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Aug 23, 2004, 8:25 PM
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Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Swift Boat v. Air National Guard
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I could have posted this in one of the other "Bush v. Kerry" threads, but I want to make a quite different point.

Why does anyone care, to the extent we are seeing today, what either of these guys did 30 odd years ago during the Vietnam war? You can either choose to believe that both these gentlemen served their country by performing military service honorably. Or, you can believe that GWB was AWOL and Kerry was a screw-up and lied about his wounds in Vietnam. Or, you can believe that one of them is pure as the driven snow and the other is satan--where their military service is involved. The point is, in the grand scheme of things, this simply should not matter--except as a very minor footnote to either of these guys' qualifications to be President of the United States.

We have real and pressing issues that need to be addressed in this country right now. I personally do not see anything coming from either of these guys that leads me to believe they have even the slightest clue of what needs to be done. Hence, I am afraid, they both continue to distract the electorate by arguing about the past--and avoiding the present. I find this depressing. [/rant]



Aug 23, 2004, 8:27 PM
Post #2 of 94 (2643 views)

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Aug 23, 2004, 8:44 PM
Post #3 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Aug 23, 2004
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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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people want their leaders to be consistent.

liberals argue that if Bush was AWOL, where does he get the right to lead our brothers and sons into Iraq, for a war that was based on WMDs that have conveniently never been found

conservatives argue that if Kerry lied about his wounds, betrayed his comrades, and lost all credibility with his commanders, who would want him as our leader


Aug 23, 2004, 8:45 PM
Post #4 of 94 (2643 views)

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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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Curt - awesome point - and then there's more useless drivel from the press:

"Dole added: "And here's, you know, a good guy, a good friend. I respect his record. But three Purple Hearts and never bled that I know of. I mean, they're all superficial wounds. Three Purple Hearts and you're out."

"Senator Kerry carries shrapnel in his thigh as distinct from President Bush who carries two fillings in his teeth from his service in the Alabama National Guard, which seems to be his only time that he showed up," John Podesta, former chief of staff in the Clinton White House, said on ABC's "This Week." -

I'd almost understand the obsession with the past if there was nothing to talk about right now in the present - or if all of our problems were already solved - but how do we instigate the system to reconfigure itself so that we can debate and evaluate qualified candidates that will actually pursue a forward-moving agenda? Or are we true victims of a two-party system??


Aug 23, 2004, 8:46 PM
Post #5 of 94 (2643 views)

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people want their leaders to be consistent.

They aren't. Certainly not over 30 years. I imagine I'll think quite differently in 30 years.



Aug 23, 2004, 8:50 PM
Post #6 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Aug 23, 2004
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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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people want their leaders to be consistent.

They aren't. Certainly not over 30 years. I imagine I'll think quite differently in 30 years.


I never said that I wanted my leaders consistent. I personally vote Norman.


Aug 23, 2004, 8:52 PM
Post #7 of 94 (2643 views)

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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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Why does anyone care, to the extent we are seeing today, what either of these guys did 30 odd years ago during the Vietnam war? You can either choose to believe that both these gentlemen served their country by performing military service honorably. Or, you can believe that GWB was AWOL and Kerry was a screw-up and lied about his wounds in Vietnam. Or, you can believe that one of them is pure as the driven snow and the other is satan--where their military service is involved. The point is, in the grand scheme of things, this simply should not matter--except as a very minor footnote to either of these guys' qualifications to be President of the United States.

Can't disagree with that!

Although, what has been going on on an international level has to be held close to the vest and a major explanation may not be forthcoming for some very good reasons. The Bushies aren't very good at explaning themselves on the things that can be public either.

This has only become an issue as Kerry has no senate record to run on, made Vietnam the focal point of his campaign and fell down the rabbit hole of unintended consiquences.

The Swifties have their own agenda though for very personal reasons. I don't think they will slip away quietly any time soon.
We will probably be hearing this stuff all the way to November.


Aug 23, 2004, 9:00 PM
Post #8 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Curt - awesome point - and then there's more useless drivel from the press:

"Dole added: "And here's, you know, a good guy, a good friend. I respect his record. But three Purple Hearts and never bled that I know of. I mean, they're all superficial wounds. Three Purple Hearts and you're out."

