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something that has scared you
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Dec 10, 2004, 9:49 AM
Post #51 of 106 (10666 views)

Registered: Feb 14, 2004
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Re: something that has scared you [In reply to]
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Strangely enough it wasn’t the actual even that scared me most, I found the aftermath the hardest to deal with.

I was out in a pub with my brother/friends a few years back. The night was great, nearing the end of the night I was standing talking to a friend at the bar when a girl shoved me from behind, being the idiot that I am I laughed and said I’d have moved if she’d asked, next thing I know I’m pinned against the bar by this girl and her boyfriend. The all up in my face and the boyfriend head butts me on the side of the face. Total was the shock that even the lads I was with took a second to react. (men don’t hit woman where we grew up). The bouncers moved in and escorted the couple from the bar.
This was just before closing time, and we remarked to the bouncers if it was possible to stay in to wait for our taxi as we figured the couple might be outside. They basically couldn’t have cared less and told us no. Literally as soon as we stepped out my brother so the guy and went to make sure he didn’t come near me, our friend went after to him to make sure he was ok. Little did they know, the girl was waiting for me, to shorten it all, I end up on my back with at least 4 girls kicking the hell out of me. Me not being the fighting type didn’t have a clue what to do.
What shocked me was that I was right at the door and the bouncers did nothing. My friend came back from checking on my bro, remember him saying that he’d seen plenty of blokes fighting, but had never seen anything as sickening.
We finally got away and up to casualty as my left eye had closed over and I was very disorientated. Was a mad night.
The next day was worse, was sitting at the top of the stairs when my brother rang my mum to tell her. She arrived up with have my family; you can tell it’s not one of your pretty days when you can make your mum cry every time she looks at you. My left eye was closed over and the whole left side of my face was bruised, the right eye was swollen and badly brusied. Had bruised all down both sides of my body where the other girls were laying the boot in while she was on top of me. As I said, definetly not pretty.

Took me quite awhile to get over it, if you can even say I am. Got panic attacks in crowded places, can’t stand any form of confrontation. The police were brilliant, very understanding. But we didn’t get them. What I found strange was other peoples attitudes the doctors were the worst. They just assumed you were just like the girl; she was the type that her night wasn’t complete without something like that. I still get a sick to the stomach when I think about it, or go past the place. As I said, during it, you didn’t have time to feel scared, but it was afterwards, just walking down the street scared the hell out of me.
lol, I feel fear at climbing, but that’s a healthy fear. And it’s a situation I put myself in. It’s in my control. Much prefer that.


Dec 10, 2004, 11:15 AM
Post #52 of 106 (10666 views)

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Re: something that has scared you [In reply to]
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Man, so many to read.... I'll just throw mine in...

1st was probably the time my dad had a seizure on our porch, eyes rolling, vomit, the whole bit. That was scary. I should really give him a call....

2nd was probably the time I was in Mexico with some buddies on a diving trip. My buddy discovered a couple who were smoking a little weed and went over to chat. They offered to sell him a little...
So anyway, we we're relaxing quietly and talking about dives and whatever when a couple of drunken girls come over and started to talk to us. They were pretty rowdy and not all that welcome under the circumstances. They wouldn't shut up and wouldn't take the hint that they should move the party along somwhere else. Before long, the J was snatched out of my hand by someone. I turn to see that it was a policeman with a machinegun and the whole bit, along with about 4 of his buddies. We had to identify ourselves, give up our passports and were about a micron from being hauled off. Thankfully, we had made a friend from Chile and he talked the cops out of arresting us. That was really really really close. Muchos gracias Dave, wherever you are...

3rd was likely at Rumney climbing a slab in the rain with a groundfall looming. I was scared.

Partner coldclimb

Dec 10, 2004, 11:31 AM
Post #53 of 106 (10666 views)

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(men don’t hit woman where we grew up)

Indeed. What DOES one do in that predicament? :? The way I've been raised, any guy who hits a girl needs to get beat into the ground. I wouldn't be able to fight back in a situation like that. :shock:


Dec 10, 2004, 12:00 PM
Post #54 of 106 (10666 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2004
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true that. but r u allowed to defend urself in that situation or do u hav to sit down and take it? a bigger question is wat the hell was that for??? ther was absolutely no reason to beat sumone up and THAT"S scary that people bash others for no particular reason. maybe it's just SAFER to live in a tent at the base of a sweet cliff and climb.


