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Jan 25, 2005, 10:31 PM
Post #76 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2003
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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So healyje, do you feel that people can never inextricably link their faith with their daily experience and activities? To give thanks and pursue fellowship outside of a physical house of worship? I didn't realize that pagans had claimed the entire outdoors as their own.

(I also thought it was interesting that you quoted and slammed a post that was satirical and anti-Christian. You might want to re-read it.)


Jan 25, 2005, 10:47 PM
Post #77 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Aug 23, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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(I also thought it was interesting that you quoted and slammed a post that was satirical and anti-Christian. You might want to re-read it.)

I reject the premise that my post was anti-Christian, unless by anti-Christian you really mean anti-ignorance.


Jan 25, 2005, 10:52 PM
Post #78 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Aug 22, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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(I also thought it was interesting that you quoted and slammed a post that was satirical and anti-Christian. You might want to re-read it.)

Refugee - fabulous job on the parody!!! I didn't make it past the first paragraph it had me so incensed...

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So healyje, do you feel that people can never inextricably link their faith with their daily experience and activities? To give thanks and pursue fellowship outside of a physical house of worship? I didn't realize that pagans had claimed the entire outdoors as their own.

No, I have no problem with anything you with your internal relationship with you own personal delusions. What I have is a significant problem with is when you organize and then either attempt or successfully impose your agenda on me. Whether that agenda expresses itself in an election, in overturning Roe v. Wade, Creationism (aka Impaired Designer), or in contributing to the fundamentalism that is likely the most imperiling threat to the world at large today. That you all come with both an explicit and implicit agenda is the problem...that no experience without your crutch is is enough by itself is the problem.


Jan 25, 2005, 10:53 PM
Post #79 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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to answer happyfra, yes, i most definately do believe that!! with all my heart!!
yes, there is a "minimum" amount of faith. you must believe christ is the son of god, he came to earth as a man, born of a virgin, died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, rose again and is now in heaven. its called faith. also works. it says no one can get to heavan by works alone, you must have faith, also that faith without works is dead. not only must you believe in christ, but you must be good to your neighbor. the scripture i quoted above about loving the lord your god...... jesus is summing up the law, what we must do as christians, it all boils down to that one verse (in a nutshell)

Let me get it right: do you believe that god made things in a way that to be saved and avoid endless pain in the hell you have to believe in jesus?
Okay, so, if you believe so, would you explain what a poor guy who was born in, let's say, India, should think of your god? born in a place he didn't choose, and without a chance to get saved? It seems to me that your god is either very evil or has a pretty weird sense of humor. I don't like him at all...


Jan 25, 2005, 10:58 PM
Post #80 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Keep in mind that creationism and evolution are BOTH theories, meaning that neither has been proven conclusively. An objective scientist will consider the possibilities of both and disregard neither.

I am sorry, but this is simply false. Creationism is maybe a theory, but it is NOT a scientific theory. It is what in epistmology we call an "ad hoc" theory. To put in simple terms, it can't be falsified and therefore it is not interesting from a scientifical point of view. An "objective scientist" (sorry again, nothing like that exists in nature...) would never consider creationism at the same level of evolutionism, which could be wrong, but it IS a scientific theory. I could provide more detail about it, or, if you want a more powerful source of information, read Sir K. R. Popper... :wink:


Jan 25, 2005, 11:06 PM
Post #81 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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1) Do you support the idea of teaching creationism or "intelligent design" in the classroom?

I think that prostelatizing in the classroom (no matter what faith) is dangerous. What would stop a teacher from saying that a purple dinosaur named Barney took some mud and made all the animals and people we know today? (that sounds strangely familiar).

Being a engineer/scientist, I feel that none of this creationism bull-honky has been verified and can never be verified.

Keep in mind that creationism and evolution are BOTH theories, meaning that neither has been proven conclusively. An objective scientist will consider the possibilities of both and disregard neither.

Is it possible that a higher power than we can comprehend used the process of evolution (Big Bang) as His means of Creationism? Just a thought from a "know-nothing".

There was actually at least an attempt to create a theory that could comprehend both, by an English philosopher called John Donne. It was very lame and totally useless because, as somebody commented, it was totally impossible to deny and totally impossible to believe.