"Senator Kerry carries shrapnel in his thigh as distinct from President Bush who carries two fillings in his teeth from his service in the Alabama National Guard, which seems to be his only time that he showed up," John Podesta, former chief of staff in the Clinton White House, said on ABC's "This Week." -

I'd almost understand the obsession with the past if there was nothing to talk about right now in the present - or if all of our problems were already solved - but how do we instigate the system to reconfigure itself so that we can debate and evaluate qualified candidates that will actually pursue a forward-moving agenda? Or are we true victims of a two-party system??

I'll bet Bob Dole wishes that he didn't stick his foot in his mouth like that. An unintended side effect of Viagara, perhaps.

My point is really that GWB served in the ANG, maybe he was missing for part of his term in service--maybe not. And, by the way, his unit could have been called to active duty in Vietnam, the fact it was not was just the luck of the draw. Kerry served in Vietnam, and did win some honors--either rightly or otherwise. And, people will believe as they want to see things, in this regard.

I simply think this should be largely irrelevant in the bigger picture. They both played extremely minor roles when they were in the service. It is not like either of them were MacArthur or Eisenhower. If their best example of their leadership abilities comes from their service in the military 30+ years ago--something is really wrong here.



Aug 23, 2004, 9:05 PM
Post #9 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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i bet daddy had something wth the "draw". :P


Aug 23, 2004, 9:05 PM
Post #10 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Dec 18, 2003
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If their best example of their leadership abilities comes from their service in the military 30+ years ago--something is really wrong here.


Something akin to focusing in on the "Personal" section of your resume where you'd see "Enjoys gardening, kayaking and home improvement projects" instead of your most recent employment accomplishments... :wink:


Aug 23, 2004, 9:28 PM
Post #11 of 94 (2643 views)

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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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I personally do not see anything coming from either of these guys that leads me to believe they have even the slightest clue of what needs to be done.

Hussein is gone and his two sons are dead. 3/4's of Al Queida's leadership is dead. Bin Laden is either dead or in hiding. Libya admitted to a nuclear program and volunteered to dismantle it. My taxes are lower. I could go on but I'll stop there for now.

In light of the above Curt, how can you say that Bush doesn't have a clue what needs to be done?


Aug 23, 2004, 9:46 PM
Post #12 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Jul 8, 2003
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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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i always get the feeling of fear in so many posts


Aug 23, 2004, 11:54 PM
Post #13 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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I personally do not see anything coming from either of these guys that leads me to believe they have even the slightest clue of what needs to be done.

Hussein is gone and his two sons are dead. 3/4's of Al Queida's leadership is dead. Bin Laden is either dead or in hiding. Libya admitted to a nuclear program and volunteered to dismantle it. My taxes are lower. I could go on but I'll stop there for now.

In light of the above Curt, how can you say that Bush doesn't have a clue what needs to be done?

1) Going to war with Iraq was a mistake--financially, strategically and militarily.

2) We are running $500 billion annual budget deficits.

3) Most of our strongest former allies hate us.

4) I am willing to bet Al Queda is just as strong as it ever was.

5) Libya would likely have made the same decision anyway.

I could go on but I'll stop there for now.

And, I would prefer that this thread stay on topic, if possible--that the military records of neither of these guys should really matter that much, in relation to who is elected President in November.



Aug 24, 2004, 12:18 AM
Post #14 of 94 (2643 views)

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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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1) Going to war with Iraq was a mistake--financially, strategically and militarily.

2) We are running $500 billion annual budget deficits.

3) Most of our strongest former allies hate us.

4) I am willing to bet Al Queda is just as strong as it ever was.

5) Libya would likely have made the same decision anyway.

1. Maybe financially, maybe militarily, but not strategically. We HAD to do something as we were becoming the laughingstock of the world for how Hussein was thumbing his nose at us. I guarantee you some countries who were considering jerking with us aren't any more.

2. Kind of agree here, he does like to spend, however a lot of it is 9/11 related and I give him a pass on that portion. The biggest spending gaffe is that ridiculous prescription drug entitlement...a major blunder in my opinion.

3. And who might that be? Germany and France? Like we care what they think. Like they could help out much anyway. Israel and GB are our strongest allies and still are.

4.Pure speculation on your part.

5.Pure speculation on your part.

Now, back on subject...