Dec 10, 2004, 1:53 PM
Post #55 of 106 (10666 views)

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rock climbing


Dec 10, 2004, 2:04 PM
Post #56 of 106 (10666 views)

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(men don’t hit woman where we grew up)

Indeed. What DOES one do in that predicament? :? The way I've been raised, any guy who hits a girl needs to get beat into the ground. I wouldn't be able to fight back in a situation like that. :shock:

Hitting a girl is one thing... 4 pyscho chicks kicking the crap out of you.... I say flail, fight dirty... bite and kick. Hell I'm not sexist, I would hit those girls just as quick as 4 guys doing it !!!!!


Dec 10, 2004, 2:12 PM
Post #57 of 106 (10666 views)

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my ex girlfriend, she's from staten island

OMG THAT IS SO FUNNY. Girl's from SI do scare the hell out of me though....


Dec 10, 2004, 2:15 PM
Post #58 of 106 (10666 views)

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I slept over my friends house one night and I heard his parents......... :cry: I can't look at them the same anymore.....


Dec 10, 2004, 2:27 PM
Post #59 of 106 (10666 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2003
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Re: something that has scared you [In reply to]
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Ok... this is more stupid than scary and IN NO WAY compares to some of the scary/freaky things that have already been posted. That being said... this is my story.
It was my first climbing trip, January 2001. We had been bouldering most of the afternoon and made it back to camp with visions and conversation of the climbs we would hit tomorrow. I decided to go ahead and start gathering wood for the fire.
As I chop the fire wood, my mind starts to wander into thought of how much I have fallen in love with climbing. I hear my climbing partner yell to me that we should have enough wood for the night, so I decide to finish up this last log. A couple more chops should do it. Suddenly, I feel a thud on my left shin and excruciating pain. I look down and see that my pants have been sliced in a nice 2" slit down the front. My mind starts to race. What have I done? Did I just break my leg? Did I even cut it? Maybe the pants had stopped the blade from reaching the skin. I drop the brand-new shinny hatchet, realizing that it IS brand-new and very sharp... I HAD to be cut. I slowly open the slit in my pants, looking at the injury. Blood starts to pour out. I yell at my climbing partner to bring me my clothes bag... bring ANYTHING that I can make into a bandage. He starts freaking out, realizing that it would be at least 2 hours before help could get to us. I calmly tear tomorrow's shirt into long strips, applying them to stop the blood. STUPIDLY, I decide that I don't need medical attention and stick it out the rest of the night. I didn't get much sleep, worried that I was going to loose my leg. It took me a good 3-4 weeks to fully heal (let's be honest... when the weather changes or my kids jump on my leg, it still hurts like heck). To this day, if you run your hand over my shin you can feel where the bone is fractured.


Dec 10, 2004, 5:35 PM
Post #60 of 106 (10666 views)

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A few years ago, I was sailing with 2 friends on my family's sunfish. It was Labor day so the lake was very busy and there was almost no wind, but we were having fun. Eventually, a young kid (probably 12 at most and never took a boater's safety class) on a Seadoo started to buzz by us and then spin and try to spray us on the boat. He did this a few times and we were getting mad trying to tell him to get away from us. However, he didn't and kept spraying us and getting closer and closer. Finally, he spins out once more, hits the boat and slides the back of the seadoo over the top of our boat, hitting our boom and coming less than 2 or 3 feet from hitting my brother. Luckily, he missed my brother and he also broke the jet prop on the back of the Seadoo so he could only go in straight lines. The police caught him and his dad and gave them a very large fine.

I am just glad that they did not hit my brother.


Dec 10, 2004, 6:31 PM
Post #61 of 106 (10666 views)

Registered: Dec 8, 2003
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Re: something that has scared you [In reply to]
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when i first started climbing i was actually afraid of heights... i don't know if that's common, i'd say it is...


