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Help should I feel as bad as I do?
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Jan 10, 2004, 5:36 PM
Post #51 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2003
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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Thun wrote:
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bottom line is this: kids are virtually indestructable.
Wrong. Kids die every day. He could have killed this kid, had his feet hit the child in the head or neck, even in the chest.
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kids are stupid.
Right. It still would not have been greenelfshoes fault. 8) whats worst here is that the parents are stupid. Adults do know better (at least are supposed to). And gym owners need to have rules (and I hate rules) cause they for sure know better. When one of the rugrats gets maimed or killed the owner will get sued. 8)

Partner wideguy

Jan 10, 2004, 9:52 PM
Post #52 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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I agree with everyone that says don't beat yourself up. Parents should have been watching the kid. I understand you feelings of guilt and I'm sure they are unavoidable but it truly was not your fault.

Try not to sweat it.


Jan 21, 2004, 11:49 PM
Post #53 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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should have told the mom to put the lil dick on a lead, this isnt a f---ing playpen its a climbing gym where people train AND FALL ITS NOT YOUR GYM THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS HERE U CANT EXPECT US TO MAKE IT CHILD FRIENDLY if you cant get ur kids to behave then piss off


exactly. maybe a little harsh but definitely getting the right point across. dumbass parents who think everything that happens to their kids (including stupidity and a$$holeishness along with just general injuries), is someone and everyone elses fault as they let them run rampant and unwatched in a very dangerous place. (ie. a climbing gym :lol: ) and dont hate kids....its usually not their fault. theyre not all bad, like me for example lol, i also try very hard not to despise the small children that always seem to be fooling around underfoot courtesy of their jacka$$ parents.

~pz all!


Jan 22, 2004, 8:14 AM
Post #54 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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HAHAHA funny, bet the MILFs were pissed :D


May 3, 2004, 6:39 PM
Post #55 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: Jul 10, 2003
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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I wanted to revive this post because the opposite happened to me this weekend and I want to vent to those who understand (I enjoyed what people said earlier on this).....

I was standing with a large group of people and at the gym I was at, there was an indication as to where you should and should not be standing (there was a curb-like divider). I was standing beyond the divider with my back to the wall listening to someone speak and suddenly I nearly got knocked off my feet and crashed into someone else I was with, and when I turned around there is a kid flying on a rope. I asked the people that I was with if I should say something to the father belaying his brat (about 6 or 7 years old). One person already said he told the father not to put his kid on the wall (it was very overhung, and there were several flat climbs there) and another person said they were surprised that the father did not apologize.

I said a few things to the father in a slightly |3 itchy tone, saying he was putting everyone's saftey at risk, his kid was too small to do the overhang, etc. - no response from the dad. So he puts his brat right back on the climb and he nearly crashes into us again. This time I spoke sternly to him telling him to not put his brat on the climb, and the father screams at me saying there is a b-day party going on at the kids wall, but I pointed out other open non-overhangs. Then he yelled 'WELL HE IS HAVING FUN!!!!! And you were in the way!' I pointed out that I was standing out of the way, but I had to leave anyway, so I did not drag it out longer. SOME PEOPLE!!!!! At least if I had rec'd. an apology from the guy I would not have been so annoyed.


May 3, 2004, 6:46 PM
Post #56 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: Jan 7, 2004
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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i wouldn't feel bad. kids who are going to be hanging around climbing gyms really need to understand the safety-related importance of climber ettiquite: not to get in between a climber and his belayer; not to stand on the ropes; not to boulder below someone who's on a traverse, etc etc etc. :roll:


May 3, 2004, 6:50 PM
Post #57 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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if it was the fault of the kind and hes mom. she shouldnt have let the kid run around like that. like you can controll the moment when youre gonna peel.


May 3, 2004, 6:51 PM
Post #58 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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She needs to watch her kid. And it's a know rule that you do not go under a climber and the belayer. It's like running at a public pool. She should have been watching. I would feel bad for the kid, but he learned a lesson. Don't feel bad. If anything you probly reminded people to be more carefull when your just walking around these areas


May 3, 2004, 6:53 PM
Post #59 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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No, you definitly shouldn't feel bad. You should feel good. Not only did you teach that kid in an effective way to not run around at the gym, but you also learned that you could win gold in the kid shot put. :lol:

Partner sevrdhed

May 3, 2004, 6:54 PM
Post #60 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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Does this thread remind anyone else of the video of that kid at a college basketball game running across the back court at the buzzer, and getting NAILED in the head as a player desperately tries to make a final basket from half court?



