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Nov 18, 2005, 4:52 PM
Post #176 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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One can only wonder WTF was going through Bush's mind when he declared "Mission Accomplished" ????

That one's easy. "You think they bought it?"


Nov 18, 2005, 6:41 PM
Post #177 of 481 (7039 views)

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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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Soon, GWB and company will be directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than Osama Bin-Laden.

Worth repeating.

Worth repeating again. Interesting point. I'll sit on the fence with this comment.


Nov 18, 2005, 6:52 PM
Post #178 of 481 (7039 views)


Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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Soon, GWB and company will be directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than Osama Bin-Laden.

Worth repeating.

Worth repeating again. Interesting point. I'll sit on the fence with this comment.

How many American deaths was FDR directly responsible for?

How about Lincoln?


Nov 18, 2005, 7:31 PM
Post #179 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Oct 6, 2003
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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So, in a discussion about the cost of the mission in iraq, you bring up bin-laden and al-qaeda.

Try again. Curt brought up Bin-laden. What Bush did with Al-Qaeda is quite pertinent in any discussion of Bush's responsibility for saving or costing lives and Bin-laden.

Right... curt brought up bin-laden as a comparison for the cost of lives bush has lost by deciding to invade iraq. That decision is the point of contention here. Attempting to dismantle al-qaeda is what any president would have done and there's little point arguing about it. It's a moot point, since almost no-one here is criticizing actions taken against al-qaeda.

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you imply that said mission was carried out because of 9/11

What? Wrong again. Get your facts straight or don’t bother me with your posts. Curt made reference to 9/11 and GWB here:

Funny... keeping spinning. Either you were making a completely moot point, or you were attempting to justify Iraq with 9/11. Either way, your arguement is out in left field.

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…to which I deftly responded by pointing out that on Bush’s watch perhaps countless thousands of lives have been saved. But then you'd rather choke to death than admit to such obvious truth, wouldn't you, Tripp.

You know nothing about me, so please keep your assumptions to yourself. Sure, certain counter-terrorism actions taken post 9/11 have saved many lives. I have no problem admitting such, because I've never criticized those counter-terrorism actions. My only contention with you bringing it up is that it isn't relevant to the discussion. If you want to factor in some vague and inexact number of lives that bush might have saved, than you should also count the everyone who who failed to save on 9/11. However, both are completely irrelevent because they don't have a fucking thing to do with Iraq.

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We were, for the general course of this discussion, talking about the war in iraq

Uh, yea. Until Curt mentioned GWB and Bin-laden and indirectly referenced 9/11. Oh, wait, you'l love to say I brought those things up and therefore changed the subject. Whats the matter, Illtrip. Can’t do more than twist my words or is it that you simply cannot keep up with the conversation? Very lame, even from you.

Even from me? I repeat, you know nothing about me. I'm not twisting your words at all... Either you were deliberately throwing up a red herring or it is you who can't keep up with the conversation.

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Dano and rufus... how bout cooling it with the threats of violence, ok?

Read my posts again. I have threatened no one, sport; I have no need to. Perhaps you again need a little more help with the English language, trippie. Telling someone that a marine or other trooper would most likely kick his or her ass for saying something stupid about all troopers is not a threat from the person making that type of obviously factual observation.

Sure... dano. You have repeatedly told pedro and rufus how they were going to get beat up by soldiers. It wasn't a direct threat, but it was, quite frankly, childish and stupid. I politely asked all of you to chill out a little bit. Is that so hard? Does it really warrant the vitriol you exhibited above?

You know, I responded before because I thought you had made a logically fallacious post. I may have criticized your reasoning, but I did so without attempting to insult you. In your response, you have directly insulted both my intelligence and integrity and least three times. Are you completely incapable of rational discussion or just too childish to respond without some petty insult?


Nov 18, 2005, 10:39 PM
Post #180 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Dec 31, 2002
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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I may have criticized your reasoning, but I did so without attempting to insult you.