Jan 25, 2005, 11:14 PM
Post #82 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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I believe that being a Christian is to be Christ Like. This is a personal relationship, an inward change that will bring an outward change that people will see.

I hope not to be offensive, but I have to say that something I find honestly very funny about Christians is their huge presumption... and I mean HUGE. To have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with god? Jesus Christ... A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD???
Come on... I have hard times to have decent personal relationship with people of intelligence slightly above the average because they find me not so interesting, and I found myself not so interesting either... and god should wish to have a personal relationship with me? It seems to me that you guys have a very weird idea of god... It is so... It seems so... artificial? Like if it was actually... invented by men?


Jan 25, 2005, 11:26 PM
Post #83 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2003
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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to answer happyfra, yes, i most definately do believe that!! with all my heart!!
yes, there is a "minimum" amount of faith. you must believe christ is the son of god, he came to earth as a man, born of a virgin, died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, rose again and is now in heaven. its called faith. also works. it says no one can get to heavan by works alone, you must have faith, also that faith without works is dead. not only must you believe in christ, but you must be good to your neighbor. the scripture i quoted above about loving the lord your god...... jesus is summing up the law, what we must do as christians, it all boils down to that one verse (in a nutshell)

Let me get it right: do you believe that god made things in a way that to be saved and avoid endless pain in the hell you have to believe in jesus?
Okay, so, if you believe so, would you explain what a poor guy who was born in, let's say, India, should think of your god? born in a place he didn't choose, and without a chance to get saved? It seems to me that your god is either very evil or has a pretty weird sense of humor. I don't like him at all...

I can't speak for godskid5, but in your response to his post, I would have to disaggree with points from both of your sides, and I can do it with the same argument for both.

The catechism of the Catholic Church (for those who don't know what that is, essentially it is a book outlining the catholic view on almost any conceivable question you might have on the faith, as defined by reference to sacred scripture, and sacred tradition both) allows for a person with "invicible ignorance" to still have the likelihood of going to heaven.

Let's define invicible ignorance. If you truly had never learned anything about Christianity, because let's say you were born to a shipwrecked woman that died shortly after you were born, and you then lived as a wildman on a deserted island, and died before ever meeting another living person, you could be said to live in invicible ignorance. That sort of thing doesn't happen much nowadays, though. In fact, the missionary efforts of many churches are aimed at letting people in societies that don't have much knowledge of Chrisitanity learn about it.

If in your case, the person from India had grown up learning whatever religion that person's parents taught them, and never having any experience where they were taught about Christianity, then that person is invicibly ignorant of Christ. Now, if this invicbly ingnorant person lived according to their beliefs, and did not sin, which is possible, in that to sin you have to realize you are doing wrong, then we can accept that God, in his infinite mercy and love for all of us, might find a way to welcome that person into eternity with Him in Heaven.

Now, some might argue that even an invincibly ignorant person would be sinning, and therefore be going to Hell, no ifs ands or buts. That is a possibility, but not a guarrantee. A person that truly does not know that property rights exist has not stolen something, for example, and if they have no knowledge of property rights, and no knowledge of God not wanting us to steal things, then they have no knowledge that they sinned. So, there is reason to argue that a certain act is not a sin for every person that does it, and that the sin rests in going against God's will. And even in those who don't believe God is out there, do you not have what you would term any conscience? That nagging part of your mind making you uncomfortable when you do something wrong? I would argue that you should listen to that voice, because whether you wish to believe that it is God putting that voice in your head, or not, you have to admit when you do wrong.