Dec 10, 2004, 6:42 PM
Post #62 of 106 (10666 views)

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"Spiders coach... " -- The replacements.


Dec 10, 2004, 7:36 PM
Post #63 of 106 (10666 views)

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just this past july my buddy ryan and i were hiking in garibaldi provincial park near whistler. we made the quick hike up to wedgemount lake, hoping to spend a few days getting to a few of the surrounding peaks. no real climbing, just scrambling mostly. after realizing wedge mountain was too dangerous to attempt without our crampons, harnesses, rope, axes, we decided on a smaller, easier-looking peak for our first day.

we started up the peak, realizing at once it was a lot more difficult than what we could see from our tent. then we started getting stupid. we would see some near-vertical sections, and say to eachother, 'ok, we'll do this one, but turn around if things get hairy'. so we basically bouldered our way up, further, and further, up 15-20 foot sections of vertical rock, no chalk, no equipment, in salomon super mountain lites. we got about halfway up, and realized there was no way we could safely backtrack down, so we decided to the top, and find an easier way down.

the top turned out to be a tiny summit, only about 2 square metres. looking for an easy way down, all we could see was a glacier on the other side of the mountain. on the very edge was some wet deep snow we figured we could boot ski down...slowly. but it was steep, very steep. so steep that it actually went down, then under a lip, then about 75 degrees until it leveled out. so ryan was going to go first. i tried to psyche him up and he took a few deep breaths and started down. after about 2 steps, he lost his footing and started on a ridiculously fast slide out of control. he was flipping, somersaulting, trying to grab onto anything. i was freaking out thinking he was going to nail the rocks and kill himself. finally, about 6 inches from the rock, he slid to a stop...he was speechless, realizing how close he came to biting it. he told me later he was also crying a little, not from fright, but because we were both wearing shorts, and he'd never had that much sharp, icy snow shoved up his ass before!! :o

then it was my turn, i was scared shitless....i used my hiking pole to self-arrest, but still lost control and flipped a few times, but not nearly as scary as watching my best friend almost die...we managed to descend about 1200 feet in about 25 seconds.


Dec 10, 2004, 7:54 PM
Post #64 of 106 (10666 views)

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Between Whistler and Squamish, closer to Squamish, is a lake called Brome (or however its spelled). A buddy and me were there and met up with some local friends. We scoped out some of the " scary big cliffs" which turned out to be not too bad compared to P.R, accept the insane one that had a memorial plaque from a kid who died on it. My friend decided to free climb some bluffs, probably a 5.6 at the most. I followed. The problem was they were completely covered in moss, and we were bear footed and wet. We got up high enough for a deadly fall, and no way of turning back when he got stuck in a spot. He made it past, but i slipped on some loose moss and almost fell. We both made it fine, but that shook me up.
It was crazy to really realize how such a little mistake can end a life.


Dec 10, 2004, 8:27 PM
Post #65 of 106 (10666 views)

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Well, it would have to be sometime around the second season I was climbing. I climbed up on tr, and then belayed my partner from above. The wind picked up really bad, and we couldn't hear what the other was saying. As a result, he started climbing up before I was ready for him. So, I put him on belya before paying attention, and when he fall, the rope was running right over the top of my leg, and pinched my leg between the rock and the rope across the thigh. Hurt like a mother. Luckily, just a little black and blue, and I pay attention now where I stand.


Dec 10, 2004, 9:33 PM
Post #66 of 106 (10666 views)

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when i first started climbing i was actually afraid of heights... i don't know if that's common, i'd say it is...

so was i. but the first look down a 1000 meter deep crevasse will change that. i still get kinda nervous on highballs unless i have someone there watching me. one of my buddies ate it on grand teton solo. i don't want to repeat his fate.


Dec 10, 2004, 9:42 PM
Post #67 of 106 (10666 views)

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the scariest thing happened at a base camp in the Cordillera Blanca. i was sitting there reading che Guevera's motercycle diaries in my underwear. Three armed men in rag tag military type clothes came into camp with AK-47s pointed at me. They saw the picture of che on the book I was reading and left me alone after I gave them some tuna sandwiches.

