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Boldering grades.
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Jun 4, 2003, 5:18 AM
Post #76 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
Posts: 2307

Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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I didn't "choose to flame"... I chose to make fun of the fact that MP shows up to´post about how he's a 1983 Climbing Magazine coverboy.

Chestbeating, hoodflaring and selfaggrandizement never got ANYONE ANYWHERE.

You took that incident and have been a craphole to me ever since, despite a few asskissing PMs on your part in the beginning. Yet, you continue to be crappy towards me, trying to "hold me responsible" for something and making that initial exchange (and subsequent ones) seem like me attacking the "living legends of our sport."

I am not a johnny-come-lately internet phenomenon.

I have been AROUND. Since before you were able to abuse your mod privis. I admit when I am wrong, I don't lie about what I have and have not done and I MAKE FUN OF INTERNET MAGAZINE COVERBOY SPRAYLORDS... whether they are from your generation or my own.

And since.. yeah, these people HAVE just come out and criticized me, drawn all kinds of assumptions about me and disrespected the level of privacy with which I choose to surf the web.

You yourself have been relentless in your public criticism of me.

The extreme craptitude which you and your internet-n00bie brethren choose to exude is astounding and your inability to accept me as the person/ae that I am is baffling.

I reel daily at your lack of ability to interact on some decent level with the users of the site you moderate and regard your ad hominem tactics as teh last resort of the uncreative and intellectually small.

Basically... I already do not feel the need to climb with you to prove how much time I have invested to boldering movement and I resent your constant desire to bring me inline with whatever behavioral norm you deem appropriate.

In simpleton's terms... you suck.


And your total inability to factually describe the situation at hand is just the beginning. Oh... it is SO EXTENSIVE.

And you can't even play golf.



Jun 4, 2003, 5:48 AM
Post #77 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Even in your last pathetic post you did not refute the fact that you instigated the confrontations between you and Mike Paul or you and Bob D'Antonio.

You quite cleverly try to change the subject to make it look as though you could somehow be in the right. You are not.

As for your desire for "privacy" you yourself stated that you would not want a prospective employer of yours to be able to link the Lox authored drivel that is posted here with the real life Cody.

The solution to that is simple. If you don't want to be personally associated with an assinine stetement--don't make it. Duh.



Jun 4, 2003, 6:02 AM
Post #78 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Ok... I fully admit to "flaming" Mp and bobd1953. Is that clear enough for your feeble brain ?!?!

Those dudes are pretty inarticulate and stupid, despite being "pioneers of our sport." That is my opinion of thier online personalities and I will not hold it against them, shoudl I ever meet them in person. Except now, I'll have to call MP "coverboy"... just because of you, Curtsie.

I am not avoiding those issues at all.

Furthermore, I have spent the last 4 years posting to the internet from my various employers. When I find another one, I will prolly do so as well. I feel way more free to discuss my intake of illegal substances, my sexual and sociopathical escapades, etc, in this forum if an internet search of my employed name does not lead directly to YOu criticizing me for being.. what ? ?!?! "Not responsible for my words" ?!?!?!

Oh so I hurt the poor sensitive pioneer of our sport's FEELINGS ?!?!?!?1

I am only here to make myself laugh in a way I never could in real life... and yeah, that involves dealing with shitheads such as yourself.

You sure you don't wanna deathmatch me ?!?!

I could just gently decapitate you from yards away with precision single barrel sniping.

You would never see it coming.

You don't know what the internet is all about.


Jun 4, 2003, 6:04 AM
Post #79 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Mar 3, 2003
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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I'm a Grand Theft Auto man myself.


Jun 4, 2003, 6:05 AM
Post #80 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Fuck the hidden pacakges.

I am content at 77% and 3 apache's in my garages.


Jun 4, 2003, 6:13 AM
Post #81 of 94 (2005 views)

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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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U dig Vice?


Jun 4, 2003, 6:15 AM
Post #82 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Ok... I fully admit to "flaming" Mp and bobd1953. Is that clear enough for your feeble brain ?!?!