I have wandered a little astray here, but mainly, in the case of the Indian person, unless they were trapped somewhere with no possible way to ever learn the Christian faith, then invincible ignorance never comes into it. But, if they learn of the faith, and reject it, that is exactly what they are doing. By rejecting Christianity, they reject Christ, and by extension, God. As the saying goes, "If you don't believe in God, you better PRAY you are right"


Jan 25, 2005, 11:33 PM
Post #84 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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to answer happyfra, yes, i most definately do believe that!! with all my heart!!
yes, there is a "minimum" amount of faith. you must believe christ is the son of god, he came to earth as a man, born of a virgin, died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, rose again and is now in heaven. its called faith. also works. it says no one can get to heavan by works alone, you must have faith, also that faith without works is dead. not only must you believe in christ, but you must be good to your neighbor. the scripture i quoted above about loving the lord your god...... jesus is summing up the law, what we must do as christians, it all boils down to that one verse (in a nutshell)

Let me get it right: do you believe that god made things in a way that to be saved and avoid endless pain in the hell you have to believe in jesus?
Okay, so, if you believe so, would you explain what a poor guy who was born in, let's say, India, should think of your god? born in a place he didn't choose, and without a chance to get saved? It seems to me that your god is either very evil or has a pretty weird sense of humor. I don't like him at all...

I can't speak for godskid5, but in your response to his post, I would have to disaggree with points from both of your sides, and I can do it with the same argument for both.

The catechism of the Catholic Church (for those who don't know what that is, essentially it is a book outlining the catholic view on almost any conceivable question you might have on the faith, as defined by reference to sacred scripture, and sacred tradition both) allows for a person with "invicible ignorance" to still have the likelihood of going to heaven.

Let's define invicible ignorance. If you truly had never learned anything about Christianity, because let's say you were born to a shipwrecked woman that died shortly after you were born, and you then lived as a wildman on a deserted island, and died before ever meeting another living person, you could be said to live in invicible ignorance. That sort of thing doesn't happen much nowadays, though. In fact, the missionary efforts of many churches are aimed at letting people in societies that don't have much knowledge of Chrisitanity learn about it.

If in your case, the person from India had grown up learning whatever religion that person's parents taught them, and never having any experience where they were taught about Christianity, then that person is invicibly ignorant of Christ. Now, if this invicbly ingnorant person lived according to their beliefs, and did not sin, which is possible, in that to sin you have to realize you are doing wrong, then we can accept that God, in his infinite mercy and love for all of us, might find a way to welcome that person into eternity with Him in Heaven.

Now, some might argue that even an invincibly ignorant person would be sinning, and therefore be going to Hell, no ifs ands or buts. That is a possibility, but not a guarrantee. A person that truly does not know that property rights exist has not stolen something, for example, and if they have no knowledge of property rights, and no knowledge of God not wanting us to steal things, then they have no knowledge that they sinned. So, there is reason to argue that a certain act is not a sin for every person that does it, and that the sin rests in going against God's will. And even in those who don't believe God is out there, do you not have what you would term any conscience? That nagging part of your mind making you uncomfortable when you do something wrong? I would argue that you should listen to that voice, because whether you wish to believe that it is God putting that voice in your head, or not, you have to admit when you do wrong.

I have wandered a little astray here, but mainly, in the case of the Indian person, unless they were trapped somewhere with no possible way to ever learn the Christian faith, then invincible ignorance never comes into it. But, if they learn of the faith, and reject it, that is exactly what they are doing. By rejecting Christianity, they reject Christ, and by extension, God. As the saying goes, "If you don't believe in God, you better PRAY you are right"

Well... as an Italian, I know catholic religion pretty well and i have to admit that my argument was more addressed to protestants. I don't have time to write a full answer now; in general it seems that your well articulated answer just points out very well the big contradition that Christians can't escape from:
If you believe in salvation through faith, it is hard to deny that god is evil
If you believe in salvation through actions, god is useless and/or irrelevant

So, weird and unbelievable mixes have to be built... Sorry, I follow your reasoning, but the architecture of the thought is just too human.


Jan 25, 2005, 11:36 PM
Post #85 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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only ignorant people try to discuss and debate religion, espically on an internet forum

debating religion, is like debating weather brussel sprouts taste good, its all personal opinion and past experiences, no one wins any debate on it..


Jan 25, 2005, 11:38 PM
Post #86 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2003
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"If I were granted omnipotence, and millions of years to experiment in, I should not think Man much to boast of as the final result of all my efforts." --Bertrand Russell


Jan 25, 2005, 11:41 PM
Post #87 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Dec 14, 2000
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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I am sorry, but this is simply false. Creationism is maybe a theory, but it is NOT a scientific theory. It is what in epistmology we call an "ad hoc" theory. To put in simple terms, it can't be falsified and therefore it is not interesting from a scientifical point of view. An "objective scientist" (sorry again, nothing like that exists in nature...) would never consider creationism at the same level of evolutionism, which could be wrong, but it IS a scientific theory. I could provide more detail about it, or, if you want a more powerful source of information, read Sir K. R. Popper...

