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Jun 9, 2004, 3:06 PM
Post #51 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2003
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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I didn't read the whole thread, so forgive me if this is redundant. I used to ba a Missy and a Missy's Boss. Had I administered said test, I would have said, "Hey, from now on, please don't skip any clips," and then passed your friend. I don't know Missy and her experience, however. If she has little experience and is expected to adminster these tests, then I imagine that here boss told her to be as strict on the rules as possible.

yeah, i'm with j_ung on this one. if the guy knew what he was doing, it is sufficient to say, 'don't skip any clips next time'.


Jun 9, 2004, 3:09 PM
Post #52 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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thomaskeefer please refrain from posting until you can properly read, quote, understand what the post was in refernece to, and put two and two together. Until then, try not to make yourself out to be such a dumba$$. Trying to spin words around, misquote, and take things out of context really makes you look like an idiot.

Partner rocdaug

Jun 9, 2004, 3:14 PM
Post #53 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Sep 18, 2003
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Outside of the USA I've never seen a gym with a belay test. The few I've visited assume you know how to climb.

Never been to to a gym that did not have a belay test. ...never been to a gym in the US either. <>

I think tests are good idea. I've seen way too many people do very dangerous things at the crags. :shock: the day will come, after enough people have died, that if a ranger sees you doing something dangerous he'll pull your gear. :twisted: :shock: All becuase some people refuse to responsibility for their own safety. :?

my 2bits


Jun 9, 2004, 3:49 PM
Post #54 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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it is with frightening regularity that I see employees at the gym running around spewing nonsense. I can very much identify with this guys frustration at dealing with an inexperienced climber, who has unlikely ever lead anything on real rock, telling this dude that his friend can't lead climb. It's gotta be aggrivating, especially if the clipping rules weren't spelled out in advance.



Jun 9, 2004, 3:58 PM
Post #55 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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No, just that after 12 years of marriage I know that handling a woman on PMS is like handling a greanade without a pin.

No offense but you girls are really touchi in that period of the month.

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My guess is she had PMS that day :)

Maybe she had. What's your excuse...? :)

so when a woman does something you don't agree with, its because she has PMS? just so you know, its a an offensive comment, and putting a smiley next to it does not change the tone.


Jun 9, 2004, 4:07 PM
Post #56 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2003
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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My guess is she had PMS that day :)

Maybe she had. What's your excuse...? :)

so when a woman does something you don't agree with, its because she has PMS? just so you know, its a an offensive comment, and putting a smiley next to it does not change the tone.

No, just that after 12 years of marriage I know that handling a woman on PMS is like handling a greanade without a pin.

No offense but you girls are really touchi in that period of the month.

I agree with crazygirl. Even if your PMS posts were an attempt at humor, I found them offensive. I find it's the old standby for guys who seem to piss off women every day of the month. But feel free to keep digging if that's your thing.

mark (who is also not a fan of the term "butt-hurt")


Jun 9, 2004, 4:07 PM
Post #57 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Feb 6, 2004
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Funny thread going on here. I must not have gotten the memo that says "if you have been climbing for more than 20 years, rules at climbing gyms need not apply to you. Plus, you have the right to pass judgement on ANYONE who is not in the 20+ club".

I have a suggestion: if your not happy with how things are run at this gym then open your own! 20 years of experience should make you an expert at how to run and operate a climbing gym. Make sure to do all the lead testing yourself, or better yet, hire Fred Becky to do it for you. I am sure that he is in a position to pass judgement on you. I am sure that you will put this other climbing gym out of business within a year.

I bet your the kind of person who crys and whines when you are pulled over for speeding: " Yeah, I know the speed limit is 65 officer, but I don't see a sign right here saying NOT to go 90. I have been driving for more than 20 years officer, what gives you the right to pull me over!" People like you are LAME, simple enough. Get off your "climbing" high horse, accept the fact that this person is a doing their job, and concentrate on something more important than your "mid life crisis" ego.

Now for the other side........

An open comment to all gym owners, managers, and employees:

Just because you are in a position of authority over your patrons regarding use of your facility, it doesn't make you any better (or worse) than the people who use it. The climbing community is tired of your "I am better than you, because I work here" attitude. You all need customer service training. Stop talking to your work buddies about how great you are, how hard you can climb, and all the other senseless chatter you do, and do something productive (hint, hint, rockreation in SLC). When you are testing someone for use of your wall, take a few moments and TALK with your patrons. You will be a more effective test giver, and might learn somethng in the process. These people PAY for memberships/ day use, and should be treated with respect. Your customer is far more important than whatever conversation you were having. Piss off enough people, and your gym will fold. No one want to climb in a place you don't feel welcome at. Consider this a fair warning, WE don't need climbing gyms, climbing gyms need US!

