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Windsday coffee shop!!
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Dec 15, 2004, 7:40 PM
Post #76 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2001
Posts: 922

Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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I totally used a picture of pirate eatting corn in one of my projects.

*hides from confrontation*


Dec 15, 2004, 7:43 PM
Post #77 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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I'm in agreement with Pirate for the most part but Jake just remember you are the only person who has to live with your life. You are responsible for you and if at some point you are unhappy with your life, you put yourself there. Remember that when you want to take a chance and there are obstacles in the way, there will always be obstacles. It will never be the perfect time for you to take a risk - just weigh your options and decide what risks you will live with and which ones you won't. It's all you buddy, all your decision.

I can say these things because I have done them - I was miserable til I took a big risk and moved to CO for a job that doesn't pay crap (and I don't mean $8 an hour crap ...I mean we get money for rent & food - that is it kids). I didn't know anyone here and it's scary and I am one disaster away from financial problems but so what? I LOVE IT HERE. I don't have many friends but I get out and do things and meet people. So was it worth the risks? Absolutely. But again, it was MY decision made on my own terms. You have to decide what is best for you and you have to live with it my friend. So if you are ok at home, then stay there. If you want to go to NH, go. Life is certainly what you make it and as we get older we regret the things we didn't do vs. the things we did. But I wish you the best man.

Good luck.

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Dec 15, 2004, 7:50 PM
Post #78 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2004
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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Well shit ---- i HAVE NO SENSE OF DIRECTION ---- i am hungry and damnit LOL can't find where i ordered food from... so 30 mins later, still hungry and had to tell them to deliver it... and best yet, i gave them the wrong suite number to the office... HAHHAHAHHAH oh boy.... food will be here soon (yes, i called and gave them the correct suite number).....

at least i fixed the compass in my car by moving it away from the noteclip thingy (has some metal in it, duh).

Partner wideguy

Dec 15, 2004, 7:59 PM
Post #79 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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I have slept in my car several times when I was more "more think than I drunk I am" last winter. The nights when It snowed made it easy to sleep late...your car covered in snow...allowing a dull gray light to barely penetrate...very calming. Also I am probably going backbacking in the whites or Biggalow with my friend Josh in the upcomming weeks. Cold isn't really an obstacle, just something to be planned for.
Good luck Jake,

I agree that Jake still needs to get his own place, and I told him that. But I also agree that NH right now might not be the best thing. Sleeping in your car for a night because you're drunk is one thing, or even planning a week long back country winter trip, but committing to doing it for a 5 month winter in the bed of a pickup ahead of time as part of a "Plan," without a shower or a place to cook or even a plan on a place to safely park the car at night (contrary to romantic notions, most ski areas take a dim view of ski bums living in their parking lots, as do grocery stores, McDonald, and practically everyone else.) is PROBABLY not the best choice.

Partner rockrat511

Dec 15, 2004, 8:00 PM
Post #80 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: May 5, 2004
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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I have a question for you all, particularly any of you who have been in long term relationships.

Has there ever been a time where your partner's labido waned or ceased to exist? What did you do about it? I need a little help, and I guess the question suits humpday.


Dec 15, 2004, 8:02 PM
Post #81 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Nov 22, 2002
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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I have a question for you all, particularly any of you who have been in long term relationships.

Has there ever been a time where your partner's labido waned or ceased to exist? What did you do about it? I need a little help, and I guess the question suits humpday.



Dec 15, 2004, 8:07 PM
Post #82 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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I have a question for you all, particularly any of you who have been in long term relationships.

Has there ever been a time where your partner's labido waned or ceased to exist? What did you do about it? I need a little help, and I guess the question suits humpday.

I've had about 2 l-t relationships in my life and in one yes it wained but nothing I couldn't deal with it (instead of 3x a night it was 3x a week).

But we're here to listen and give advice.

Good heavens, we're starting to sound like Dr. Phil in here. :P First we give advice about jobs & moving out now we're discussing romance. :)

Partner wideguy

Dec 15, 2004, 8:09 PM
Post #83 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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Has there ever been a time where your partner's labido waned or ceased to exist?

Knock wood, never more than a couple days lapse. Usually I let her get a good night sleep and she's right back. !5 years and she's still more voracious than I am. 8^)

That said, I have often been told she finds a man who does the dishes, or the laundry or makes the beds, irresistable. Are you pulling your wieght around the house or pulling a Ted Bundy? Do you make sure you taking care of her needs or just banging away then falling asleep? The course of action requires determining exactly what caused the change in the first place.

Partner rockrat511

Dec 15, 2004, 8:09 PM
Post #84 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: May 5, 2004
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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I have a question for you all, particularly any of you who have been in long term relationships.

Has there ever been a time where your partner's labido waned or ceased to exist? What did you do about it? I need a little help, and I guess the question suits humpday.