I can't beleive I'm adding to this steaming pile of a thread... That said although creationism isn't what I would term a scientific theory, there is some scientific merit to the theory of intelligent design. That is, a rationalization of the fact that the universe and the fundamental constants have to be within some pretty narrow tolerance for everything to work. For example, if gravity were just a little bit stronger (I think a factor or 2 or so) stars would burn out faaar to quickly for any kind of life to develop and be sustained on a planet. Alternately, if it were a bit less powerful stars wouldn't form at all. Sorry I can't provide the exact numbers here, though here's an amazon book which talks about the coincidences of the complex relationship between the fundamental constants:*

In explaining this observation, the hypothesis that there was some intelligent design involved is not unreasonable.

Although I like evolution and personally think it's right on the money, it doesn't change the fact that it's unverified, and thus in the same boat as creationism, cold fusion, and antigravity.


Jan 25, 2005, 11:41 PM
Post #88 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2003
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Happyfra, if you in fact know a great deal about Catholicism, which just being Italian doesn't cut it, then you would understand that the Catholic Faith holds, as evidenced by scripture, that it is not through faith alone, or works alone, that humans are saved. It is through both. Along with being washed of original sin, and believing in God, you must also live a life in accordance with God's desires, and a pretty good place to go to figure that out is the Bible.

I would be interested in hearing your reasoning for calling God evil, though. I think that it might come out of anthropomorphizing God, applying human attritbutes to what is Divine.

edited to include:

I wonder if you have ever read much, or anything by C.S. Lewis. He makes some wonderful, well-thought out arguements for believing in God.

Also, I don't mean anything by my comment about you being Italian, other than exactly what I said. Just as being American doesn't make me an expert on the Protestant Movement, which is a big part of America's founding principles.


Jan 25, 2005, 11:53 PM
Post #89 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Apr 20, 2004
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evolution does have scientific evidence backing it up. you can see it in action everyday. why do people need to get another flu shot every year? why dont you look exactly like your parents. why do people with ancestors from sunnier environments have darker skin tone than those who came from cloud covered areas? the precision of the universe by no means implies a requirement for an intelligent designer. by that same argument, you could say that our intelligent designer required an intelligent designer as well. and this could go on ad infinitum. there are theories in physics that address this issue. it can be compared to the idea of how life on earth came about. the chances are slim for something like that to occur. the universe is so big and vast and has existed for so long. given enough time and space even the most improbable of things will occur. and quantum mechanics tells us that everything that happens has some probability. there is a chance if you jumped up in the air that you might fly off into the space. that chance is extremely small, something like 10^-55% but it is still possible.


Jan 26, 2005, 12:12 AM
Post #90 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2003
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evolution does have scientific evidence backing it up. you can see it in action everyday. why do people need to get another flu shot every year? why dont you look exactly like your parents. why do people with ancestors from sunnier environments have darker skin tone than those who came from cloud covered areas? the precision of the universe by no means implies a requirement for an intelligent designer. by that same argument, you could say that our intelligent designer required an intelligent designer as well. and this could go on ad infinitum. there are theories in physics that address this issue. it can be compared to the idea of how life on earth came about. the chances are slim for something like that to occur. the universe is so big and vast and has existed for so long. given enough time and space even the most improbable of things will occur. and quantum mechanics tells us that everything that happens has some probability. there is a chance if you jumped up in the air that you might fly off into the space. that chance is extremely small, something like 10^-55% but it is still possible.

Shrubby, I would say you are looking at this the wrong way. You seem to look at this as an either/or question. Now, for the sake of argument, can you think of any reason that Evolutionary Theory excludes Creation Theory?