Those dudes are pretty inarticulate and stupid, despite being "pioneers of our sport." That is my opinion of thier online personalities and I will not hold it against them, shoudl I ever meet them in person. Except now, I'll have to call MP "coverboy"... just because of you, Curtsie.

I am not avoiding those issues at all.

Furthermore, I have spent the last 4 years posting to the internet from my various employers. When I find another one, I will prolly do so as well. I feel way more free to discuss my intake of illegal substances, my sexual and sociopathical escapades, etc, in this forum if an internet search of my employed name does not lead directly to YOu criticizing me for being.. what ? ?!?! "Not responsible for my words" ?!?!?!

Oh so I hurt the poor sensitive pioneer of our sport's FEELINGS ?!?!?!?1

I am only here to make myself laugh in a way I never could in real life... and yeah, that involves dealing with s___ such as yourself.

You sure you don't wanna deathmatch me ?!?!

I could just gently decapitate you from yards away with precision single barrel sniping.

You would never see it coming.

You don't know what the internet is all about.

All right, that's clear enough for my feeble brain. And, it may be the most honest thing you have ever posted. As for wanting to "decapitate me" I do not recall ever threatening you with physical harm, but whatever.

And, I may not understand what the internet is about because I am an old fart. I thought it was about facilitating electronic communication and commerce. I had no idea it was created to promote Mr. Jekyl / Dr. Hyde personae.



Jun 4, 2003, 6:26 AM
Post #83 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Yeah, I dig vice.

But I'll be damned if I run all over the place finding hidden freakin packages just so I hit 100%. WTF.

And curt... the internet and it's technology is driven by PORN and GAMING.

That's your GenX lesson of the day.

That's why videocards and huge harddrives and ATA100 protocols and 3.4 gHz processors exist. That's what broadband is for.

Yeah... the internet has been brought to you, in large part, by John Romero (Castle Wolfenstein, Doom, Doom II, Quake)... as much as it sickens and excites me to say so.

So when I say I want to decapitate you... it's not a physical threat, it's a virtual threat, where you and I enter the digital arena I have been mastering since I could walk and I pick you apart a *bit* more effectively with a shotgun than I have done in this thread.

Oh.. here I go explaining things to you and bvb again....

The "most honest thing" I have "ever written" is just a distillation and simplification of what I have been telling you all along. I am so glad I finally put the thesaursus down for a moment and used words you could understand.

It's not like I don't have principles behind my ethic, man... and it's not like I am unwilling to discuss that.

Hello ?!?!?


Jun 4, 2003, 6:32 AM
Post #84 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Mar 3, 2003
Posts: 954

Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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that does it lox. as soon as i modify for shared gaming, ou're dead fuc***g meat. I was the master of virtual carnage long before you were weaned of your mommies tit, etc etc. you're gonna learn what oldskool vid masters are allll about. I'm on broadband cable. Fuck bouldering, it's for p u s s i e s. Master of Blaster is what I'm talking about.

waitamminnit...did i say oldskoool? i hate that phrase.

and mike paul is something of a genius. i'm gonna get him back in here, and on mostly. he da man. you goin' down.


Jun 4, 2003, 6:47 AM
Post #85 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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My dad sold all sorts of coinop vids during my youth. I had a NEC laptop in 1987. I remember I, Robot.

You will die at halflife.

I will reduce you to a fine bloody stain before you figure out what "this button does." Do not question the CowLick.

Hl is $20 at the software store. Buy your won id and we'll set it up.

And please... don'tmake me quote MP again in response to the genius thing... it's PAINFUL for him.


Jun 4, 2003, 6:55 AM
Post #86 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Porn came later. The internet was driven by defense concerns and was implimented by ARPA. But I am sure you know that. But, did you know that a famous Gunks climber (Willie Crowther) actually was one of the true inventers of the internet?

Willie was also the guy who was John Stannard's mentor in the Gunks. Just another small bit of history.