When the rest of the party returned from a visit to the "french" camp around the knoll they didn't beleive me and thought I ate all the Tuna!


Dec 10, 2004, 10:47 PM
Post #68 of 106 (10666 views)

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Have seen bad thunderstorms...Have been under them.....but the Storms that ya don't see until they hit..........those are the one's that scare me the most....This summer at Moore's wall....bad juju


Dec 10, 2004, 11:46 PM
Post #69 of 106 (10666 views)

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HEY HONEY BEE!! What did you do to start all this. Seems odd that this would happen out of the blue. Well....I have seen lots of club fights that started for no reason, so it's not that odd. Did you do something to provoke them? Did they think you were some one else?


Dec 11, 2004, 2:17 AM
Post #70 of 106 (10666 views)

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I can see honey bee's situation as I have been in a few unprovoked violent situations...
#1. Back in Highschool there was a group of people that disliked me for one reason or another...mostly I think it was because I just know longer enjoyed hanging out with thier close nit extremist crowd. Anyway, I had watched a fight the week before and saw a kid get beat up pretty bad because he was not ready for the encounter...had his pack on and hands in his, when confronted a weak later I started taking my pack off...of course this was seen as hostile and I got clocked by some guy on the sidelines instead of the guy confronting me in the first place.
#2. I was at a friends house that was a known party pad. We were just hanging out and there was no actual party at the time. Well, 4 guys showed up on the front porch that had just come from the bars...they had heard a party was here...the owner of the place said there was no party and told them to leave. At this point they became beligerent and started yelling at the owner...I decided to step outside onto the porch where I could view the confrontation. Well, eventually my buddies got fed up with arguing and slammed the door in the drunks face...not realizing I was outside with them...after kicking the door a few times they turned to me and said "what you lookin' at" then charged. I just lay defensless and let them beat me up. I don't know if it was the right choice, but I'm still living so it got me through. Had I fought back maybe I would have been beat less, maybe more...
#3. Maybe I just look funny, but this keeps happening to me...I'm walking through the parking lot of my girlfriends dorm late at night, walking to her jeep. Anyway, a car shoots up from behind me and some guy jumps out of the back seat and starts following me. Really scary situation...I get to the jeep and he pushes me and asks if it's my car. Instead of telling the extended story of it's my g/f's car I just say, "yes". He pushes me trying to get me to fight him and eventually just tells me to get in the car and get out of I get in and start the car. Then the car the guy was in pulls up behind me, blocking me in and the guy starts conversing with some people in the car through thier window...I then try to start backing around them slowly and the guy turns around and kicks the side of my car. I snap...deciding I'm am tired of being bullied. Rev the engine, hit the gas, and floor the guy. Nothing like 2000 lbs of steel knocking you on your ass. The car bolts realizing this got serious and leaving the guy on his butt in the parking lot...I bolt and drive directly to the police station where they check video's (they have camera's in all of the lots) and verify everything I have said. I ask if I can get in trouble for hitting him and they agreed that I did was I had to to get out of a tense situation. They could not find the guys later and I think I would have pressed charges for assult if they had...I personally am done slinking into a cave.

