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Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!!
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Jul 28, 2004, 12:30 AM
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Registered: Jul 24, 2004
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Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!!
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Lately I've been thinking I'm stronger in the winter,Fall,Spring then ever in the summer. I run my own business and get lot's of day trip times at Table MOuntain,and the supersecret crag but in the summer people are all over the place so I never can find partners for hard trad and sport. It totally sucks. Anyone want to climb this weekend Fri7/30/04-Mon 8/02/04


Jul 28, 2004, 2:01 AM
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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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I still think that this fellow is spraying. But I retract and publically apologize for my statements (which I know are quoted below if you wish to read them still). I am/was an ass and deserved fully the public reprimand I got.

My apologies,



Jul 28, 2004, 2:10 AM
Post #3 of 13 (2157 views)

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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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actually yea i want to climb... at the Red
Well if you cant find "hard trad and sport" partners then maybe you should tell some newb your going to go get on something easy and then go get on your 13b, make them jug... or not


Jul 28, 2004, 2:54 AM
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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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jes dude I think the guy was just trying to speak his mind? anyway we all get frustrated finding a good partner can be the hardest part of climbing.. sometimes finding a good newb is pretty cool you can make them into the climber you want them to be and also.. you get to pass on knowledge youve discovered on to someone who may become a great climber..

Ive had all kinds of partners.. but my favorite are the ones that dont care and just have fun climbing there not worried aboout numbers but think its cool when you show them what your made of and at the end of the day it doesnt matter how hard you climbed just that you got out and had a good time...!

thats when I climb best when it was a fun day..with fun people!


Jul 28, 2004, 4:02 AM
Post #5 of 13 (2157 views)

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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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I think we have our new test piece boys and girls!!!

Holy moly! Can you spray any more? Awww I feel so fukcin sorry for you. Poor baby can't climb in the summer. Well why don't you pull you head from between you knees, stop kissing your own butt and go climb with somebody who can't climb "hard trad"? They can still belay. But obviously nobody wants to climb with you because your head is so big they can't see the sun.

Bah, this isn't even worth my time.

Thanks for posting! Take your lame attitude and crawl back into your stanky little igloo. Have a nice day. 8^)


Jul 28, 2004, 4:16 AM
Post #6 of 13 (2157 views)

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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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Thanks for posting! Take your lame attitude and crawl back into your stanky little igloo. Have a nice day. 8^)

See public apology above.


Jul 28, 2004, 1:15 PM
Post #7 of 13 (2157 views)

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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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Dude, don't back down. This is the Internet. Honestly no one really gives a shit what you or anyone else thinks.

Partner tisar

Jul 28, 2004, 1:26 PM
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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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... no comment


Jul 28, 2004, 1:39 PM
Post #9 of 13 (2157 views)

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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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Dude, don't back down. This is the Internet. Honestly no one really gives a s--- what you or anyone else thinks.

I'm not saying I was wrong. I just went about it in the wrong way. I still think that this fellow sprayed. And this is still an S13, probably our test piece.

Partner happiegrrrl

Jul 28, 2004, 2:19 PM
Post #10 of 13 (2157 views)

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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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Yup, even I (big n00b) can see that jumpingrock is adept at his spray ratings, after seeing the "trip report" that tisar linked. True, he may have been a little harsh, but the edit job he did, along with the acknowledgement of the original post being below (which lets him completly off the hook for anyone thinking he was trying to 'hide" his words out of embarrassment), is quite nicely done.

I have a question - I didn't realize that some of the user names with numbers were referring to climb ratings, until I saw it mentioned on a thread (I told you....n00b!). So - my question is this:

Why would people use a number in their username that is beyond what their ability is (I'm thinking Nolan14 here, btw, although chris13b didn't have any climbs of that weight listed in his trip report....which seemed to be climbs he was rather proud of accomplishing....)

Of course, why would people sell themselves short, either....I would have to be "happiegrrrlnoteven57onagood day,becauseIhadtohangontherope,andhaveonlyclimbedonetypeofrock,oh-nevermind" if I was being completly honest with the numbers/username thing. I surely hope that SOMEDAY, and not in the too distant future, I would be able to have a "true" happiegrrrl57 or even happiegrrrl59 or, dare I say.......

What I'm getting at is that I think usernames with numbers put themselves at a disadvantage, now that I know what the numbers sometimes refer to.....

Oh, and the fact that chris13b already has 8 posts, yet joined only a few days ago, yet climbs at such a high level...... I always find it odd when seemingly very expereienced climbers pop onto this website so quietly and without even an "Wow - I've been climbing forever and just discovered this site" introduction post..... I think he's trolling for spray troll ratings here, guys..... abusing the new system. Can a sandbagged spray post really be a test piece?