Now, your first two points--the influenza virus coming out in new strains each year, and you not looking identical to your parents are both supported by genetics. Now, genetics would say that it is the combination of genes from each parent that determines the genes passed on to the offspring. The only way you could have a chance of looking remotely identical to your parents is if your parents were identical twins, one male, one female, and they had you due to incest, or if you were cloned from your "parent". Even with the case of incestuous twins, since you are getting half of your genes from each parent, and they can't have identical genes, or else they would not have been opposite sexes, you still could come out with some traits that are not exhibited in either of your parents on the macroscopic scale, but are still there in their genetic makeup. Viruses and other asexual organisms (what a boring existence that is, huh?) reproduce by disvision. During that division, changes can occur in the genes of the parent, and be passed on the daughters.

Now, accepting that God made us, for the moment, God did not make us to all be identical. He made us man and woman, that is one big difference. Could he not have made us with a variety of genes, some that don't get expressed except in circumstances that turn them on? If you have studied genetics at all, you realize some genes are dominant, while others are recessive--meaning a dominant gene for eye color can be dominant, meaning if one parent has that eye color, and the other parent has a different, but recessive eye color, the dominant eye color is expressed. A recessive gene is only expressed when both parents contribute the same recessive gene.

So, I could probably go on, but you get the point. Evolutionary Theory can exist within Creationism, on the grounds of human and animal evolution.


Jan 26, 2005, 12:15 AM
Post #91 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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As a believer in Christ, this discussion makes me sick at heart for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ

Talk all you want on here, but you will never change any one's opinion or faith through words or force. Live out your love for God. Living for God has nothing to do with how you vote or bumper stickers on cars or catchy slogans, it has every thing to do with loving every one unconditionaly and trying to be as Christ in all you do. It's quite safe to sit at a computer and scorn others disblief, it might even make you feel good, but it doesn't matter. Jesus Christ sought out the outcasts of socity, the lepers, the tax collectors, the postitutes and he didn't lecture them about there sins, he simply loved them. His harshest words were directed at the days religious leaders.

Secondly don't justify your faith with ignorance. lets talk about 'creationism.' The Doctrine of creationism was created around 100 years ago by Ellen White, the founder of the Seventh-Day Adventist Denomination. Mark Noll an evangelical history proffessor at Wheaton University calls creationism as we know it a

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"fatally flawed interpretive scheme of the sort that no responsible Christian teacher in the history of the church ever endorsed before this century"

I don't have time to explain both the theological problems with creationism, suffice to say, while God certinly had the power the create ex nihlio i do not believe there is Biblical or Scientific evidence for it. if you need more info check out Richard Wright's Biology through the Eyes of Faith

Next we have the growing problem of equating faith with political party. fine, you may believe the republican party is in the moral right, but Christ never imposed any morals on any one, he taught and lived out what he taught. Also, the republican party's enviornmental policy is sinful, literally, it is the blatent waste and destruction of God's earth. Finally, i think this assosciation with a wing of gov't will in the next few years cripple the church as in the middle ages. Just observe what happened then when Gov't and Church were mixed

my tirade has ended, flame away


Jan 26, 2005, 12:21 AM
Post #92 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2003
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Shrubby, I wanted to make one other comment about your previous post. When you stated that their is what you caled about a 10^-55 chance of floating into the air when you jumped up, you also open the door for their being some finite chance of the existence of a higher being that created the universe in such a way that their exists that infinitessimal chance of cheating gravity. Now, with any finite probability of the existence of God, and the view that the joy of Heaven is beyond our human comprehension, so might as well be called infinite Joy, and our expectation of an eternity to enjoy it, which though has a beginning, but no end, so can also almost be called infinite, wouldn't you take a gamble on it, considering the ratio of risk to reward? Your risk is you believe in God, and he isn't there. But if he is there, your reward is nearly infinitely larger than your risk taken. All you have to do is live you life in a good way, and believe in Him.


Jan 26, 2005, 12:21 AM
Post #93 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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arguing online is like competing in the special olympics -
even if you win, you're still retarded.

i forget where i heard taht one.


