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Jul 31, 2003, 6:38 AM
Post #1 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Jul 31, 2003
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My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciated.
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This has been on my mind, and I figured perhaps some people here could help (I have also posted it on other forums, some of which are more applicable than this one). Nonetheless, I’d appreciate any advice-both practical and philosophical- that is offered. I’m hoping the length of this post will discourage stupid replies. Anyway, here it is:

I just graduated from high school and I'm slated to head out west (Utah, I live on the east coast) for college....majoring in political science as of now. I’ve had a dream in my head for the last several months. This is probably going to sound both cheesy and wishful at the same time, but oh well. I’ve realized in the last several years that I don’t think I’ll be happy with a normal life as I see it….getting married, having kids, etc. Not to knock the lifestyle, I wish it made me happy, but I don’t think it will. Everything would be phenomenally easier if it did. Oh well. I’m pretty into rock climbing, kayaking, backpacking, etc. Anything outdoor-sy. Also snowboarding and some other stuff along those lines. I also am into photography (not as much as I’d like), philosophy/political philosophy, and music. Running as well of course.

My dream has become to live on the road for an extended period of time, living from a truck (Suburban most likely), hauling a trailer with my stuff. This trip would last anywhere from 2 years to 20 years, and would take me anywhere I want to go. My only objective is to have the freedom to get up any morning I want, say, “I feel like going here,” and just packing up and driving there. No restrictions, except monetary of course. I would occupy my time in a vast variety of ways. There’s a ton of outdoors stuff I want to do before I die, and that would be one of my primary focuses. I would want to sail in the Pacific Northwest (i.e. Puget Sound), kayak major rivers (no definites yet, but probably ST. Lawrence and lots of small ones), ascend some specific mountains (and others along the way), including a few in the Northwest, in Alaska, and other continents (Australia/New Zealand in particular), spend some time snowboarding and surfing, I would also like to get into mountain biking a bit more, although it would stay pretty recreational because I suck at it. I’d also like to climb some cliffs/rocks, maybe not Yosemite/El Cap and Half Dome (for anyone who’s into climbing), but just find rocks along the way and hit them up if I feel like it. The whole trip would be based on feel, visiting old friends along the way, hooking up with new people with similar interests for various periods of time and then moving on. Seeing the world, both the scenery and the people, experiencing different cultures some, and then exploring what there is to do in each culture. I would spend the remainder of my time writing music, chronicling my trip in photographs and writing (perhaps a few books would come of it, which would not be such a bad thing, although On the Road and Travels With Charley already take up a lot of that genre). I’d also philosophize some along the way, perhaps writing books on political philosophy, of which I read about a lot. I’d spend a lot of time reading/learning, but not in a typical classroom setting. I have figured the thing out financially, and it looks like I can get all the gear I want/need for about $35,000 to start, and once that initial investment is made, I could live with the bare minimums for about $7,000 a year. But I’ll be generous and say $8,000 because I may have other desires along the way. I obviously have no money at the moment, other than the $3,000 I have saved myself toward a college education (mine was going to cost ~$3,500 a year thanks to scholarships/financial aid). I can get more in-depth if anyone has any questions about this, but I don’t want to keep writing. I have some questions for anyone on the board to share their opinion, however.

1. Money----I was originally thinking I would just find temporary work each year when I found I had run out of money….perhaps as a bus boy or something, working tons of hours for a month and then heading out of town again. But I realized this might take a significant period of time, longer than a month each year, to make $7,000 to hold me over. I could also sell some photographs, but I wouldn’t be able to count on much from that. The other option is to play music on the street corners, hoping people will give me change, and maybe buy a cd for $5 or something. I could also try to sell articles to travel/outdoor/adventure magazines like Outside Online, etc but I doubt they’d want more than 2 per year or something, and I don’t know how much magazine articles sell for. Plus I don’t know if they’d want something from an 18 year old kid with no college degree…..if I sent them samples would they even consider it? What’s the pay like? I could also hope to sell books, but that would be way down the line because I haven’t had any experiences to write about yet. Are there any other options for money-making that people see? Any comments on the ones listed above? How much could I expect to make playing music on a street corner in a big city in a night? This is not to mention the original investment of $35,000 that I need to come up with. I could probably get it cheaper if I bought a used truck, but then I’ll eventually have to buy another one, so it works out the same anyway, since no truck will probably stand up to constant driving for 15 years without significant breakdowns (which I included in the 7,000 per year cost of living). The $7,000 includes food, gas (which I’ll be using a lot), occasional accommodations possibly, repairs, new gear, etc.

