQuest shows Red Wing to Rochester = 46.07 miles and a travel time of 1 hour and 27 minutes... RedWing to St. Paul = 45.15 miles and a travel time of 1 hour and 5 minutes... (their directions to St. Paul aren't even the most expediant route; definately NOT the route I take)

Now, understand that I didn't enter the gym addresses for the destinations or an address for a starting point in Red Wing; just the "City Names." Also, just the fact that having driven from Rochester to Red Wing before, I personally can attest to the "hour-and-a-half" drive time. And also, living literally 4 miles/6 minutes from the St. Paul VE and about 8 blocks from the Capital here off of Rice St., it took me in the neigborhood of 58 minutes and 46 miles to drive from my door to the parking area at Barn Bluff in Red Wing today.

Now, taking into account, what you get in Rochester for an "hour-and-a-half" drive, and what's available in the Metro Area for an hour drive (and of course being biased to the St. Paul VE as opposed to Prairie Walls in Rochester), don't you too think that it's far and away, a better hour spent driving to St. Paul/The Metro Area rather than Rochester??? Be Honest! :wink:

Anyway, we (me, Les, Josh, his wife, and her friend Kristen {I think}) had a Fabulous time at "the Bluff" today... Les and I got there at 10am and were thinking of doing Sunburst, until we noticed the river sprouting out of the rock right next to it (in which, clipping 2 separate bolts would have required taking an ICE Cold shower... :lol: ) so, we moved right over to Jump Start as Les had some past "bidness" over there. Unfortunately, he, forgot the stick-clip so he had no choice but to "LEAD" as opposed to "AID" it. He did an Excellent job, with no probs. Unfortunately, he decided to rest instead of go for it and didn't get the "redpoint" yet.

Next we went over and he led Sleeping Bat... Another superior effort; but because he went up and down-climbed over the "bulging overhang" at the ledge one too many times (looking for his secret hold :D ), he ended up resting on the rope before the last bolt and didn't get the "redpoint" there either.

Both of these climbs where breakthroughs for Les though... We'd (actually he'd been doing the work) been "aiding" them with a stick-clip to get a rope up on them over the winter months. So, now he can definately get it done on these two routes.

After that, we started working on Pigeon Paranoia, which I'd climbed once before but Les hadn't. Boy, I have to commend Les for the "cahones" for as far as he got on this route which gets sketchier and scarier as it goes. Josh finally showed up with his stick-clip and helped get the rope to the anchors for us.

Josh also put up Jam & Jelly and we all had a turn over there to end the afternoon. Which by the way was a GORGeous one! The bank thermo read 62 as I drove out of Red Wing at 4pm... Bright sun still shinning!

Well, I've got the kids the rest of the weekend and we have other plans or I'd/we'd be up to TF tomorrow. You guys should have at least as warm of temps as we did, however, good luck on the sun. Hopefully you'll have as much fun as we did today!

Post up and let us know what you did!



Mar 16, 2003, 3:44 AM
Post #54 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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I guess I shouldn't just assume something is closer just because it is not as far away from Red Wing to there as is it from here to Prairie Walls. (I hope that makes sense).

I agree if Prairie Walls is just as far away as VE, then VE is the way to go. I have been to a bunch of climbing gyms around the country in the past two years, and I would have to say that VE is the best one that I have seen. Both the one in St. Paul, and the one in Duluth. I haven't been to the one in Illinois so I can't comment on it. Maybe someone else here on this site can elaborate on how good Prairie Walls is.

I almost forgot, Taylors Falls. Yes the weather was great. There was lots of snow when we got there, but it was gone by the end of the day. There was a waterfall on the Wisconsin side, so we didn't even try it. We just TR'd on the Sonny and Juanita area and the went down to the Minnesota Strip to lead Blue Moon. Lots of easy stuff, but fun anyway.

To end the day I finally got my daughter up on the wall. I talked her into trying to clean pro on the Jungle Route. She was ready to bail five feet up, so I quickly clipped in with her and we did a tandem climb. Since it was easy stuff, I didn't really have to worry about falling, and I got to help her up the whole way. It was exciting. She was still really scared, but I was there to give her confidence.


Mar 22, 2003, 10:31 PM
Post #55 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Alright, time to move this thread back up near the top...

First of all, glad they got me my back in working order! I was really going nuts at work. I had to actually do some work insead of goofing off this week.

Also, my climbing is suffering this weekend because of not being able to post here for a partner. By the way, hopefully someone is climbing today (Saturday) cus it looks beautiful outside. I decided I'm not going outside today 'cus it looks nice out and my partner is in Cheese Land at a knife show. If I were to go outside, I'd probably die of Lack of Pull-Down Syndrome! Guess I'll just do some cleaning around the house.

If anyone has anything going Sunday, PLEASE PM me or call!!! I am working Saturday night but will gladly go without sleep Sunday if I can get on some real rock for a couple hours.

Anyway, barring that, Les and I'll be at VE about 1600h Monday if anyone is interested...