Jan 26, 2005, 12:35 AM
Post #94 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: May 14, 2002
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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So from what I understand of the Christian point of view is that to be "saved" the only requirement is that you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior. Sounds simple and straight forward. No living the right life or anything just believe. So here's my beef with this what about all the folks who have never been given the opportunity to get exposed to the fact that Jesus ever existed. So they are just SOL because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? Just never struck me as something a fair and just GOD would come up with as a plan.


Jan 26, 2005, 12:35 AM
Post #95 of 322 (8603 views)

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Wow, so far seven pages of posts, and not all that much bashing of people personally. While almost unavoidably, some people have I am sure, felt some of the things said were rather direct attacks, there haven't been nearly as much, STFU, or other blatant refusal to discuss the topic. I'm fine with a little spirited debate, and as a previous fallen away christian, but now regularly attending Catholic, I accept that I can't try to tell people my beliefs if I am not willing to listen to theirs.

Keep it up, everyone. And try to keep it above the belt.

......and for any priests reading this, that should read double for you :lol:


Jan 26, 2005, 12:37 AM
Post #96 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: May 28, 2004
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some have mentioned that creationism is UNscientific while evolution is scientific.

true science is only through OBSERVATION according to the scientific method.

NO PERSON observed the beginning of the universe

therefore, neither creation nor evolution is objective science.
BOTH are interpretations of the objective science's research.

It all comes back to primary assumptions that you must have FAITH in.

Evolutionists/atheists believe that there is no God so the world must have made itself. with that assumption, the rest makes sense

I believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God, so a proper (literal, grammatical, historical) interpretation of the Bible comes up with a young earth creationist model of origins.

Good to hear from the other Christian climbers out there.



Jan 26, 2005, 12:40 AM
Post #97 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Apr 20, 2004
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iwasnt trying to imply that evolution implies that there cannot be a god. what im saying is the opposite actually. god doesnt rule out evolution, especially since we can see it in front of us occuring. by the way, the flu viruses are asexual. that means they dont come from two parental units. we see changes in the flu population though. what does this imply then? if the flu keeps living on, even though we have flu shots what is happening? the flu changed (evolved) in some way. this happens because those viruses reproduce very quickly. this allows greater chance for mutations to occur. by chance, a mutation can occur that is different enough to make the flu vaccination you took worthless. that is how evolution works. and you analagously apply this to every life form on earth. humans live longer and reproduce much slower so significant effects will take much longer to manifest themselves. the fact that you look different from your parents is very significant. if you didnt you would be similar to bacteria. since genes have been acknowledged and dna. i will address that. you see, the idea of genes works beautifully with evolution. evolution occurs because of natural selection. things just dont pop out of no where across an entire population. these selective pressures work on all life forms. an example, when the european settlers came to north america, the native populations managed to die off on massive scales due to diseases. these epidemics swept across europe far in the past. so these settlers were resilient to those diseases now. unfortunately the natives have never been exposed and died off on massive scales. the ones that survived had genes that allowed them to be more resistent. since these resistent natives were the only ones left, the reproduced and now their offspring were also resistent. so you see, that is how descendents from those natives came to be less susceptible to those diseases.

another example, imagine we took a town's population of fair skinned europeans and moved tthem to the plains of africa and made them live in primitive conditions like the natives. we make the two population live seperately from each other for a few generations. the european population would no doubt suffer from extreme skin damage from the sun and skin cancer would prolly take its toll on the population. assuming that the european population managed to survive at all over a few generation, the remainders, on average would have a darker base skin tone. you would also see that the native population maintained its dark skin tone. this is because the dark skin tone has been naturally selected over time as a way to manage the extreme sun exposure.

so if you took this over a long period of time you can see that significant changes could occur to the way peopel look, etc. and with enough time and enough selective pressures you could that the possibility exists for the descendents look significantly diffferent from its ancestors. hence we have a new species.


Jan 26, 2005, 12:49 AM
Post #98 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Apr 30, 2004
Posts: 12

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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I really have to add to my opinion to the list because I can’t just think it you have to read it. First off all for all the Christians who aren’t trying to come off as “holier than thou” You’re trying to persuade people to believe in your religion because you believe it’s right. So if you’re not holier than the people you are trying to convert than why are you trying to convert them? If it’s your belief than obviously you think you are right and that you are a better person for having done it thus you think you are better then them.. and if they want to be better like you than they should do it to. Long story short you are definitely coming off as trying to be holier. So why not just slap me in the face and tell me I’m wrong it’s faster and it has the same effect.