Their military records per se should not matter, but their credibility and attitude towards fellow soldiers should and on this Kerry falls flat on his face. If Kerry had been a total bum in the military and admitted it and didn't embellish stories, etc. it would not be a point.

Kerry himself is making his 4 1/2 months in Vietnam the central part of his campaign and therefore it is fair game for the election debate. If he hadn't made such a big deal of it I will bet the Republicans wouldn't either to the extent that they have.


Aug 24, 2004, 12:32 AM
Post #15 of 94 (2643 views)

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Now, back on subject...

Their military records per se should not matter, but their credibility and attitude towards fellow soldiers should and on this Kerry falls flat on his face. If Kerry had been a total bum in the military and admitted it and didn't embellish stories, etc. it would not be a point.

Kerry himself is making his 4 1/2 months in Vietnam the central part of his campaign and therefore it is fair game for the election debate. If he hadn't made such a big deal of it I will bet the Republicans wouldn't either to the extent that they have.

I can easily rebut each of your five rebuttals to me, but that same stuff has already appeared in enough other threads here.

With regard to these military records, surely there must be something that these guys have done in the last 30 years, from which we can ascertain their respective credibility. To go back that far and focus on their minor roles during the Vietnam era, seems crazy to me. BTW, Kerry is also shooting himself in the foot by keeping the "Swift Boat Veterans" issue in the limelight.



Aug 24, 2004, 12:37 AM
Post #16 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2002
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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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You can either choose to believe that both these gentlemen served their country by performing military service honorably. Or, you can believe that GWB was AWOL and Kerry was a screw-up and lied about his wounds in Vietnam. Or, you can believe that one of them is pure as the driven snow and the other is satan

You fail to mention the obvious choice of simply ignoring the smear merchants and observing the matters of public record. Bush made use of family influence to join the National Guard in order to avoid the Vietnam War, and had issues with even showing up. Kerry volunteered to serve, received exemplary performance reports, and was highly decorated for his service. He also returned home and became active in the movement against the Vietnam war.

I could care less about Bush's undistinguished record. There is nothing in his history that could overshadow his abysmal performance in office. Kerry's exemplary record and the moral fortitude he showed in volunteering, and in demonstrating against the war on his return uniquely qualifies him for the task of cleaning up the mess Bush has made of our foreign policy.


Aug 24, 2004, 12:41 AM
Post #17 of 94 (2643 views)

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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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You can either choose to believe that both these gentlemen served their country by performing military service honorably. Or, you can believe that GWB was AWOL and Kerry was a screw-up and lied about his wounds in Vietnam. Or, you can believe that one of them is pure as the driven snow and the other is satan

You fail to mention the obvious choice of simply ignoring the smear merchants and observing the matters of public record. Bush made use of family influence to join the National Guard in order to avoid the Vietnam War, and had issues with even showing up. Kerry volunteered to serve, received exemplary performance reports, and was highly decorated for his service. He also returned home and became active in the movement against the Vietnam war.

I could care less about Bush's undistinguished record. There is nothing in his history that could overshadow his abysmal performance in office. Kerry's exemplary record and the moral fortitude he showed in volunteering, and in demonstrating against the war on his return uniquely qualifies him for the task of cleaning up the mess Bush has made of our foreign policy.

No, I had already provided an option for those who think the way you do.



Aug 24, 2004, 12:51 AM
Post #18 of 94 (2643 views)

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Re: Swift Boat v. Air National Guard [In reply to]
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Possessing moral fortitude does not imply that one is pure, nor does the lack of it imply that one is satan. But you know that, and rather than admit the obvious you try to cast it as hyperbole. Dishonesty is always a sign of a flimsy argument.


Aug 24, 2004, 12:58 AM
Post #19 of 94 (2643 views)

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Possessing moral fortitude does not imply that one is pure, nor does the lack of it imply that one is satan. But you know that, and rather than admit the obvious you try to cast it as hyperbole. Dishonesty is always a sign of a flimsy argument.

Whether or not Kerry posessed moral fortitude is exactly what is being questioned. Surely you are not so blind that you can't see that. That Bush lacked moral fortitude in the Vietnam era is similarly questionable. That is my point. There is little signal and much noise over this particular issue--and this is all about events that should be largely irrelevant to the upcoming Presidential election.