2. My Education. Assuming I ever feel a need to settle down, or find a place I want to settle down in, I wouldn’t want to work as a manual laborer the rest of my life. I would want to do one of the following things: 1. an adventure/outdoor photographer 2. a cross country coach (ideally college, but also highschool, as a history/civics teacher to high school students) 3. college professor of poli. Sci (my current intended major) 4. Work on staff of politician 5. Outdoor Guide (mountains, rivers, etc). Get paid to help rich people conquer mountains and wild rivers. Obviously I will need a degree for most of these things. But I don’t want to wait another 4 years to get started on this adventure (although I originally thought I could wait that long)….plus if I take option #3, it would be more like 7-8 years and a lot of money in college education seemingly “wasted” if I’m not going to use it for a long time. Are there any schools that offer totally online degree programs for poli. Sci.?? Preferably reputable ones. I know my school offers some courses, but not all that are needed for graduation. Also, are there any that offer master’s and doctoral degrees in poli. Sci via distance learning, independent study or online courses? Because then I could get an education and be out on the road at the same time. That would be ideal, although quite expensive. My other option for money would be to coach college cross country/track, but only coach fall and winter season (maybe give workout plans and communicate via email with an assistant coach during spring), so that would leave me 6 months a year to travel. That would be acceptable, considering I’d actually have money to work with. Or I could find another job that is workable from the road…..any ideas?

Oh, one last question, any ideas for stuff to do……i.e. if any of you are into the outdoors, give me some more ideas/dreams to pursue. I’ve got plenty myself (a list too long to put on this site), but I’m always looking for more interesting stuff, especially since I’m limited in my knowledge of certain geographical areas, particularly foreign countries. They don’t have to be famous things like climb Mt. Everest or climb El Capitan, since those won’t ever happen, but obscure things are cool too. No tourist spots though. Anyways, any help with the practical questions stated above would be extremely helpful, as well as any less-pragmatic, more philosophical thoughts on the trip/life as a whole. Thanks

P.S. This is similar in some aspects to desertclimber's topic, but it's somewhat different....I got some good ideas from that thread though.


Jul 31, 2003, 7:44 AM
Post #2 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Oct 2, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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So is this the part where I get to tell you how to live your life ?!?!

Cuz that's pretty much what you're asking here.

First off, if you want to "live on the road on an extended roadtrip" and get an education and have money, it's just not going to happen. The term dirtbag climber didn't originate from the lucrative and education lifestyle that the endless roadtrip lifestyle provides.

Now... I dunno how much your parents are helping you out right now, but my advice is to take as much help as you can get while you get an education and take as many climbing roadtrips as you can with what you make from having a job on the side. Climbing shop jobs are teh bomb because of the prodeal aspects. Go for the education and you shoudl end up smart enough to make the right choices for you when you get there.

Hey... I can't wait to see the answers you get.

Short of whoring myself out, I haven't found how to do it yet either.


Jul 31, 2003, 8:22 AM
Post #3 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2003
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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I'm a Poli Sci/History double major at Santa Clara U. in CA (maybe philosophy minor). GO TO COLLEGE! IF you want to write... your writing skills will improve just by taking freshman English. If you want to write about political philosophy... just reading Locke, Hobbes, Machiavelli, and Rousseau isn't gonna cut it. You need to develop the critical thinking/critical reading skills to take this stuff apart and formulate your own theories about it. When I was a senior in H.S. I was a cocky "know-it-all" (not that it's changed that much, but at least I'm a little better). When I took my first Poli Sci class, I figured out that I didn't know sh!t. Anyway, I don't know if you're asking whether to go to school or not, but I hope I helped. Go to school, get the degree, pay off the loans, then go AWOL. At least that way you'll have the option of being able to live a "normal life" if you change your mind. And you very well might do just that. You may meet a girl who you're crazy about, but who doesn't want to live in a trailer and you have to compromise... who knows? Just so we're on the same level... I live about an hour away from Lake Tahoe. During high school I XC skiied and ran competitively(4:20 1600m, 1:55 800m, see I am a cocky sh!t :wink: ) and I worked as a snowboard instructor at Boreal (a small resort near Truckee). I can't even remember how many times this past winter when I'd check the whether report and it was dumping and I wanted to drop out of school and move to Tahoe or Colorado or wherever. And people do... But I'm "suffering" through it to give myself options. (I say "suffering" b/c in the winter I'm four hours from the hill :? ) Anyway, that's advice from a guy who's gone through what you're going through (and still continues to go through it). Besides... Utah is a great place for outdoor sports... world-class snow, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountain biking, canyoneering, etc. So, there you go...