Jun 4, 2003, 7:03 AM
Post #87 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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While, yeah... that was the overt reason for the internet, porn and gaming have driven consumer technology advances. I mean... you are talkin' 1992 and I am talkin' 1997... I mean, I remember serial port DM with Doom I.

Now, my graphics card has more processing power than that computer did.


I appreciate the reiteration of that factoid and wish you would expand on exactly how this climber was implicit in the development of the internet... but I would also still destroy you at online videogames.

You'd be my cashed bowl, baby... SMOKED !!!!!!111111


Jun 4, 2003, 7:57 AM
Post #88 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Sure, I'll be happy to inform you. And, I'm not talking 1992 dude, I'm talking 1968. Better broaden your time horizons.

The government sent out requests for proposals (RFPs) in 1968 for a system of linking laboratory and university computer networks common to defense applications.

Several companies responded, among them BBN and Raytheon. Interestingly IBM and Control Data did not bid because they saw no future in this technology. BBN (Bolt, Beranek and Newman) were ultimately given the contract to develop ARPANET.

Willie Crowther, one of the principal programmers for BBN on the ARPANET project was also a leading climber in the Gunks in the early to mid 1960s.



Jun 4, 2003, 8:02 AM
Post #89 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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That's like the history of secure networking....

The history of the INTERNET is way more brief.

Good facts, none the less.


Jun 4, 2003, 2:32 PM
Post #90 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2002
Posts: 404

Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Im glad to see that former mortal enemies lox and bvb are now planning little video game parties with each other.

Partner sauron

Jun 4, 2003, 2:37 PM
Post #91 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Oct 15, 2001
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Well... the issue is that respect has to be earned by ANYONE in ANY social situation.

I mean.. say you meet your favorite movie star actor and he is a rude asshole and brushes you off as a "commoner" or something. You immediately lose respect for him, despite his obvious social status and your previous affinity for him.

It's amusing that you can say what you just wrote, and yet not "get it" yourself...

Your last paragraph applies perfectly to your own situation.

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Chestbeating, hoodflaring and selfaggrandizement never got ANYONE ANYWHERE.

Pot calling the kettle black again, eh?

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I am not a johnny-come-lately internet phenomenon.

I have been AROUND. Since before you were able to abuse your mod privis.

Either earlier in this thread, or in an alternate thread, you made reference to 1995 as the year for when you started hanging out online...

For what it's worth, Mr. "I've been around since before you were able to abuse your mod privileges" - that's 4 years _after_ yours truly found a way off the BBS I was on at the time, and onto a unix machine with a direct internet connection...

- d.


Jun 4, 2003, 3:00 PM
Post #92 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Mar 3, 2003
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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While, yeah... that was the overt reason for the internet, porn and gaming have driven consumer technology advances. I mean... you are talkin' 1992 and I am talkin' 1997... I mean, I remember serial port DM with Doom I.

Now, my graphics card has more processing power than that computer did.


I appreciate the reiteration of that factoid and wish you would expand on exactly how this climber was implicit in the development of the internet... but I would also still destroy you at online videogames.

You'd be my cashed bowl, baby... SMOKED !!!!!!111111

Doom rocked. Hundreds of hours of my life, wasted...

I played Pong. The first month it showed up in the pool halls.

It sucked.


Jun 5, 2003, 12:40 AM
Post #93 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Mar 3, 2003
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Re: Boldering grades. [In reply to]
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Im glad to see that former mortal enemies lox and bvb are now planning little video game parties with each other.

andy, what you need to understand is that for some of us, getting burned in a vid clash is the worst kind of humiliation...sort of like getting smoked at pool by some stranger at your home table in your regular bar. at $5.00 a ball, no less.

I thnk with the right software, you and i can go two on one with lox, or vice-versa. i'm shopping as we speak.


Jun 5, 2003, 1:34 AM
Post #94 of 94 (2005 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2002
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you're talking to the undisputed Unreal Tournament champ of the church apartments. No slouch when it comes to doom or cw, either. the streets of austin will flow red with the blood of the nonbelievers.

(note, this is not spray, in that being good at video games is a dubious honor at best)

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