Oh, really? Lol…Illtripp, if you wish to continue to attempt your weak contention that my point was somehow anything less than cogent, you may go ahead if it amuses you. The point stands firmly on its own merit regardless of your flimsy and reaching opinion.

As to the rest of your beggarly whining about how fair you’ve been and how harsh I’ve been: If you wish to pretend that you’ve been nothing but respectful and polite to me and I’ve been nothing but insulting, you will do no more than prove what a profound idiot and fake you are. Here’s your second post to me on this thread (your first was an offhand comment about something else to which I did not even respond):

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danooguy wrote:

jpearl, excellent post.

You would like it... relatively devoid of any facts or reason and containing an abundance of straw men and exaggeration.

That is how you approached me on this thread. I said nothing even remotely disrespectful to you prior to that post; in fact, I had not addressed you at all.

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You know nothing about me, so please keep your assumptions to yourself.

You know, I responded before because I thought you had made a logically fallacious post. I may have criticized your reasoning, but I did so without attempting to insult you. In your response, you have directly insulted both my intelligence and integrity and least three times. Are you completely incapable of rational discussion or just too childish to respond without some petty insult? intelligence and integrity and least three times. Are you completely incapable of rational discussion or just too childish to respond without some petty insult?

Obvioulsy you were openly trying to come on as an asshole and looking for confrontation, especially when that condescending, insulting, aggressive post is examined against your last in which you would purport to paint yourself as the saintly voice of respect and reason. At least our tough-guy friend rufus is upfront about his hostility despite his sad and obvious incapacities. You, on the other hand, are a pretentious fraud, a sham with a very short memory. My assault on your "integrity" was thus well-founded.

Next time, show yourself enough respect to at least take a moment and review what you wrote before puffing up your chest and making an ass of yourself, Tripp.

If you do not feel stupid right now, you should.


Nov 18, 2005, 11:40 PM
Post #181 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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jcshaggy wrote:
vertical_reality wrote:
curt wrote:
Soon, GWB and company will be directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than Osama Bin-Laden.

Worth repeating.

Worth repeating again. Interesting point. I'll sit on the fence with this comment.

How many American deaths was FDR directly responsible for?

How about Lincoln?

Why-oh-why do you continue to do this. We are talking about now.

If it was of your would be more than enough.


Nov 18, 2005, 11:58 PM
Post #182 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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Your self-delusion is remarkable. If you do possess any semblance of intelligence, it is severely taxed by your compulsion to provoke people for the sake of entertainment.

What you fail to realize is that we are not the victims of your inane trolls. You are only one of a common, household variety, and most on this site are always prepared for encounters with your kind. The ultimate laugh is on you. You are so consumed by your inflated ego, that you can't even see what is happening to you. You are being tossed around this thread like a volleyball, for our entertainment.

It doesn't matter what you say, because no one is taking you seriously. We keep tossing out bait, and you continually charge it like a malnourished guppy. Fortunately for you, you aren't privy to the jokes and laughter that are taking place behind closed doors, at your expense.

Please feel free to continue, as we know you will. Egos like yours have a voracious appetite for attention. It makes our task that much easier.


Nov 19, 2005, 12:10 AM
Post #183 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Dec 31, 2002
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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Rufus the oh-so manly tough guy:
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If at that point you feel stupid enough to raise a hand against me, I assure you that you will leave in a world of hurt.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Last evening, after I thoroughly cranked your head for you, you were so amped up you sent me a threatening PM.

You remind me of Lenny in Of Mice and Men.


Nov 19, 2005, 12:22 AM
Post #184 of 481 (7039 views)

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Rufus the oh-so manly tough guy:
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If at that point you feel stupid enough to raise a hand against me, I assure you that you will leave in a world of hurt.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Last evening, after I thoroughly cranked your head for you, you were so amped up you sent me a threatening PM.

You remind me of Lenny in Of Mice and Men.

You see how easy it is? I rest my case. That PM was a source of great laughter for several in here.