Now, since I am in this thread anyway I should post my story of when I was really scared for my life. This is actually an excerpt from a letter that I wrote to my friends parents after "the incident". It all started with a pristine day of cliffjumping in Hawaii.
---start letter------
We walked out on the cliffs. The sun was out and we were all glad to get away from the school for a bit. We laid down and sunbathed for a period of time. Then, we went jumping. I jumped in first and Mallakai followed. I had done it numerous times before so I showed him the way out and how to get in between the sets of waves. We probably jumped for a good twenty minutes before deciding to go look at the bigger cliffs down the coast. They are called “spitting caves” because as the waves crash into a cave below the cliffs, it spits water out about fifty feet.
The cliff is probably about 400 yards up the coast. We looked at them and hung out there for about an hour. I had jumped off of them in the past, but, the waves looked a little ominous on this occasion so we decided against it. We then hoofed it back to “china walls” the smaller cliffs that we were jumping off of earlier.
It was nearing dusk but we still had a bit of light left, probably about 45 minutes. I recall looking at the sunset that night. It was picture perfect. Mallakai really did not want to go in again, but I did, so he sat back and lounged as I jumped in once more. I came out and started talking with him. I decided to go again, and two ladies started pressuring him to come in with me. They asked him how he would feel if he was jumping all alone. I wish they had not been there because he would have continued to lounge had they not pried him into jumping with me . . . We both jumped at the same time. We were in the water when the set of waves came in. We were far enough away from the cliff to be safe, but the waves felt bigger. It was a bigger set than I was used to, and they were breaking with about eight or nine foot faces along the wall. (The waves run parallel to the wall.) Mallakai said he would follow my lead. I waited for a lull in the sets. We were probably treading water for about five minutes before I thought that the set had past. I swam into the wall to climb it and Mallakai followed. I was about three or four feet up the wall and Mallakai was right behind me by about a step. It was at this point that I saw either a rogue wave or a wave of a new, even bigger set; I do not know. It had about an eleven-foot face. When I saw the wave I felt a dread that I cannot put into words. We were in the worst place to be, right where the monster was going to break. When I first saw it, it was maybe seven to ten feet away, just enough time to react, maybe a second or two. I jumped away from the cliff back into the water hoping that I could distance myself from the dangerous rock. I cannot say for sure, but I think that Mallakai tried to hold on through the wave. I do know that we collided once in the water. I believe our backs hit each other as the wave picked us up and played with us as if we were rag dolls. It was the last time I ever had contact with my friend.
The wave felt like the hand of God. So much power. I have never felt, and hope to never again feel, power like it. The wave took me a distance of about a football field. At first I thought it would just let me go after awhile. That is what happened with previous waves while surfing. But it did not. It held me tight and then started to hammer me against the rocks. I remember starting to fall unconscious. I could feel the blackness encroaching upon life. I remember telling myself, "Stay conscious, or you will die" over and over again. Holding on. And waiting…
Eventually the grip loosened on me and I was allowed to breath. Another smaller wave then picked me up and washed me onto the reef. I recall standing up on the reef…it's edges cutting my feet and assessing the situation. I glanced at my leg, a four inch gash in it and bleeding profusely. I could taste blood as well. I thought I had almost lost my tongue…it felt like it was hanging on a thread. There was a lot of blood in the water…a circle forming around me. I turned and called Mallakai's name. Once, twice, thrice…all there was, was quiet, and the sounds of the ocean. I turned and started the climb back to where the girls were on the beach. I saw a man and called for help. He came rather quickly and I told him my friend was still in the water. He immediately took charge and got surfers searching the water. Somebody called 911. I waited about ten minutes before an ambulance came and I was taken away. They patched me up over the longest four hours of my life. There was no news of Mallakai. I only hoped he had been washed further down shore onto some beach.
------end letter------

I went to the hospital and the excellent staff helped me with my bruised hips, gash to the bone in my leg, dislocated knee, broken nose, ripped off upper lip, gashed back and shoulders...I was basically just a big pile of flesh in no particular order. The next morning the police called me asking where I had come back into shore, and that they had not found my friend yet. They had 2 choppers and 50 boats out in the water looking. I told them and ten minutes later they found his body. He was not beat up nearly as bad as me, probably just one good hit on the back of the head. The incident has made me grow up. Before the incident I was I realize I am mortal. I look at situations very differently now and am much better at risk assesment. My climbing ability has suffered because of it as I now see the risks more clearly then before. Hopefully it will keep me climbing and living into my old age. I believe that many people don't realize that they are mortal, and that it can happen to them. I guess the only way to learn is to have it happen once and hope you make it through to tell the story. Anyway, keep living and stay careful. And thanks Mallakai for helping me grow to who I am today.