P.S.- Feel free to PM me for free advice :wink: .


Jul 31, 2003, 8:32 AM
Post #4 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Apr 16, 2003
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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I would say take 3-6 months on the road and see where it takes you.


Jul 31, 2003, 8:38 AM
Post #5 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Wow, I just read the entire post to the bottom... I used to want to teach H.S. history and coach XC and track, but then I got burnt out on XC and just kinda changed my mind. Running 65 miles a week as a freshman in college while the seniors were running 90+ made me not want to do it anymore... plus the time commitment was huge (and SCU doesn't have a track team, those bastards!) Running coaches hardly make any money, by the way, even at the college level... unless you're coaching at Stanford (bastards). So yeah... go to school, meet people, meet girls, meet kindred spirits. I had those same thoughts about writing and photography too. Thoughts such as: "Wouldn't it be great to be a National Geographic Photographer? Or write for Outside?" Jon Krakauer anyone? Galen Rowell (God rest his soul)? Then I realized the odds against becoming a photographer for NatGeo. I'm gonna get a bunch of flack for saying all this sh!t... but whatever :wink: . You also seem like a pretty intellectual guy... even if you end up being a river guide/ski instructor/whatever and you don't "use" your education, knowledge is power. Just go to school for the sake of learning. I found my classes this year so much more interesting than high school classes. I had an honors Environmental Ethics class that was fantastic. All three of my Poli Sci classes were wonderful: Intro to Comparative Politics (emphasis on China, India, and Japan), Intro to International Relations, and Minorities in U.S. Politics (upper division is a bitch). There is no substitute for a REAL professor who is passionate about the material, passionate about teaching, and interested in the students. Even if you could find an online school that offers a Poli Sci degree (which I HIGHLY doubt), you'd be missing out on a lot of stuff... not to mention that you probably wouldn't learn as much and it for sure wouldn't be as interesting.


P.S.- Again, feel free to PM me. I know EXACTLY what you're going through. Or email me at


Jul 31, 2003, 8:45 AM
Post #6 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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If you're looking for a "reputable" school to get either an undergraduate or graduate from in Poli Sci... you absolutely will not find it online. By "reputable" I'm assuming you want a degree that means something and/or you want to have good profs. Man, this topic just keeps me going because I can relate to it so much.



Jul 31, 2003, 8:51 AM
Post #7 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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By the way, just out of curiosity... what school are you going to? Assuming you attend school in the Fall of course.



Jul 31, 2003, 2:21 PM
Post #8 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Sounds interesting, and I've entertained ideas like this many times. Mine usually involve world travel and writing as the cornerstone, but the desire is nonetheless very similar.

There were two sticking points that convinced me that the plan wouldn't work out as smoothly as envisioned:

1. Health coverage (sure, NZ, Norway, etc, would be fine---but what about in countries with private healthcare, like the US?)

2. Getting a PT/FT job without a permanent address/work permit. Sure, there are under-the-table gigs, but they usually pay WAY less and you are an expendable employee, and basically a dangerous liability to the employer.

If you have these two covered, I say go for it. Make sure you try the 3-6 month trip first, as mentioned, to see if dirtbagging it is the life you really want. :D


Jul 31, 2003, 2:43 PM
Post #9 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Nov 23, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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You'll never make enough cash busing tables (or writing freelance or being a street musician) to do this. But if you learn a trade, you can find lucrative work for short periods of time. Carpentry is a popular trade for the outdoor bum - you can sign on with a crew for a few weeks or months and get paid cash, $20 an hour after a few years experience. Then go get an edumication when you're tired of manual labor.

Guiding doesn't pay much. You can make $100 a day on the river, but not easily in your first season. Same with mt jobs like Outward Bound and NOLS. Guiding with private clients will pay about $100+ a day in your first season, but you need more experience than an 18 year old could have to do that. In the winter, the best job will be as a ski patroller - not an instructor or lifty or bartender. Doesn't pay much, but you'll ski a lot and gain invaluable experience that will help with summer jobs.

Or just go to school in a good place like Utah and hit the road in between semesters. Just watch out for student loans. Debt will hold you back from roadtripping after college.