(Now all of you reading this, get off your computer and go climbing. Your part of the problem, not part of the solution.)

Partner happiegrrrl

Jun 9, 2004, 4:23 PM
Post #58 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2004
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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My guess is she had PMS that day :)

Maybe she had. What's your excuse...? :)

so when a woman does something you don't agree with, its because she has PMS? just so you know, its a an offensive comment, and putting a smiley next to it does not change the tone.

No, just that after 12 years of marriage I know that handling a woman on PMS is like handling a greanade without a pin.

No offense but you girls are really touchi in that period of the month.

I agree with crazygirl. Even if your PMS posts were an attempt at humor, I found them offensive. I find it's the old standby for guys who seem to piss off women every day of the month. But feel free to keep digging if that's your thing.

mark (who is also not a fan of the term "butt-hurt")

I agree with mark, crazygirl and cantbuymefriends. Hearing the PMS comment is (vaguely) funny when it's one woman saying it to another woman. It's even acceptable (though fairly self-deprecating) for a woman to make the comment when speaking with a man. It's not funny when a man says it, especially when referring to a woman.

It falls into that "I can rant about my family, but I'll punch you in the nose if you dis them" camp.

And "butt-hurt" is of the same ilk.

You're not required to modify your behavior/speech/choice of words. Do what you want. But I guess what it shows is that you are from a generation that was able to make those sort of remarks without risk of being told.....


Jun 9, 2004, 4:29 PM
Post #59 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Jan 22, 2004
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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(hint, hint, rockreation in SLC)

Interesting.... went there once and probably won't ever go back. Not so fun experiance.


Jun 9, 2004, 4:37 PM
Post #60 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2002
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Wunderbread Said: (this time the quote is perfect)"And it does take me five seconds to tell if someone is able to lead or not. It takes me roughly the same amount of time to judge if someone can free solo or not"

So again..

I think that I have now seen the craziest post ever amongst a seemingly endless set of posts..

I live in Monterey so I am close by.. perhaps we can arrange something so that I can come by and stand in the presence of the el cap king and know if I am safe to free solo.. I never really do but if I had your seal of approval and was sure I was not going to come across a loose hold in the mountains or whatever... then man would that speed things up. I think that I would also free solo all the classics around the valley and even josh with Jeans and a wifebeater or better yet no shirt and a beannie...


Jun 9, 2004, 4:49 PM
Post #61 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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What do you guys think?

I think your partner was an idiot to skip a clip on a lead test.



Jun 9, 2004, 4:59 PM
Post #62 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Mar 13, 2002
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Well atleast you got the quote correct. Now you just need to work on context and what it was in reference/response to. But go ahead and keep trying to make me into some evil villain, your weak attempts are humorous.

And quit asking me out. I live nowhere near Cali, my valley bum stage is over. But if you're that intent on stalking me I'll be spending most of the summer in the North Cascades, Squamish, and Canadian Rockies. Since you are so unsure of yourself and if you can solo or not, I'll check you off. Is that what you're asking for?

Anyways, this thread has been hashed and rehashed. It's dead, all points have been covered and everything is out there. Decide for yourself and let it die.


Jun 9, 2004, 5:06 PM
Post #63 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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My guess is she had PMS that day :)

Maybe she had. What's your excuse...? :)

so when a woman does something you don't agree with, its because she has PMS? just so you know, its a an offensive comment, and putting a smiley next to it does not change the tone.

It's offensive? Why?



Jun 9, 2004, 5:12 PM
Post #64 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Some lead testers will use the chips they carry on their shoulders to flunk old people with bad attitudes. As the world turns. Nothing you can do about it, you're in their sandbox.

If you want your revenge, take this person to do some real climbing. Hand him or her the rack and give that person a LEAD TEST. Hehe. See how well things go when the lead rack replaces the chip.



Jun 9, 2004, 5:13 PM
Post #65 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Thanks dude. I've learned two things so far. People who worked at a gym tends to protect missy just because she's a fellow worker, appreciable but not logic.

I need to develop a more profund respect for "the rules" even if they are stupid and fondamentally flawed.