Aug 24, 2004, 1:13 AM
Post #20 of 94 (2643 views)

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There is little signal and much noise over this particular issue

Agreed on only that point. Which is why it makes sense to ignore the blatant smear campaigns and stick to matters of public record. This is the first time I have heard someone assert that Bush displayed moral fortitude during the Vietnam War. Do you have any reason to think that?


Aug 24, 2004, 1:23 AM
Post #21 of 94 (2643 views)

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There is little signal and much noise over this particular issue

Agreed on only that point. Which is why it makes sense to ignore the blatant smear campaigns and stick to matters of public record. This is the first time I have heard someone assert that Bush displayed moral fortitude during the Vietnam War. Do you have any reason to think that?

Do you think it requires a certain degree of moral fortitude to fly fighter aircraft for your country? I agree that ignoring the "blatant smear campaigns" is a good idea. However, it seems as though you really only want to ignore half of them.



Aug 24, 2004, 1:32 AM
Post #22 of 94 (2643 views)

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Like I said, Kerry is the one that always brings his Vietnam service up, that is what he is running on. Therefore, the Republicans are obligated to to address it. Kerry is doing that as he surely can't run on his record in the Senate.


Aug 24, 2004, 2:06 AM
Post #23 of 94 (2643 views)

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Do you think it requires a certain degree of moral fortitude to fly fighter aircraft for your country?

Hell no! If we were talking about combat duty that would be one thing. But do you really think that receiving free training to fly jets, in order to avoid combat duty in Vietnam really qualifies as moral fortitude? It doesn't take a smear campaign to recognize that receiving this posting was not some kind of hardship.

Bush's service, or lack thereof is a matter of public record. Although parts of that record are mysteriously missing, it is clear that his training was never put to active use, that his flight privileges were suspended as a result of "failure to accomplish medical exam", and that he was AWOL at certain points during his service.

The smear merchants have their own campaign, misusing terms like "deserter" and insinuating that the missed exam was somehow related to the random drug testing that the military began at this time. Unsupported allegations, as is the nonsense being spewed by the Swift Boat Liars.

Signal = public record. Noise = smear campaigns.


Aug 24, 2004, 2:46 AM
Post #24 of 94 (2643 views)

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Whether or not Kerry posessed moral fortitude is exactly what is being questioned.

Curt have you ever in your life dodge bullets meant to kill you? I think fighting for your country, going into an active war zone and saving a person life does require a little moral fortitude. Don't you? Please anwser this question!

Now Bush on the other hand, get's a low score on the pilot test, take a space that should have gone to another more deserving person, cannot be accounted for almost a half year, does not go to war/battle and get strip of his flying wings for not showing up for a medical test for whatever reasons. What kind of moral fortitude does that show?? Please anwser this question!


Aug 24, 2004, 3:51 AM
Post #25 of 94 (2643 views)

Registered: May 28, 2002
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I agree, Curt. I don't care what anybody did or did not do during Vietnam, but I am offended by anyone calling into question the service of anyone who went to war. I am especially offended when it's done for political purposes. And this swift boat group is looking awful shady.

I would much rather hear about what these guys intend to do about real issues, which, in order of importance to me are:

1. Fair trade - we've got to do something about the loss of jobs and manufacturing capability, America is getting weaker and weaker. Our country is being bought out by foreigners due to our record trade deficit. Military power is nothing compared to economic power, and Asia is about to roll right over us.

2. Energy policy - we need a "put a man on the moon" type goal and effort in order to recover power back from oil producing countries and ensure our future economic security.

3. Environment - we've got to get to a point where we are consuming resources at levels of sustainable yield, again, our economic security depends on it, and I'd like to leave something for the next generations to enjoy.

4. Terrorism - yes, it's 4th on my list. The above 3 have far more potential to cause damage in terms of both lives lost and economic impact than terrorism does.

5. Budget deficit - we are stealing from the future. It's immoral and dangerous.

6. Education - higher education needs to be cheaper or free, and lower education needs to be far better if we want to compete in the world.

7. Health care - do I even need to say anything about this?

8. Transportation - our system is vulnerable, unreliable, and inefficient. We need a long-term project to build out a high-speed rail network.

9. Butt sex - we need a Constitutional Amendment to stop people from having butt sex.

10. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Oh yeah, just kidding about the butt sex. Knock yourselves out.

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