I'd say commit to taking a year off. Move to a good mt town where you
can bang nails during the day and play after work. Save up, go on a few weeks roadtrip, come back and work with a different crew, etc. After that year is up, reassess.


Jul 31, 2003, 3:32 PM
Post #10 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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You want to do the endless roadtrip and be able to go where you want. My thoughts on this if I could do it over.

1. Go ahead and go to college in SLC. Plenty to do around there for 4 years plus. You shouldn't get bored.

2. You're young. Believe or not there is plenty of time to wait to do this.

3. Choose a field that allows you to travel. Teaching is good but you are restricted to the school year and when the breaks are. Working for Politicians is probably not the way to go. Are you technical minded at all? If an engineering degree can give you a lot of freedom. It's a bitch to learn but once you do the principals don't change much if at all. Engineers can find work just about anywhere in the world if you choose the right field within engineering. Lot's of contract work, big bucks and free time can be had. I have a pal who works less than 6 months a year working on this principal.
The medical field is also another excellent choice and maybe better. Become a nurse, X-ray tech, physical therapist, something in demand. Some fields you could get certified in within a couple of years, others may take around 6 years. Once again they can be a bit of a bitch to learn, but the principals don't change much once you know them. The beauty of these professions is that you can choose to live just about anywhere and find a job. In the case of being a nurse you can find places that will pratically sponsor you for the time you are there. Free housing etc, as long as you are willing to sign a contract stating you will be there for x & x amount of time. You can truly find work worldwide in these areas.

4. I already stated this but you're young. You can find work that will support your habit nicely. Look into what is demand that allows you to be geographically free. Take the time to learn them, then enjoy a lifetime of adventuring how you want to. There a professions out there that do allow this with a fairly nice standard of living. Dirtbagging it is a blast but what happens when all your shit starts wearing out and all you are doing is bussing tables, washing dishes, or pounding nails? It becomes really hard to support your habit and you could find yourself stuck.

5. If you fail at any career you choose, find out you have no aptitude for it, and realize you are just going to be a worthless bum from year to year. You can always start dirtbagging it then. What does it matter if you are 21, 24, or older when you come to this decision? At least you know you tried and where to go with your life.

Good luck and I hope this helps.


Jul 31, 2003, 4:01 PM
Post #11 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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You have touched way to many topics here to just sum everything up and tell you straight out what you aught to do.
Some people believe you should head off to college and get and education.. this is very true.
Yet I have observed many and have seen many dreams come and go along the way. You are 18 (I assume) or close to it.
There are a few things to consider. First and foremost you need to understand that there are times in your life that are going to bring along MAJOR changes. The dreams you have now will not be the dreams you have at age 25, 35, 45, or 65. some will develop more into reality some will dissipate into foolish ideas.
Another is that you need to realize that, aside from money and education.. the only real asset you have right now is TIME. and thus I give you my philosophical advice…..
Take the time NOW to explore the world and yourself. The idea that we spend our entire lives working so we can be old and retired when our bodies can no longer climb mountains and surf oceans is ass-backwards in my opinion.
When you get older your body doesn’t have the energy and strength as when you were 20. yet your mind is keen and you are wiser from the life you have traveled. So, wouldn’t it be more logical to play hard now, travel the world, climb the mountains, and live on limits while you are young. then work an 8-5 job and take classes and settle down as you get older?
It is just a dream… yet when I sit at this computer all day … watching the hours slip into days wishing I had gone to Prague or climbed in Italy, or sailed to Easter Island, I often wonder if I should have tired to do it differently.
Being 18 you have the chance to question that.
Good luck.


Jul 31, 2003, 5:19 PM
Post #12 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Jun 19, 2003
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Hey, I am right there with you bro. I am almost 20 yrs. old and am at the prime of my life, or so I hear from everyone older than me.
I too have been bitten many times by the "get out and see the world you've been blessed with" bug/thing/disease. There is not much more that I would want to do than learn to sail, and apply it, climb El Cap, live in New Zealand for at least a year, live in Austrailia for at least a year, travel across the ocean on a freighter where the trip is at least a month, learn to spearfish, learn to scubadive, live in Yosemite Valley like the old Masters of climbing, see the world and all it's treasures. To do this takes so much more than I am able to give right now.
I am not talking about money. I'm talking about commitment. How do you know what you will and will not want in 5, 10, 15 years from now? Why give up a quality education, in an area reknowned for it's outdoor adventure opportunities, to pursure elusive satisfaction on an adventure that requires so much commitment?
Ask yourself why you want to do this. What are the reasons for it? What are you looking for? Cause I think that the reasons you come up with, better be worth closing a lot of doors.
I say this:
stay in school and get an education. At least keep your options open buddy.
Yes, watch out for student loans, it's never good to be in debt to anyone.
You get breaks during the school year that are long enough to go on some soul searching without closing doors. Work during the year and save the money. At your first long break go on that two month road trip and see what you think.