I've had about 2 l-t relationships in my life and in one yes it wained but nothing I couldn't deal with it (instead of 3x a night it was 3x a week).

But we're here to listen and give advice.

Good heavens, we're starting to sound like Dr. Phil in here. :P First we give advice about jobs & moving out now we're discussing romance. :)
I'm talking like a four year relationship and once in the last three months.

It was normally 3-4 times a week.


Dec 15, 2004, 8:09 PM
Post #85 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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jason.. spending one night drunk in your car is a WHOLE lot different than LIVING there for 4 months .. no matter how easy you think it is.. it is not..
truck beds are not car interiors .. if not perfected they are leaky, cold, damp, vulnerable (criminal: hmm that car has been parked here for quite some time.. say bye bye to all ur stuff )

Maww i'm aware that the there will be a point where i have to make the leap.. and i will i thought this was going to be it but it is financial suicide
i cannot find an apartment that is within a reasonable distance for less than 650/month.. a the mountain i'd be making 6.50-7/hr x PERHAPS best case scenario 40hrs/week (conditions go to shit.. bye bye hours)
so aprox 800-900 month.. so between 150 and 250 a month Best case money for food, gas, and whatever else i cant think of

chad agrees with me and has been helping since day 1 on this adventure and it just wont work out right now.. having guaranteed hours and housing maww is something that you have and i would not (renters could really care less if the temps rise and all the snow melts)

for the record i have lived away from home.. i spent 4.5 years in the dorms at school and can exist out of my house.. trust me this is not my grand scheme of life but it's what i can do right now with what i have


Dec 15, 2004, 8:13 PM
Post #86 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Nov 22, 2002
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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Jake, just out of curiosity, what are you testing in? I don't know your major.

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Dec 15, 2004, 8:23 PM
Post #87 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2004
Posts: 2341

Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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food came yay!

re: car living - well you can always hit up a loca shelter, and i am not joking about it either. they can also help you find work that you are more suited for in the interim - swallow the pride - it'll at least give you some cash in hand.

re: long term dating - too many - it blows - i won't even begin my tirade


Dec 15, 2004, 8:30 PM
Post #88 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Apr 9, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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Um, why NH to ski?? Sounds like the crapiest area ever for that. Go somewhere with real mountains, a real resort.
If you work at Lake Louise they accomodate all the staff in this big dorm called charleston, pretty fun. I've been to a few parties there, good times.
If you live in your car you can be like Rickie from Trailer park boys, he parked the car in the yard of his friend's trailer then lived in it. He had a propane bbq on the roof and a hose from his friends house for dishes/washing. Man that was funny.
I spent a portion of a winter in a camper I had parked in this guys yard. I showered at the local community centre/pool. It was damn cold some nights though and it had a heater.

Um, libido down? do they feel unattractive? Recently gained some weight? do they think you're cheating on them? Mine has only been low when I thought the bf was cheating, oh and when my old bf was fat.


Dec 15, 2004, 8:32 PM
Post #89 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2001
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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jake is a big boy, big enough to make his own dessision. I think most of you are from mass? Its a lot colder up here then down here. I woke up shivering in my dorm room this morining. I think it might be a little colder in the back of a car then a dorm room. Anyway Jake is a big boy, and can make his own dessions.


Dec 15, 2004, 8:34 PM
Post #90 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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erik i was a PE major with a concentration in Athletic training (aka sports medicine some places call it)

the test is a 3 part national certification that is required by law for practicing athletic trainers (aka in a high school, college, clinic, pro team etc)
i have passed the practical and written parts.. and have (as many do) trouble with the written simulation section.. which is hard and unforgiving of mistakes even if they are accidental

what's sad is that i have more schooling than an EMT, the national test is much harder, and i could proably go and take that class and pass or outdoor wilderness first aid/emt whatever... but there is no money in outdoor emt because it's either seasonal with Ski patrol or volunteer with SARS

i am not big on emergency medicine.. i do not want to deal with people that are shot up or crashed in an accident.. too stressful and not fun for me...
i love sports and i think athletic injuries are interesting and managable

Kitty i do not think there is a homeless shelter in Waterville, NH the whole valley has been turned into an upscale center for the ski business.. hence the inability to find cheap housing because people dont have to offer it .. they CAN charge more so they do


Dec 15, 2004, 8:38 PM
Post #91 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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uhh winter... no offense but please stay out of a discussion you know nothing about... thanks i have neither the time nor energy to explain all the things that are not possible in your post

i do not have any friends to live in their camper... a camper is not a truck bed.. NH has some of the best skiing in the north east US.. NH is only a few hours from me right now... i have no idea where Lake Louise is.. nor do i have the money to take a trip there to find out, get a job, etc etc etc

i'm done with coffee shop today... good bye folks

as i said i am NOT moving for now.. Discussion over

ps ty kate <3

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Dec 15, 2004, 8:40 PM
Post #92 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2004
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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lol of course jake is a big boy and can make his own decisions - i don't think any of us think otherwise... silly goose!