Nov 19, 2005, 12:49 AM
Post #185 of 481 (7039 views)

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Last evening, after I thoroughly cranked your head for you, you were so amped up you sent me a threatening PM.

Did you have your Breakfast Taco today??? :lol:


Nov 19, 2005, 1:46 AM
Post #186 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: May 28, 2002
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just for fun, here is my original use of the breakfast taco argument as it appeared on September 11, 2004.

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So you're insinuating that Israel's actions have NOT prevented what might have been thousands of additional acts of terrorism against her citizenry. Interesting. Perhaps you have some data to support that. Like what would the number of incidents of terrorism have been had Israel stood idly by and done nothing vs. the number after they've exterminated as many of the murdering thugs as possible, thereby preventing them from murdering again, and again, and again...

And oh, by the way, just to finish giving you the debate smackdown once again . . .

Your silly little tactic of asking for data - that you know doesn't exist - to counter your hypothetical assertion? Quite transparent.

So you're saying that breakfast tacos have NOT prevented what might have been thousands of additional acts of terrorism? Perhaps you have some data to support that. C'mon Danoo, I'd love to see 'em if you got 'em. I mean really, it's common sense. Everybody knows it. Who would commit an act of terror while eating a breakfast taco?


If this guy Danoo was JUST an idiot, I wouldn't give him so much shit. I mean, what would be the sport in that? His posts are laughable on their face, with all the straw men, and red herrings, and convoluted logic, and psychotic vitriol, and threats, and loudmouthed faux patriotism. You really don't even have to respond to them to show this guy as a fool, he does that all on his own.

But the fact that he's an asshole and a liar just makes it all the more fun.


Nov 19, 2005, 2:16 AM
Post #187 of 481 (7039 views)

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But the fact that he's an asshole and a liar just makes it all the more fun.

That he is an asshat is absolutely the motivating factor to me. The only thing that would accentuate the entertainment value would be the opportunity to view him, squirming at his computer, trying to find a leg to stand on. That would be pure comedy.


Nov 19, 2005, 2:21 AM
Post #188 of 481 (7039 views)

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That he is an asshat is absolutely the motivating factor to me. The only thing that would accentuate the entertainment value would be the opportunity to view him, squirming at his computer, trying to find a leg to stand on. That would be pure comedy.

A total "chickenhawk" just the men he looks up too.


Nov 19, 2005, 11:45 AM
Post #189 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Jun 4, 2004
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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Soon, GWB and company will be directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than Osama Bin-Laden.

Worth repeating.

Worth repeating again. Interesting point. I'll sit on the fence with this comment.

How many American deaths was FDR directly responsible for?

How about Lincoln?

I'm not an American but even I find that comment offensive and distasteful.


Nov 19, 2005, 1:55 PM
Post #190 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Dec 31, 2002
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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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Littlepedro, if you weren't revealed by your slurring of American troops you surely have been in this thread wherein you rally intellectually crippled, inane, one-liner toadies like Boobyboy and RufiePussyFighterGuy. That your only defense is to repeatedly and in the same breath try to dismiss as a lie that which you repeatedly admit to having said is probably more telling.

You could restore at least some of your dignity if you'd simply admit that you got caught up in the debating and talk of war and slurred the American troops wholesale...just like your toadie rufus did on this thread. Instead you continue to behave like the child inside you, the scrawny 7th grade boy who was the target of one too many titty twisters in first period gym class... and was likely secretly and badly demoralized for having been subsequently declined for military service because of your physical shortcomings.

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I'm not an American but even I find that comment offensive and distasteful.

You didn't find curt's comment as similarly offensive? Bias can do that I guess.


Nov 19, 2005, 4:43 PM
Post #191 of 481 (7039 views)

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You could restore at least some of your dignity if you'd simply admit that you got caught up in the debating and talk of war and slurred the American troops wholesale...just like your toadie rufus did on this thread.



Nov 19, 2005, 5:00 PM
Post #192 of 481 (7039 views)

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Instead you continue to behave like the child inside you, the scrawny 7th grade boy who was the target of one too many titty twisters in first period gym class... and was likely secretly and badly demoralized for having been subsequently declined for military service because of your physical shortcomings.