Dec 11, 2004, 2:38 AM
Post #71 of 106 (10666 views)

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Dec 11, 2004, 3:28 AM
Post #72 of 106 (10666 views)

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Have seen bad thunderstorms...Have been under them.....but the Storms that ya don't see until they hit..........those are the one's that scare me the most....This summer at Moore's wall....bad juju

Agreed. Went out kayaking alone on the lower Susquehanna once, expecting to meet up with some friends at Big Indian Rock, an archeological site covered with Algonquin petrogyyphs. Got out to the rock and turned around to see a solid black stormfront bearing down on me, no time to get back to shore. Laid on the rock and covered myself with the boat just as the wind, hail and lightning hit. For about ten minutes I held on to the boat and thought about how I was the highest thing for about a square mile all around, completely freaked. Finally it was over and I headed back. Found my friends at the parking area; they were late and had decided not to go out on the water, what with the storm brewing. Shook me up more than any vertical mishap.


Dec 11, 2004, 4:46 AM
Post #73 of 106 (10666 views)

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In 1999 I went to visit my friend Jun in Tokyo. The first night there we decide to go to the video store, so i hop on the plastic spoiler on the back of his scooter and we're off. Now being from Tahoe, California i'm not really used to driving around big cities on the back of a scooter, so as he's weaving through traffic (which drives on the left side) I'm having images of Blood on the Highway 4 running through my head. Then he turns to me and starts explaining about how it's illegal to have 2 ppl on this paticular scooter, so if I see a cop on a motercycle I have to tell him because "Dude, he's going to chase us and we're going to have to run and it's going to be sketchy".

Umm yeah, so the scariest thing in my life was going to the video store.

and I have rapped off a knotted sling before, just to put it in perspective.


Dec 11, 2004, 7:19 AM
Post #74 of 106 (10666 views)

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First scariest time was about 5 years ago at Lopez Lake, CA. Myself, my dad and my brother were fishing in a boat early in the morning. We were trolling by the dam. It was a really quiet, peacefull morning. We hadnt been catching anything and so we were all kinda in our own little worlds, just thinking about life, not paying attention to what was going on, not talking. After awhile, me and my dad look back at my brother who had been trolling on the motor cover. He was laying their on top of the motor cover completely limp. His pole was kinda hanging off of his hand just dragging in the water, about to fall in. We told him to wake up and grab his pole before he dropped it in the water. No response. We started trtying to "wake" him up by shaking him, and we soon realized he wasnt just sleeping. His eyes were rolling around in his head. My dad was starting to get really panicked, thinking he was dead or something. I was only about 12 and had never driven the boat before, but i had to drive it in while my dad tried to revive him.

Later, paramedics were able to revive him. He had been so close to the engine, ,and with no wind in the air, the carbon monoxide fumes had nearly assfixiated him.

The scariest part was looking back thinking how easily it would have been for him to have fallen off that motor cover ( which was level with the edge of the boat) and we wouldnt have noticed for a good ten seconds, long enough for him to sink in the mirky water, and the boat to move ahead 20 feet. It would have been hard to find him in the mirky water.

Scariest climbing was about 5 months ago, i was scrambling alone and found myself on a little ledge, with a huge drop below me. The ledge was this really dirty chossy ledge. After 5 minutes not knowing what to do, i got the balls to make the sketchy moves to retrace my steps. I basically had to claw my way up this steep sandy rock. It was not fun.


Dec 13, 2004, 9:36 AM
Post #75 of 106 (10666 views)

Registered: Feb 14, 2004
Posts: 26

Re: something that has scared you [In reply to]
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As far as I’m aware kman I don't think I did anything to provoke or start it. As I said the girl shoved me and I’d laughed and said I would have moved if she'd asked, maybe if I hadn't said anything they wouldn't have taken it so far. But when she was sitting on top of me you could see that no matter what, had it been more or some other poor bu**er, that girl was out for some sort of violence that night.
To tell you the truth kman, you had the same attitude towards it as the doctors. Even my own doctor who I've been with for 17 years asked me what I did. When I explained what happened, he turned round and joked that I wouldn't be hanging round with those friends again.
Unfortunately the girl didn't stop the punches to tell me what I'd done or not done to pi$$ her off. Nor had I seen her at any point during that night. So as far as I can see apart from me, in good humour commenting on the shove I didn't do anything that warranted what I got in return. Unfortunately there are people out there that get a buzz of violence.

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