May 3, 2004, 7:00 PM
Post #61 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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Does this thread remind anyone else of the video of that kid at a college basketball game running across the back court at the buzzer, and getting NAILED in the head as a player desperately tries to make a final basket from half court?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

that was a good1


May 3, 2004, 7:02 PM
Post #62 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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Gravity is something we have no control over. Unruly children ARE (if we are responsible parents that is).

Okay, so you came down from the wall. But you didn't deck and you didn't hit your belay parnter, which means you were both doing what you were supposed to. The fault lies with the kids parents.

My gym has had a problem in the past with kids running around and I've noticed some strict new rules going into place about not having unattended kids in the belay and bouldering areas.

It sounds like you handled yourself well, were gracious and apologized for something that wasn't really your fault. Stop feeling guilty. It was a good lesson for both the mother and the kid to learn (at least I hope they learned something from it).

You might mention the incident to the manager at your gym and ask that they consider doing a bit more "policing" of kids in the gym. (HINT: Mention the fact that injured kids = law suits. I've noticed climbing gyms tend to consider their liability insurance premiums as priority # 1.)


May 3, 2004, 7:18 PM
Post #63 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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I am a parent of a nine year old girl and I have to tell you that you have no reason whatsoever to feel guilty in this situation. Of course its not the greatest feeling in the world to hurt a child but the mother of that child put the child in harms way. If a parent cannot teach their child respect for others in a gym that specializes in a sport that has a potential to kill you then they need not be in the gym, period. If I were the one that accidentally hit the child I would have asked the gym manager to speak with the parent.


May 3, 2004, 8:29 PM
Post #64 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: May 24, 2003
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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I was standing with a large group of people and at the gym I was at, there was an indication as to where you should and should not be standing (there was a curb-like divider). I was standing beyond the divider with my back to the wall listening to someone speak and suddenly I nearly got knocked off my feet and crashed into someone else I was with, and when I turned around there is a kid flying on a rope. ...

I said a few things to the father in a slightly |3 itchy tone, saying he was putting everyone's saftey at risk, his kid was too small to do the overhang, etc. - no response from the dad.

okay.. so the dad should have apologized, yes. But it's also your responsibility to make sure that you are out of harm's way. If you are a regular at this gym, then you would likely know that the swing at that spot was particularly bad.
You're saying that the father was on belay, and the kid was tied in. Sounds to me like they're doing their part. There aren't any rules against walking up to a hard climb and tying in. The kid fell into a big swing, well- that's exactly what the rope is for. If the kid had been climbing up, and then jumping off just to swing, then hit you--okay, be upset. But from what you described, they werent' doing anything exceptionally dangerous. What if it was an older climber, weighing 190 pounds who fell off at the same point? you would have gotten launched.

Most even semi-experienced climbers have been around the run enough to realize that there are sometimes iffy practices at the gym. Though you were standing behind that curb, you were not out of harm's way. If you want to blame the gym architect, that might be more feasible.
Next time you go to the gym, are you going to stand in the same spot when someone is climbing that route? probably not. Even if the curb says it's "safe".

The guy should still have apologized. But after getting womped once, why did he almost hit you again? why didn't you move??


May 3, 2004, 8:53 PM
Post #65 of 76 (8479 views)


Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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Dude, it was just a dumb annoying kid, you had nothing to do with this kids stupididty


May 3, 2004, 8:57 PM
Post #66 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: Mar 2, 2004
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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I knocked the crap out of this kid

I just have to say RIGHT ON!!!! Score +20 points right there..
Besides.. someone should have been watching the little rats..


May 3, 2004, 10:03 PM
Post #67 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: Jul 10, 2003
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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okay.. so the dad should have apologized, yes. If the kid had been climbing up, and then jumping off just to swing, then hit you--okay, be upset. But from what you described, they werent' doing anything exceptionally dangerous.

The guy should still have apologized. But after getting womped once, why did he almost hit you again? why didn't you move??

1. Someone had already told the guy before (unknown to me at the time) that they were not being safe, and that warning also fell on def ears. We did get the impression the kid was enjoying the swing more then trying to climb.

2. Not a regular at this gym, it was two states away from where I live.

3. After the first time, we did move away enough so nobody would get hit, but he still did come close.

The point I was trying to make before was that this guy still chose to compromise the saftey of others (in this case anyone who would be walking by, not just the people I was with) despite a few warnings because he apparently cannot say no to his kid.


May 22, 2004, 4:03 PM
Post #68 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: Apr 5, 2004
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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Yeah, climbossession, I guess you are the one exception for not getting flamed yet after a post like that!

