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Basic French Climbing Vocabulary?
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Nov 11, 2003, 8:09 PM
Post #1 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: May 29, 2002
Posts: 2741

Basic French Climbing Vocabulary?
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All I know of is 'alpinism and to yell allez! when someone's working a problem, but I'm hoping to have need of much more very soon.

How would I refer to a boulder? the action of bouldering? a route? a rope? sport vs trad? that kind of thing would be very helpful.



Nov 11, 2003, 8:29 PM
Post #2 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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send me your list and I'll be glad to answer you.

allez (from aller, verb) : to encourage anyone in action. Allez Les Bleus is what we yell to support the french sportsmen/sportswomen.

the action of bouldering : faire du bloc (to do some boulder...)

a route : une voie

a rope : une corde

sport : escalade sportive

trad : escalade sur coinceurs ; escalade traditionnelle is sometimes used to refer to what you say in the US. We can also use escalade en terrain d'aventures, which means the route is not well equiped, so you need extra-device.

that kind of thing would be very helpful : ce genre de chose serait très utile...


Nov 11, 2003, 8:31 PM
Post #3 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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the site mentionned above seems good to me!


Nov 11, 2003, 8:35 PM
Post #4 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Feb 28, 2003
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Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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Partner philbox

Nov 11, 2003, 9:07 PM
Post #5 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2002
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Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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From the Pepe Le Pew french dictionary of climbing terms.

Le rope = climbing rope

Le harness = climbing harness

Le carabiner = carabiner

Le sloth = Dr. Pitons Pete aid climbing

Le rowwww wowww = what males frequently say when confronted by pictures of female climbers in the photo gallery

Le pant Le pew = what a sport climber feels when asked to walk more than 20 yards from any vehicle to a cliff for a climb

Le b......... &%^$#*@@( = the sort of language that should be used when the frenchies climb over you in their haste to make it to the top (note, this is frequently accompanied with moves towards ones rope cutting knife).


Nov 11, 2003, 9:37 PM
Post #6 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 23

Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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— A —
a lot - beaucoup, très
abseil - rappel
acute mountain sickness - mal des montagnes
after - après
aid (one move) - point d'aide
aid climbing - artif
aiders - étriers
aiguille - gendarme, aiguille
Alps - Alpes
altimeter - altimètre
altitude - quota altitude
AMS - mal des montagnes
anchor - point
approach - approche
area - secteur
arete - crête
ascender - jumar
attach (to) - attacher, vacher, nouer
avalanche - avalanche, coulée
average (rock) - moyen
— B —
backpack - sac a dos
bad - dégueu, sale
bad trail - mauvais chemin
bail (to) - adandonner
balaclava - cagoule
base camp - camp de base
base wall - socle
bear - ours
beer - bière
belay - relais
belayer - assureur
belaying device - plaquette
beta - description
biner - mousqueton
bivy - bivouac
bolt - spit, goujon
bolted - équipé
bomber - béton
bottom - bas
boulder - bloc
bouldering - faire du bloc
bowline - chaise (noeud de)
bowline knot - noeud de chaise
broken - cassé
buttress - éperon, pilier
— C —
camp - camp
camping - camping
cams - friend
carabiner - mousqueton
carriage road - carrossable
cave - grotte
cerebral edema - oedème cérébral
chain - cordillère, chaîne
chain (of mountain) - massif
chalk - magnésie
chimney - cheminée
clean (to) - nettoyer
cliff - falaise, barre rocheuse
climb (to) - ascendere escalader, grimper, monter
climber - grimpeur
climber (female) - grimpeuse
climbing - grimpe
climbing shoes - chaussons
climbing wall - école d'escalade
clip (to) - attacher, vacher
clove hitch - cabestan
cold - froid
compass - boussole
cord - cordelette
crack - fissure
crampons - crampons
crank (to) - gniaquer
crashpad -matelas
crest - arête
crevasse - crevasse
crimp -tachetta gratton
crimper - gratton
crux - crux, pas dur
curve - lacet
— D —
danger - danger
dead-end - cul de sac
descender - descendeur
descent - descente
dihedral - dièdre
dirty - dégueu, sale
diversified - varié(e)
double rope - corde de rappel
downclimb (to) - désescalader
drill - perceuse
dry - sec
dyno - jeté
— E —
east - est
easy cliff - école d'escalade, mur
edge - réglette
elevation gain - dénivelé
emergency blanket - couverture de survie
escape - sortie
escape move - pas de sortie
etrier - étriers
exit u- sortie
exposed - aérien, gazeux
extreme - extrême
— F —
fall (to) - tomber
fall factor - facteur de chute
"falling!" - "vol!"
field - pré, pâturage
fifi hook - fifi
figure eight - huit
figure eight knot - noeud en huit
finger - doigt
fingerlock - verrou de doigt
fisherman's knot - noeud de pêcheur, pêcheur (noeud de)
flake - écaille
flamed (to be) - bouteilles (avoir les)
flat - plat (à)
follow (to) - en second, suivre
foot - pied
forbidden - interdit
forecast (weather) - prévisions (du temps)
forest - forêt
free aid - artif sans piton
free climbing - en libre
free-solo - solo intégral, décordé
french free - perfectly acceptable!!!
friction climbing - adhérence
frostbite - gelure
frozen - gelé
— G —
gear - équipement, matos
gendarme - gendarme
glacier - glacier
gloves - gants
gneiss - gneiss
good trail - bon sentier
granite - granit
grassy slope - pente herbeuse
guide - guide
guidebook - topo
gully - couloir
— H —
hand - main
harness - harnais, baudrier
helmet - casque
"help!" - "au secours!, a l'aide!"
hidden - caché
high - élevé, haut
higher - supérieur
"higher!" -"plus haut!"
hike - randonnée
HMS - demi-cabestan
hold - prise
hole - goutte d'eau
hook - crochet (à gouttes d'eau)
hot - chaud
— I —
ice - glace
ice tool - piolet
interest - intérêt
"it's snowing!" - "il neige!"
itinerary - parcours, itinéraire
— J —
jamming (hand jam/foot jam) - coincement (de mains/pieds)
jump - jeté
— K —
kind of climbing - type d'escalade
knot - noeud
— L —
lake - lac
landslide - éboulement
layback - dülfer
lead (to) - passer en tête
ledge- vire
left - gauche
length - longueur, dénivelé
level - difficulté
limestone calcare calcaire
list - liste
lock biner - mousqueton à vis
loop - scellement, sangle
lower - inférieur
lower (to) - descendre, désescalader
"lower me!" - "mouline moi!"
"lower!" - "plus bas!"
lunge - jeté
— M —
main - principal
mantle - pied-main, rétablissement
map - carte
mixed - mixte
mountain - montagne
move - pas, passage
munter hitch - demi-cabestan
— N —
nail (to) - pitoner
needle - gendarme, aiguille
nice - beau
n00b - débutant
north - nord
north side - nord ubac
notch - brèche, réglette
nut - coinceur
— O —
"off belay!" - "relais vaché!"
"off rappel!" - "libre!"
offwidth - offwidth
"on belay!" - "quand tu veux!"
on sight - à vue
orientation - situation, orientation
overhand knot - queue de vache
overhang - surplomb
— P —
park (to) - garer
parking - parking
partner - compagnon de cordée
pass - col
pendulum - pendule
pillar - pilier
pinnacle - aiguille, gendarme
pitch - longueur
piton - piton
protection - équipement
protruding - saillant
pulmonary edema - oedème pulmonaire
— Q —
quickdraw - dégaine
— R —
rack - matos
ramp - rampe
range (mountain) - chaîne
rap - ligne de rappel
rappel - rappel
rating - cotation
reef knot - noeud plat
rescue - secours
reserved - réservé
resin - pof
ridge - crête
right - droite
rock - pierre, rocher, caillou
"rock!" - "caillou!"
rockfall - chute de pierres
roof - toit
rope - corde
"rope!" - "corde!"
rounded hold - bossette
route - parcours, voie, itinéraire
runner - sangle, scellement
runout - lunga engagé
— S —
saddle - col
"safe!" - "relais vaché!"
SAR - Secours en montagne
schist - schiste
screamer - dégaine-explose
seal skin - peau de phoque
Search and rescue - Secours en montagne
second - second
shaded - ombragé
shelter - abri
short pitch - couenne
side - versant
sign - pancarte
situation - situation
sketch - croquis
ski-crampons - couteaux (de ski)
skyhook - crochet (à gouttes d'eau)
slab - dalle
"slack!" - "du mou!"
sleeping bag - sac de couchage
sling - sangle
slot - laminoir
smearing - adhérence
snow - neige
solo - solo
south - sud
south side - adret
sport climbing - sportive (l'escalade)
spot (to) - parer
"spot me!" - "pare moi!"
spring - printemps
spur - éperon
squeeze chimney - laminoir
steep - raide
stem - grand écart, opposition
stopper - stopper,nut coinceur
straight - tout droit
summer - été
summit - sommet
sunny - ensoleillé
superior - supérieur
— T —
"take!" - "avale!"
"tension!" - "avale!"
terrace - terrasse
tie (to) - attacher, nouer, vacher
time - temps
top-rope - moulinette
towards - en direction de
tower - tour
track - sente
tracks - traces
trad climbing - traditionelle (l'escalade)
trail - sentier, chemin
traverse - trversée
traverse (to) - traverser
trek- randonnée
— U —
under - sous
undercling - inversée
untie (to) - défaire, dénouer
"up rope!" - "avale!"
— V —
very - très, beaucoup
very good - excellent
— W —
"watch me!" - "sec!, fait gaffe!"
waterfall - cascade
way - parcours, itinéraire
weather - temps
webbing- sangle
west - ouest
wet - mouillé, humide
wild - sauvage
wind - vent
winter - hiver
winter ascent - hivernale


Nov 11, 2003, 10:31 PM
Post #7 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2003
Posts: 2215

Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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A bit excessive griffith but ok, that works

PS. The problem with french is not what to say but how you pronounce it!!! What are all the letters used for if they are not pronounced!!!


Nov 12, 2003, 1:03 AM
Post #8 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
Posts: 1820

Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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mistake - bivouac


Nov 12, 2003, 4:00 AM
Post #9 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Feb 17, 2003
Posts: 185

Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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comment allez-vous ?


Nov 12, 2003, 2:51 PM
Post #10 of 10 (650 views)

Registered: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 9120

Re: Basic French Climbing Vocabulary? [In reply to]
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I had trouble trying to find the swimming pool during a rest day in Chamonix. I asked a local, and after I drew a picture, he said, "Ah, qui, la piscine!" Which was pronounced "piss-in", but when I tried to do that, they threw me out...

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