i actually live in the burbs of bush - correct, i haven't a clue re: weather other then i was serious about my notes re: shelters. it's the socialist in me to tap into resouces as best as one can as that is what they are there for.

this said, i hope you find work jake - regardless, life is one helluva journey - if you were here, i'd share some of my yum lunch w/ you :)


Dec 15, 2004, 8:42 PM
Post #93 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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if you didn't want people to get all up in your business why'd you post to the coffee shop? don't get in a tizzy, everyone was just trying to help as best they could (albeit apparently inadequately).

anyway, speaking of skiing. heh. i'm organizing a ski day for my work department. fun fun. PA: it's where all the 'big mountains' are. hahahaha.



Dec 15, 2004, 8:45 PM
Post #94 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Oct 6, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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edited 'cause jake split & wants us out his bidness

meanwhile, ignore this advice:

Partner wideguy

Dec 15, 2004, 8:50 PM
Post #95 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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FWIW, gotta back Jake on this. It may well be very different in other areas but in NH any place even remotely close to skiing, as in within an hours drive, is pretty much trendy yuppy hell during the ski season. Even the smallest 1 room cabin at a motel runs you $500+ a week during peak season. I've been looking at places with Jake online and by the time you find a place under $700 a month he's into a 30 mile commute. Suddenly his weekly gas is almost more than rent. I don't know of ANY of the mountains offering housing assistance, mostly they subsist off the labor of local teenagers. And the moountains he was interviewing at wouldn't even GUARANTEE 40 hrs. in the best conditions. A big thaw like we had two years ago and he could easily have found himself with no hours for a couple weeks.

He'd be better of making $10 an hour at Home Depot and trying to find a roomate in the area down here.


Dec 15, 2004, 9:03 PM
Post #96 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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thanks kitty.. i had a yum lunch already.. home made pizza in fact..

Kimmy.. i started it.. now i'm ending it.. advice to "find a better resort" from someone in western canada.. is not helpful Waterville is fairly small but really nice resort and i would have liked to have worked there.. no it's not Snowbird but i cant be taking flights out to Utah for interviews now can i?
i can be a snow snob just like anyone else.. sure i love knee deep powder with 4million miles of trails but it's called taking what you can get (plus its funny seeing western double black skiers/boarders falling on their ass because they can't deal with a little hard pack and the occasional ice patch on a blue square ;) muahhahaha )

Lein the room for rent was an option but was still like 500/month or more and still quite a hike to the mountain.. (aka 30-45mins in good conditions.. let alone a nice Nor'Easter blizzard) and like i've said.. i dont know anyone up there that far.. closest is like 1.5 hours away

anyway.. go back to poor whats his face and his lack of sex.. he is still in need of advice... i am not

Partner wideguy

Dec 15, 2004, 9:03 PM
Post #97 of 138 (1297 views)

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if you didn't want people to get all up in your business why'd you post to the coffee shop?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Holy Crap!! She's right!! And here I am sticking up for him!! I'm ashamed. Lambasting and ridicule IS the order of the day in here.!!!

Forget everything I said.

Jake, Grow a sack. Buy a tent and a -40°bag, find a nice spot off-piste and live off the land for the winter. You'll be dressed in so many layers as a lift op noone will be able to smell you anyway. And I'm SURE the lodge throws out plenty of perfectly good food every hour or two.

Pussy!! :twisted:

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Dec 15, 2004, 9:06 PM
Post #98 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2004
Posts: 2341

Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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Intermission time.... and now a word from BLK....

I know I said I wanted to get a road bike next year... But, check out this nice lil hello kitty number - weeee, it's oh shit... um... a coaster bike? what is it called again? well, it's not like my mtb bike that's for sure...

you may all now go back and fling turds at one another hehehehehe


Dec 15, 2004, 9:09 PM
Post #99 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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yea whatever... you're just mad you dont get your free ticket and place to crash next spring when you wanna go to rumney! HAHAHA i see right through your ploy... kiniving baahhhhstad

just remember.. until i find a job around here i'm still free to climb whenever and whereever i please... tomorrow you will be at work and i will be bouldering muahhahahhaha :twisted:

toucheeee mf'er! hehe

edit: Jen that little bell is badass.. everyone will move out of your way now! :o)


Dec 15, 2004, 9:10 PM
Post #100 of 138 (1297 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: Windsday coffee shop!! [In reply to]
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Nice bike BLK! :) I'm still in the hunt for my own...will have to wait til after Xmas I guess. *sigh*

And kimmyt is right - we are in each other's biz in here. It's what we do in the shop. :) :)

I have no interesting intermission break of my own to interject, sorry. Although I did an extreme cardio class on Monday night and my friggin' quads are sore today. Why is it that my muscles are sore 24+ hrs later? Is that a good/bad/neutral thing? Anyone have any thoughts?

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