I went to church I’ve heard “the good word of Christ” but honestly I go to the crags to get away from that. On the rocks it doesn’t matter what you believe. The idea of a climbing group off Christians doesn’t bother me but the idea of a group of climbers together BECAUSE they are Christians, makes me feel excluded just thing about it. The rocks are my church no blasphemy there please.

also I really don't want to offened any one and if I did just know that your post probably offened me so we're even k?


Jan 26, 2005, 12:51 AM
Post #99 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2003
Posts: 179

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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So from what I understand of the Christian point of view is that to be "saved" the only requirement is that you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior. Sounds simple and straight forward. No living the right life or anything just believe. So here's my beef with this what about all the folks who have never been given the opportunity to get exposed to the fact that Jesus ever existed. So they are just SOL because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? Just never struck me as something a fair and just GOD would come up with as a plan.

Read my post a page or two back when I spoke of invicble ignorance. The long and short of it is, if you can truly say that you never had any experience with being taught Christianity, but you lived a life led by your TRUE conscience, eschewing those things that you know to be bad things, there isn't reason to believe that you are going to hell just because you never believed in the Messiah. It is very difficult in this day and age to find truly invicibly ignorant people, but they do exist. Part of what Jesus did in the three days between dying on the cross and when the Apostles found that he was gone from the Tomb, is he went down to preach to those who at that time had never had the chance to learn of God. These weren't the eternally damned, but those who weren't knowledgable of God. So, they can be reasoned to have been those people that weren't Jews, but lived a life in keeping with what they did know of God in their own personal way. The language of today in the Bible doesn't really give the right feel for it, if you read it in light of today's understanding of the words, because when it was written, the hebrew word that got translated when scripture said that Jesus went down to hell and preached to the damned, did not in fact mean he went to the place of eternal damnation. But, nowadays, that how people think of it.

On the surface of it, it would seem patently absurd to imagine Jesus going down to hell, and "Knock Knock, anyone home. Can I come in and try to convince you to leave here, anc come with me to Heaven? I know you have done some bad things, killing, and stealing, and even telling God to F--k off, but I am sure I can make this work out OK." No, because we are taught if you die still rejected God, you have made your choice, and will just have to "live" with it.

But it is very easy, using all the exapmples from Jesus' earthly ministry, that he would go down, to takl to those who had died, but hadn't gotten into heaven yet, and say, "hey, there. You don't know me, but I would really like you to listen to me for a few minutes. Have you ever thought of something better for your afterlife? Would I be able to sit with you for a while and tell you how that is possible? You died before I came and told all those people how the gates are open to heaven now, but you still can come with me if you want."


Jan 26, 2005, 12:55 AM
Post #100 of 322 (8603 views)

Registered: Apr 20, 2004
Posts: 72

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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jeremy11 evolutionists do not have to deny the existence of a god. i neither believe nor disbelieve. im agnostic. there is nothing about evolution that says a god didnt create the universe, its physical laws, etc and just got the ball rolling. believing in the big bang doesnt preclude the existence of god. it could be that is how a god made the universe work and people who wrote the bible or whatever other document couldnt conceive of such things back then because the knowledge base hadnt been developed nor technology to the level that would allow experiments to be done to explore those theories.

also, someone stated that a scientific theory requires observation, so the big bang idea is based solely on faith. that is expressing a great deal of ignorance in the way science works and how modern experiments work. the reason that the idea of the big bang has received so much credence is not because a bunch of scientists said wow this sounds cool. first they worked out the theory and the mathematical basis of it all. then the theorist hands his work to an experimentalist and says "can you test this?" then the experimentalist builds and experiment, gathers data, analyzes it, and then compares it to the predictions made by the theorist. in this way, a credible scientific theory is born. the big bang theory has a large amount of scientific backing. there is a lot of evidence that points to the universe originally having this form.

(note: im a physicist, so this kind of stuff is my bread and butter. i just take great offense when people distort science and cast it off with no real understanding of how things work)

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