Probably it has something to do with my Italian origins :)

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after talking with slablizard (at the same gym he is talking about), talking to the guy who was failed, and seeing the route in question, it is completely stupid to make someone clip that last clip. like he said, it is literally maybe 18 inches below the anchors. I climbed that route, and at the top, if you are in a position where they want you to clip (between the eyes and knees) you can just as easily, if not more easily, clip the anchors. and seeing the high quality personnel there (my sarcasm is dripping here) I can understand why he was frustrated. the guy giving me my belay test (it was my first time at said gym) told me my ATC-XP was rigged backwards (i had it in low friction mode). for crying out loud!!! i had to explain to him that it can be rigged either way, then he literally said, "wow, tht sure is a fancy ATC you have there." i proceeded to pass my belay test. And, at 7 pm on a Monday night there was nobody qualified to give me a lead test, so all i could do was TR and boulder. talk about frustration. at least I was able to TR with the guy who failed. slab, i feel your pain buddy...


Jun 9, 2004, 5:47 PM
Post #66 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Totally uncalled for. Mid life what? Get lost.

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I bet your the kind of person who crys and whines when you are pulled over for speeding: " Yeah, I know the speed limit is 65 officer, but I don't see a sign right here saying NOT to go 90. I have been driving for more than 20 years officer, what gives you the right to pull me over!" People like you are LAME, simple enough. Get off your "climbing" high horse, accept the fact that this person is a doing their job, and concentrate on something more important than your "mid life crisis" ego.


Jun 9, 2004, 5:50 PM
Post #67 of 149 (10089 views)

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It's another gym close to where I live and pretty big.

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(hint, hint, rockreation in SLC)

Interesting.... went there once and probably won't ever go back. Not so fun experiance.


Jun 9, 2004, 6:02 PM
Post #68 of 149 (10089 views)

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I need to develop a more profund respect for "the rules" even if they are stupid and fondamentally flawed.

Many people have worked to change unfair or flawed rules, policies, and laws. You are certainly free to promote change in a variety of ways. To start, you can petition the gym for clear written guidelines for testing. You can request the removal of superfluous bolts. You can request that lead certification testers meet certain standards (as I mentioned only managers give lead tests at my gym).

Or you can complain on an on-line forum. You can continue to reply to posts that only support your opinion, without engaging in any discussion with people of different opinions. I don't think you should lie down and take it if you feel wronged. By all means, work to change the gym, start your own, or boycott gyms entirely. Or your buddy can just clip the stupid bolt next time.



Jun 9, 2004, 6:11 PM
Post #69 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2003
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Totally uncalled for. Mid life what? Get lost.

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I bet your the kind of person who crys and whines when you are pulled over for speeding: " Yeah, I know the speed limit is 65 officer, but I don't see a sign right here saying NOT to go 90. I have been driving for more than 20 years officer, what gives you the right to pull me over!" People like you are LAME, simple enough. Get off your "climbing" high horse, accept the fact that this person is a doing their job, and concentrate on something more important than your "mid life crisis" ego.

Oh, so now I see, it's ok to accuse someone of acting in a certain way due to pms, but totally unacceptable to accuse someone of acting in a certain way due to midlife crisis. Excellent.

Partner holdplease2

Jun 9, 2004, 6:22 PM
Post #70 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Dec 18, 2002
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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My 2c on this, and in answer to Dingus' question...

1) Why is the PMS comment a bit offensive? Because crediting a woman's behaviour to PMS it is a way of invalidating a woman's thoughts or emotions or behaviors by implying that she was not really in control of herself due to some hormonal imbalance...see what I mean?

2) Second Question: Is the woman's name really "Missy" or is this just a (somewhat) condescending term you choose to apply to her because she is younger than you, less knowledgable than you, and female? Some folks in this post are using the word "Missy" as though it were her name, others, like Melissa, noticed that you may have been using it the other way...

Since you didn't want to post her name, as you stated earlier, I am guessing it is a derogatory term for a young, uninformed female that you crossed wires with. Not so cool, really, but probably not the end of the world. Just pointing it out because this is where the conversation is going...

3) Additionally, refering to women in general as "girls", (if we were to really go nuts on this) can also be considered offensive, especially when one is in the midst of arguing about the vailidity of their emotions/feelings/actions. But that's not such a big deal, just points to a behaviour pattern when it comes to dealing with women who pissed you off...

What this seems to point out to me is that you are from a generation where this may be acceptable more father's generation, perhaps. This is not such a bad thing, but you might want to note that saying things like this when trying to support your arguments may cause others, of a perhaps more PC generation to turn of their ears an not listen. Either this matters to you or it does not, and you will probably behave accordingly.

I don't mean to put you down, and I am not bent out of shape about it, just trying to provide a perspective on these three things since folks were asking.