These thoughts of mine are obviously all biased and based from the experiences that I've had myself. My goals and what I want out of life are far different from what you want out of life I would expect. Think about it bro. PM me if you want anything else.


Jul 31, 2003, 5:23 PM
Post #13 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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I'm in the same position too, questioning university, so don't get me wrong but alot of what your saying is naive. People who dedicate their lives to writing have very difficult times getting published let alone by the big magazines so you most likely won't. Photography is probably just as hard.

And from my experience, people who refer to a broad spectrum of thought as being "philosophical' usually don't know anything about philosophy. This may sound harsh, but if you think your coming up with new ideas in philosophy and political science, enough that you could probably write a book, you haven't read enough. Your 'new' thoughts aren't worth anything unless you've read all the major thinkers in that area so you can expand on that. I found that out when my 'original' thoughts were 400 years old.

Sounds fun, i'm serious, but don't be naive about this stuff.

Still, you have my encouragement, don't get locked into a 9-5.


Jul 31, 2003, 5:38 PM
Post #14 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Lox Wrote:
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Short of whoring myself out, I haven't found how to do it yet either

... you say "whoring myself out" like it's a bad thing.


Jul 31, 2003, 6:00 PM
Post #15 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Trust me, you get out of high school and you have this whole cool life ahead of you and you're like, "What now?"

Well, I never had a choice, it was college. And you know, college is the best. You won't realize it until you're out, but it is the best time of your life if you let it be: you have a lot of free time, your classes are way better than going to work, you have a ton of people your age concentrated in one area, etc, etc.

When I was in college, I was climbing a lot more than I am now, even when I was road tripping and working part time. Easy to connect with people, etc.

Then, and I don't know why everyone on this site wants to do its: go do your trip afterwards. Take a year off from real life-work and do what feels right. You'll figure out if your living out of your van and trailer works. I tried it, it didn't work for me. The end.


Jul 31, 2003, 6:21 PM
Post #16 of 40 (3201 views)

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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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First and foremost, get it out of your head that you will still think the same after your first day in college. Priorities will change. You might throw politics to the wind. Unlike a lot of my friends, I've kept the same major for two whole semesters. Probably will keep it through grad school. College is an excellent time to simply explore, figure out what you want and follow that. I once thought like you (usually after good road trips). Who needs this school stuff anyway, right? But the more I work (I'm a research assistant to an Astronomer), the more I like what I do.

I'm not trying to dissuade you from the road tripping lifestyle. I'm trying to tell you that this is a huge choice and being without a home (off the grid, as it were) has a lot of negative aspects. You will be disconnected from family and friends. No doubt about that. If you don't have any permanent travelling companions, lonliness will keep you company. You won't be up to date on current events, and if the draft gets reinstated, well that could be rather awkward couldn't it? You will have no mailbox, you won't be able to have a credit card, and getting more than a construction job could be difficult (outdoor type stores tend to be more understanding than JC Penny).

Roadtripping is not as cheap as it seems. I can live for a month on 40 dollars if I don't have to worry about gas. With gas I can't live a week for that cheap. Wherever you go, you will only skim the surface of what's to be found there. I've made it a point in my life to discover the hidden areas near where I live. That takes time though, time you likely won't have.

You're looking to pull a Chris McCandless (hopefully without dieing in some misbegotten bus in Alaska, but that's a side issue) which may seem reasonable now, but it will piss a lot of people off, first your family, and maybe the locals too.

Even if your soul is screaming for that freedom, try other things first. Go to college, meet people, learn to mountain bike, and if you're still deadset on the vagabond lifestyle, then go. But don't cut yourself off from the world because you have some Quioxtic conquest complex.


Jul 31, 2003, 6:33 PM
Post #17 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Petsfed.... well said.


Jul 31, 2003, 7:30 PM
Post #18 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2003
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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what he said..