Edited to add: Maybe (if this IS a fake) it would be akin to a gym-climbing spray grade, whereas sprays where there is valid credibilty are.....


Jul 28, 2004, 2:39 PM
Post #11 of 13 (2157 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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Good idea, happiegirl.

I'm changing my name to: kimmy53t


Jul 28, 2004, 3:34 PM
Post #12 of 13 (2157 views)

Registered: Jul 24, 2004
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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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For your information I only joined Rock Climbing .com because I was desperate for partners. I have been climbing 25 years. I onsight 5.12a sport and Trad. I have redpointed 4 5.13's most of which are in a secret area at Table Mountain,Sonora Cali. I have had my e-mail address since 1997 when
I was trying to redpoint Psycho MOnkey at Cave Rock which goes at 5.13b.
I have used that handle for 7 years with no grief, but when I finally join to find partners I started getting crap.LOOK I AM ONLY HERE TO FIND COMPETENT PARTNERS, NOT SPRAY. You wanna see how good I am climb with me in Cali. I never took the time to to post my trip reports,because I run my own business and frankly it seemed to much like work to be worthwhile.
I will climb with anyone. My last trip to Gold wall (Sonora) I set up a 5.10 for my belayer. Then lead 5.11D,5.12B,5.12A and wound down the morning with a 5.11C/D called Annihilator. When we left at 1pm the temperate was 93degrees. I have the Sierra's wired if you would like to experience them.

Partner happiegrrrl

Jul 28, 2004, 4:15 PM
Post #13 of 13 (2157 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2004
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Re: Mid-week and weekend climbers are scarce!!!!!!! [In reply to]
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Uh-oh..... I'm in trouble now! Quick, happiegrrrl - whip out that stunning witt you're building a rep as having and build a SRENE (Silly, Reality-based, Exceptionally wordy, Not Exactly true) text anchor before you get pulled into the chosspile of rebuttal....

chris13b - Welcome.......

Sorry to piss you off, there. But hey - if you just take a few steps back and look at the way your posts look from a virtual perspective...... do you see the route people might be following????

Help us all out here, to get to know you, then. I really am a very new climber, but one thing I am good at is interpersonal relations. So, I would like to assist in introducing you to the rc community (no, not THAT community). You see, your profile is very, how do you say it....lacking in personal information. People have nothing to go by, especially if you have made partner requests, and they want to have a little more idea on you before sending you a PM and getting into some discussion on a potentila partnership, only to find out....weel, that you're not a good match, for whatever reason.

By posting back and forth - even when it gets ugly! - people will get to know who you are. At least as best they can by's easy to get waaaaay off, as you have already seen!

So - you might choose to look at my snippie remark above as a service, rather than an attack. There's a silver lining to even the darkest cloud.

Certainly you now have the opportunity to respond to my post in any way you wish, but with a little research, you'll find that I usually, to use climbing lexicon, make the send.... I'm just terrible that way. I wish I could climb only a fraction as well as I wield words.....

So - want partners? Post up a picture on your profile; it's helpful if it shows you in action, so people can have an idea of how much your walk matches the talk. (Take a look at mine....and you'll see my climbing ability. Since you offered to rope up, I'm sure you'll quickly want to rescind the invitation. Surely you can find partners more capable of your climb level. But, my point is - it's accurate. No one is going to look at that photo and think I'm ready for a multipitch adventure climb....).

Give a little detail about yourself in the description. Think about it from an objective standpoint. You want partners, right? Imagine that you are purusing the site, and you notice a post from someone near you. You want to know more about them before getting a communication going, don't you???? Same goes for everyone else.

I already know what you are going to say, chris13b.... "No time - I have a business to run!" So, go and do that. Tell us all you're too busy to introduce yourself in a way that is polite. I have a business too, and I know the score, by the way. Yes, it takes time to develop a "relationship" with the RC community. But all relationships worth making take time, don't they? There's no drive-though service window when it comes to placing our people orders. (I'll have one partner, capable of....")

Finally, you sent me a PM, and I don't actually usually like to have private/public discourse on forum topics, so I'll address it on the forum.

Inbox :: Message
From: chris13b

To: happiegrrrl
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:42 am
Subject: You never set goals for youself?
I have redpoint 4 5.13's so when I came up with my e-mail I set a goal for myself for me to do 5.13b. I've been on 2. What's your goal.

Thanks for the PM. My goals are:
- to learn safe climb management skills (placing gear/building anchors/recognising what to do when and where, and why I would make those choices)
- to get outside as much as possible and climb with people who can guide me with that development
- to have FUN!!!! Climbing is so much friggin' fun!
- to develop my technique as a climber
- to be a positive addition to any climbing situations that I partake of

Anyway - hope I've helped ease the transition back from the post I made. See? The owie's not so bad after all. Your turn.

Terrie (happiegrrrl)

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