Mar 22, 2003, 11:43 PM
Post #56 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Sorry I had to leave you high and dry Dann, maybe next eek we can get outdoors. ok now for an update......WOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!! its Sat. 5:30 pm an I just sold all of my knives, I have to stay with my table tomarrow so I cant leave early, but I'll be sitting at an empty table.
Talk to yall Mon night.

:D Les :D


Mar 22, 2003, 11:58 PM
Post #57 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Gotta like when ya sell all the merch Dude!

Did you garner any info on serrating?



Mar 26, 2003, 9:22 AM
Post #58 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Hey all you Minni-sotans, how come knowone's posting here lately? I can't be the only one chompin' at the bit to get back out?.?.?

OK, well, rockhugger and I went to Taylors Falls for a bit Sunday. Climbed a few easy routes, which was just fine. It was just nice to be outside. We would have climbed a few more, but both had to leave about 3pmish and there were of course, a TON of people there. Oh well, I'm glad Barn Bluff isn't that packed every weekend!

Anyhow, looks like crrraaappyy! weather this weekend so I for one won't be even trying to get out. I have the kids anyway. Hopefully it'll get back to "Nice Out" next weekend and we can get a good day in somewhere!

Is anyone planning on VE tonight (Wednesday)? rocksolid PM'd me and said he can't make it. Anyone else going up for a bit? Let me know, otherwise I may throw in the towel too.

See ya soon ppl...



Mar 26, 2003, 8:56 PM
Post #59 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Whoooohooo! (again) My Mugens are in the mail today, I've also been on a 3 day on-line shopping spree, got my wife a new digital camera for her B-day got me a new 35mm, a water ski and a bunch of gear for a little deal we got going, yes the knife money is almost gone, I could probly buy another set of cams but I really dont need more cams right now so I'll probably sit on it and see if any other gear needs arise :D dry suit :D

I hope we can get to barns in the next week I guess we just have to wait and see. I wont be at VE tonight so Ill see you Monday Dann.

:D Les :D


Mar 27, 2003, 3:53 AM
Post #60 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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What's up guys, I'm down at school in Mankato, and am just getting weekends open to climb since volleyball is over. Could you guys let me know the next time you head to Red Wing. I don't have class on Friday's, and am open everyother weekend, usually. I can probably take work off the other weekends, but we'll see what happens. Thanks, Thomer


Mar 27, 2003, 7:41 AM
Post #61 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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duskerhu and I like to do Fridays at barns so watch here or in "April climbing in Minnesota" for details your welcome to join us, I live between Mankato and redwing on hwy 21 if you want to ride with me from here.



Mar 27, 2003, 7:56 AM
Post #62 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Yeah thomer, you're welcome to join us anytime...

Although Les, most Friday mornings, you'll be heading down to Red Wing from the airport, not home... I think... right?

Anyhow, this Friday isn't gonna work for me, 'cus it's gonna be friggin' COLD & SNOWY!

Yeah Les, Monday at VE, and let's get some good weather next week, eh.

BTW, How's the ICE on the lake looking Les? :twisted:

...and By the BTW, what are you doing online at 0140 Les, you take the night off again???



Mar 27, 2003, 8:59 AM
Post #63 of 67 (3712 views)

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Can't Post to answer all these questions, Fri mornings

I will be going home early to pick up Anne and possibly Matt in the summer but before that your right.

The Ice is going fast, we have some open water and the ice is very dark.

I'm on line now because I got my layoff notice at 11:pm and I have to go bump to a new possision in the morning, 3ed shift still looks good right now.

:D Les :D


Mar 30, 2003, 7:10 AM
Post #64 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Hmmmm 68 deg Tues? anyone interested? I'm not sure I can do it but let me know if anyone is inerested (Dann?) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

:D Les :D


Mar 31, 2003, 1:19 AM
Post #65 of 67 (3712 views)

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Ahhhh, 68 is good for me but, the rain we'll probably be gettin' at the same time won't... I don't know... Tuesdays are tough for me anyway... Kids that night ya know... Gotta get some sleep at some point.

I'll let ya know after I see the weather at work tonight.



Mar 31, 2003, 1:43 AM
Post #66 of 67 (3712 views)

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they already changed it to upper 50s but still sunny. theres no telling what it'll be like till it gets here.


Apr 1, 2003, 8:57 AM
Post #67 of 67 (3712 views)

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March climbing in MN. [In reply to]
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Well, looks like fo_d and I aren't going to Barns on Tuesday... We thought it might rain Monday night, and it's not going to be as warm as we wanted it to be. Plus, we've both got other things going Tuesday; like kids...

Anyway, the weather looks crappy all week again... Please send me some
SUNshine someone, please!!!

Oh, BTW, it's now April... I'm sure Les'll be putting up a new Minnesota Climbing in April post in the morning

So, good-bye March! Hey, we gotta get a date and "Event Post" going for the Minnesota Gig!


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