[imc src='']


Jul 31, 2003, 7:48 PM
Post #19 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Jun 9, 2003
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Do what you want to do. Stand by your decisions even if you would make a different one if you had a chance (but remember that). Be nice to people. Say thank you. Chew with your mouth closed (this is REALLY important). Experiment. Don't be afraid to do new things / people / substances :) Find some one to love and cherish them.

The worst thing I could think of in life is to regret not following a dream.

Maybe you could get a degree in English / writing and could get paid to write about your life.



Jul 31, 2003, 8:02 PM
Post #20 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Jun 9, 2003
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Even if your soul is screaming for that freedom, try other things first. Go to college, meet people, learn to mountain bike, and if you're still deadset on the vagabond lifestyle, then go. But don't cut yourself off from the world because you have some Quioxtic conquest complex.

I really like your post but... What feels like a long time ago now, I had just finished my first year of University and knew that I had to go on destination / returning date unknown trip. I learned more about myself and the human condition in that year hitching around southern Africa than any year in University. I also learned that I would not spend the rest of my life traveling. But some of the people I know would not be happy / complete with out continuous traveling (fair enough that I think many of them are borderline this or that).

If you are set on doing something there is no reason not to. Parents and friends will "get over it" and if they don't it is their error. Just don't continue doing something if you are no longer enjoying it.

The most pure and insightful moments in life did not come from my research in grad school..



Jul 31, 2003, 8:14 PM
Post #21 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Mar 18, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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I am going to pretend I actually read the entire post, and say this:

If you want to do it, do it now, before you think better of it.

If you go to college, you will regret not doing it.

If you do it, you will regret not going to college.

What you want will change a lot over the next five-ten years. Do what will make you happy, but try not to close any doors.


Jul 31, 2003, 8:15 PM
Post #22 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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Apologies for some confusion from my advice. My recommendation is not to throw this idea out the window. My advice rather is that if you spend life on the road for the next 2-20 years you could cut yourself off from oppourtunities that may never arise again. You can always get in the car and keep driving until you run out of road or gas. You can't always meet people you might in college, or various other domestic activites. The other key is that most people under 20 (myself included) simply lack the ability to be truly self-sufficient. Those that can would not contemplate what you are suggesting because they've been living it for too long. There is a difference between being thrifty and self-sufficient (as I learned when my employer accidentally forgot to hire me for the month of june on). Keep that in mind. And I stand by my advice. See the world with a safety net first. Its not like you're trapped in the dorms or the class rooms when you go off to college. And hey, you might even warm up to the idea of settling down and having kids, as saddening as that may be.


Jul 31, 2003, 8:36 PM
Post #23 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Dec 11, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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beyond cliche, but really, go where your heart wants to take you....youll meet a increasingly large amount of cool people along the way if you just wear your heart on your sleeve and really believe in what you believe...go to public libraries to become as knowledgable as you wish to be, because what are titles anyways, as long as your comfortable with you self its all good. Just go for it. Im thinking of doing the same and with a pure mind and heart, and good intentions you can do all of what you want to do all over the world on a single dollar for the rest of your life. It just depends on what your willing to sacrafice. If your truly enjoying life and doing what you do with good reason then whats stopping you. Our world has become far too complicated and people are becoming too afraid of going out and seizing the moment. FUCK everyone who disagrees. i gaurantee youll find plenty of people along the way more than willing to help out our join you for a while on you journey, because isnt that what life is really all about. Too many people talk but cant back it up. JUST GO! I have some of the same aspirations and will be on an undetermined trip as far as where, how long but if you email me at i should be able to get in touch with you along the way....tying up loose ends but will be on my way come summer. ENJOY IT and PEACE OUT. :D


Jul 31, 2003, 8:48 PM
Post #24 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: Oct 15, 2002
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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You've received some great advice so far! You're already slated to go out to Utah for college - stick with that plan. I had a great time in college and now have my 4-year degree that no one can take away. Once you get to college think of all the people you'll meet, interesting classes, trips, organizations, the list really goes on and on.


Jul 31, 2003, 8:53 PM
Post #25 of 40 (3201 views)

Registered: May 6, 2000
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Re: My Dream: Advice--Practical or Philosophical--Appreciate [In reply to]
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I would consider petsfed advice. You can go now and possibly miss some important opportunities. A few years is not going to waste your youth and could very well pay off with a lifetime of climbing, river rafting, and adventuring in general. I think someone mentioned staying away from student loans, credit cards etc. Do, there is no better way to tie yourself down than to get into debt. Otherwise, learn something useful stay true to the plan and in a few years you might find yourself doing the lifetime roadtrip in style.

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