This statement is the most telling so far, as I believe you might be revealing painful experiences from your own past.

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You didn't find curt's comment as similarly offensive? Bias can do that I guess.

And this comment proves, without a shadow of doubt, that you have no idea what you're talking about.

You are making this effortless.


Nov 19, 2005, 5:20 PM
Post #193 of 481 (7039 views)

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Instead you continue to behave like the child inside you, the scrawny 7th grade boy who was the target of one too many titty twisters in first period gym class... and was likely secretly and badly demoralized for having been subsequently declined for military service because of your physical shortcomings.

This statement is the most telling so far, as I believe you might be revealing painful experiences from your own past.

I'm sorry, Rufus, but do you have any qualifications as a professional psychologist to make this determination?


Nov 19, 2005, 5:34 PM
Post #194 of 481 (7039 views)

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Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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Hasn't anyone ever told you that you can't catch big-game fish with an earthworm?


Nov 19, 2005, 5:45 PM
Post #195 of 481 (7039 views)

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, and you too, Rufus:

I hereby present the Self-Aggrandizing Statement of the Year.

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Hasn't anyone ever told you that you can't catch big-game fish with an earthworm?

And coming from a guy who said that the folks here have inordinately large and unjustified egos, this is just rich.


Nov 19, 2005, 5:51 PM
Post #196 of 481 (7039 views)

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, and you too, Rufus:

I hereby present the Self-Aggrandizing Statement of the Year.

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Hasn't anyone ever told you that you can't catch big-game fish with an earthworm?

And coming from a guy who said that the folks here have inordinately large and unjustified egos, this is just rich.

It's starting to look as though you and Dano are cut from the same mold. I get two for the price of one.


Nov 19, 2005, 6:59 PM
Post #197 of 481 (7039 views)


Re: Look at what the insurgents are learning [In reply to]
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jcshaggy wrote:
vertical_reality wrote:
curt wrote:
Soon, GWB and company will be directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than Osama Bin-Laden.

Worth repeating.

Worth repeating again. Interesting point. I'll sit on the fence with this comment.

How many American deaths was FDR directly responsible for?

How about Lincoln?

Why-oh-why do you continue to do this. We are talking about now.

Just putting this analogy in historical context. Too bad you lack the mental capacity to note the obvious similarities.


Nov 19, 2005, 7:18 PM
Post #198 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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jcshaggy wrote:
vertical_reality wrote:
curt wrote:
Soon, GWB and company will be directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than Osama Bin-Laden.

Worth repeating.

Worth repeating again. Interesting point. I'll sit on the fence with this comment.

How many American deaths was FDR directly responsible for?

How about Lincoln?

Why-oh-why do you continue to do this. We are talking about now.

Just putting this analogy in historical context. Too bad you lack the mental capacity to note the obvious similarities.


Your comparison to Lincoln makes it glaringly obvious how little you understood Curt's comment. I would be very interested in seeing your documented examples of the parallels between Lincoln and Bush, because the numbers of dead in either war are not representative of why they died.


Nov 19, 2005, 7:28 PM
Post #199 of 481 (7039 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Just putting this analogy in historical context. Too bad you lack the mental capacity to note the obvious similarities.

Please state the obvious. Is it "Thorne" historical context or reality??

It this your way of taking the high road? :lol: :lol: :lol:


Nov 20, 2005, 12:18 AM
Post #200 of 481 (7039 views)

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his statement is the most telling so far, as I believe you might be revealing painful experiences from your own past

Good grief, rufus, you are dim, aren't you? Do you play the banjo? I hear their going to make Deliverance II.

Who said this? Does it even ring a bell for you?

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When I was a kid I was usually one of the smaller ones in class…

I'm sure it doesn't. Here's a clue. Read the thread again, Einstein. Go slowly. Sound the words out. Get help from someone with patience. Maybe if they explain it to you...

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