Do I think she should have passed you? Eh, I dunno, either way I guess. I probably would have, but I don't work at a gym.



Jun 9, 2004, 6:36 PM
Post #71 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Mar 8, 2004
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Gosh! This really confirms my feeling that gym climbing is all so lame!

I climb in a gym for training purposes and must say that I see such routinely bad and unsafe practices that I often cringe. Lots of athletic, fit folks cranking hard gym routes without much of a clue as to safety.

And I sometimes see them outdoors. Talk about scary! Even thought they are always on bolted sport stuff they still seem to lack the basics of safety in that relatively safe part of climbing.


Jun 9, 2004, 7:07 PM
Post #72 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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That girls in general are al ot more sensible (or hysteric ) when they have PMS is a fact. That I have a mid life crisis is just your opinion.

As it is mine that she had PMS, but then she shoul complain about not you.

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Totally uncalled for. Mid life what? Get lost.

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I bet your the kind of person who crys and whines when you are pulled over for speeding: " Yeah, I know the speed limit is 65 officer, but I don't see a sign right here saying NOT to go 90. I have been driving for more than 20 years officer, what gives you the right to pull me over!" People like you are LAME, simple enough. Get off your "climbing" high horse, accept the fact that this person is a doing their job, and concentrate on something more important than your "mid life crisis" ego.

Oh, so now I see, it's ok to accuse someone of acting in a certain way due to pms, but totally unacceptable to accuse someone of acting in a certain way due to midlife crisis. Excellent.


Jun 9, 2004, 7:08 PM
Post #73 of 149 (10089 views)

Registered: Apr 20, 2004
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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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Quite a few years ago, the gym at which I climbed regularly failed Greg Child (has climbed K2, 5.13, A5 first ascents, etc.) when he came in to take a lead test. He thought this was pretty funny, as did most of us, but he manned up and took the test again. It took all of five more minutes, and nobody thought any less of him.
Now maybe it would be nice if US society were a little less litigious, and people had more freedom to make judgement calls. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and these kind of rules exist for that reason. Suck it up and take the test again!


Jun 9, 2004, 7:09 PM
Post #74 of 149 (10089 views)

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As it is mine that she had PMS, but then she shoul complain about not you.

Did you just type these words at random?



Jun 9, 2004, 7:18 PM
Post #75 of 149 (10089 views)

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Re: Clueless and giving lead tests [In reply to]
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My 2c on this, and in answer to Dingus' question...

1) Why is the PMS comment a bit offensive? Because crediting a woman's behaviour to PMS it is a way of invalidating a woman's thoughts or emotions or behaviors by implying that she was not really in control of herself due to some hormonal imbalance...see what I mean?

Ok Apologies my intention was to try to explain , in a funny way, the still unknown ( to me) world of woman thinking.

2) Second Question: Is the woman's name really "Missy" or is this just a (somewhat) condescending term you choose to apply to her because she is younger than you, less knowledgable than you, and female? Some folks in this post are using the word "Missy" as though it were her name, others, like Melissa, noticed that you may have been using it the other way...

Since you didn't want to post her name, as you stated earlier, I am guessing it is a derogatory term for a young, uninformed female that you crossed wires with. Not so cool, really, but probably not the end of the world. Just pointing it out because this is where the conversation is going...

Sorry again then...Her's name is not missyy and you're right about the age/attitude description. Fact is that being from another country (Italy) and having moved here (only) 5 years ago I still struggle to understand all the details of "political correctness" (one of the very few things I do not like of this country) that you all know from first grade.
The last of my intention is to offend here. I didn't know that Missy was offensive.

3) Additionally, refering to women in general as "girls", (if we were to really go nuts on this) can also be considered offensive, especially when one is in the midst of arguing about the vailidity of their emotions/feelings/actions. But that's not such a big deal, just points to a behaviour pattern when it comes to dealing with women who pissed you off...

What this seems to point out to me is that you are from a generation where this may be acceptable more father's generation, perhaps. This is not such a bad thing, but you might want to note that saying things like this when trying to support your arguments may cause others, of a perhaps more PC generation to turn of their ears an not listen. Either this matters to you or it does not, and you will probably behave accordingly.

Yep you're probably right, I', 38

I don't mean to put you down, and I am not bent out of shape about it, just trying to provide a perspective on these three things since folks were asking.

And I thank you for that.

Do I think she should have passed you? Eh, I dunno, either way I guess. I probably would have, but I don't work at a gym.

Thanks, but it wasn't me, it was my climbing partner.


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