What did you say? You're 13, 5 feet tall, 80 pounds, and oh thats right... your balls haven't even dropped yet?!?! This was the coolest/funniest post I had read until I reached your post which reminded me why I don't like going to the gym. Punk kids trying to enforce the rules, while also reminding everyone else that they, who spend their lives at the gym, have sent every route,and you have not.

Some kids are obnoxious, arrogant snots but there are those that respectfully remind older folk that they're being idiots. same with adults.

elf, not your fault. mom's fault. i don't buy any reason for letting kids running around unsupervised. you need to bring more responsible people, put the rugrats in timeout or some sort of control, or send/take them home. heck, you're at a climbing gym, there's plenty of rope :wink: kids are stupid and need to be supervised. some more than others, some less. there's a reason they're not legally bound by anything without a legal guardian's consent.


May 24, 2004, 9:50 AM
Post #69 of 76 (8479 views)

Registered: May 23, 2004
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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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If you want a look into climbobsession's ignorance, all one needs to do is read a couple of his other posts. Some choice ones would be (complete with original spelling):

--how many people are gonn say something about ninja's???
--th last to were the best answers yet
--if i use a hangboard should i wear my gear when using it so i am used to the wieght?
--h it stinks when you get equiptment sweaty then open the bag after a while. it;s like when u open the freezer and all the mist or whatever you wanna call it comes out.
--and tyour on toprope what's the worst that will happen, a wo foot fall

and the best of all...

--one time i climbed with a small pack, one i used to use for school , i took a fall and ended up with a small stab wound from a pencil.

I know this thread is supposed to be about younguns in gyms, but my rant seemed too good to pass up.


May 24, 2004, 1:51 PM
Post #70 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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That's one of my greatest fantasies -- to be able to launch a small, screaming puke sack across a room with no regard to the reprucussions. I gotta say -- I'm jealous.



The fact that you feel bad is enough to prove that it was not a malicious act, and therefore you have nothing to feel bad about.

It is quite clear that the child was in a position that he/she should not have been (between belayer and climber) and that the responsible person was the guardian/parent. When a person takes on the responsibility of looking after a minor they also by default accept a duty of care to protect the safety of the child and are responsible for their safety by act or omission.
You had fulfilled your safety requirements by conforming to the rules of the gym (tying in appropriately and having a belayer) and therefore should feel no guilt. If on the other hand you had deliberately fallen off when you saw a child run into the trajectory of a fall (as i suspect epic_ed may be planning some time in the future *shame* lol) then it's a different story, but that's not the case, so chill.
People will always look to blame others for this type of occurence so that they can continue to feel okay about themselves and to protect their self-schemas, and that's what this mother was doing. It simply doesn't fit into her perception of herself to believe that she could possibly be responsible for injury to her child, so it's easier and safer for her to make you feel like a bum, thereby protecting her own self-image. It sucks, and it's not nice, but she probably doesn't even know why she went nuts.
F*ck her, move on with your life. It aint your fault. And as for the falling call, a kid running somewhere isn't going to even register the message and implications, there was nothing you could have done to stop her/him.
So the kid might be careful next time they are in a gym. Lesson learnt for him/her. Lesson learnt for the mother, she won't let her kid run riot in the gym anymore I can guarantee that!


May 24, 2004, 2:30 PM
Post #71 of 76 (8479 views)

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This was hilarious!!!
Why wasnt I there!!!!????!!!!

But seriously though dude not your fault at all, dont feel bad. And I hope the little bastard is OK.

But on the other hand.


Damn I wish I saw this!



May 24, 2004, 3:07 PM
Post #72 of 76 (8479 views)

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Do you feeeeeeeel like I do?



May 24, 2004, 11:39 PM
Post #73 of 76 (8479 views)

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Re: Help should I feel as bad as I do? [In reply to]
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to be honest I knocked the crap out of this kid -
I would have one gold in the child shot put

histerical =)

but i agree with most, it was not your fault, the kid was running hap hazzardly through the danger zone. :lol: :lol: :lol: oh how the times are a changin' :lol: :lol:

i once worked at a bowling center and even though there are big stickers on the ball returns to "KEEP HAND AWAY" a kid still stuck his hand in there just as a ball was coming up. all this happened while his mother was talking to some guy next to her. poor kid had a broken arm and his mother was furious.


Apr 15, 2005, 7:33 PM
Post #74 of 76 (8479 views)

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1,000 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Partner taualum23

Apr 15, 2005, 7:39 PM
Post #75 of 76 (8479 views)

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Somebody call the Cardinals out of the's a resurrection!!!

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