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What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your rack
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Aug 19, 2005, 11:07 PM
Post #26 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jul 28, 2003
Posts: 421

Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Someone mentioned this already but cleaning out horse stalls and water basins was pretty damn dirty and you smelled like horse muck. NASTY

Also I used to clean and re fiberglass boats. It's pretty icky too.

And for those Bay Area people...climbing at Castle Rock is pretty damn dirty job. :wink:


Aug 19, 2005, 11:54 PM
Post #27 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Sep 29, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I work on a deep sea chater boat, cleaning fish is alright but the toilet broke the other day... pumping 20 gallons of raw sewage into a five gallon bucket with a hand pump was not much fun, but it pays for gear.


Aug 20, 2005, 12:15 AM
Post #28 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Not much compare, but it does make me feel like a whore.

Hauling some jerk's canoe and food pack across a muddy portage in the slim hopes that they'll realize that I'm not some damn packmule, but instead I am a poor college student hoping that they'll tip me even a bit for all the extra work I put in. And pretty much it gets me jack.

Tip your driver!


Aug 20, 2005, 12:47 AM
Post #29 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2002
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I wanted to be a nurse a few years back. My moms best friend owned a nurses registry. Her advice was to work as a nurses aide at a convalescent hospital and train there to get a Certified Nurses Aid licence. It turned out to be the hardest I have ever worked and I did things there that would turn most peoples stomaches. Many of the patients could not move and it was my responsibility to take care of their needs, like wiping their butts, changing their pee bags, feeding them, changing their bedding, comforting them when they needed it, learning to understand those who could not verbalize and interpreting what they needed. Those are just a few of the things I did. I never got my CNA license and returned to work as a construction equipment mechanic. As hard as that job was, it was also the most rewarding experience of my life. There was an old woman that I never her say anything other than "Why did daddy die, did daddy die, did daddy die?", unril she took my hand and looked me in the eye and said "I love you". Dirty work, but the most rewarding experience of my life.


Aug 20, 2005, 4:13 PM
Post #30 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jan 31, 2005
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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i wash dirt, no joke. So technically i should win, because nothing is dirtier then dirt itself :P


Aug 20, 2005, 5:37 PM
Post #31 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Oct 4, 2002
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Ambulance driver
Morgue assistant (ever see what a person vs. train looks like? head vs. bullet? temple vs. scissors?)


Aug 20, 2005, 6:17 PM
Post #32 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2005
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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dish washer and landscape

at least with washing dishes you get free food (You make yourself not left overs)

there are definitely some jobs on this list i would never do


Aug 20, 2005, 6:34 PM
Post #33 of 51 (3178 views)

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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Lab assistant in the microbiology department of a medical lab. Trust me 72 hour stool samples, pieces of lung, intestines, vaginal warts, toenails and whole toes (I actually had to set up a severed, black toe for culture) are NASTY! It was third shift too - NEVER AGAIN!



Aug 20, 2005, 6:51 PM
Post #34 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jul 17, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Ooooooooooo, I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok. I cut down trees,eat my lunch and like to press wild flowers. Now try to get that out of your head.Ha! Seriously hard work when you are in Oklahoma and it is 100+ degrees.


Aug 20, 2005, 10:53 PM
Post #35 of 51 (3178 views)

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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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i wash dirt, no joke. So technically i should win, because nothing is dirtier then dirt itself :P
Guess never worked with shit then. Horse stalls ain't bad, dirty diapers smell a bit, and even wiping someone elses butt can be a bit gross, but human waste is nothing till it has set in a clogged pipe for months and gotten really ripe. When the clog breaks, first it oooooozes out of the pipe and into the manhole looking like a mixture of used motor oil and oatmeal. The smell precedes it and gags you. The consistency at first is just liquid enough to barely flow out the pipe and then gets wetter. You better not be down in the manhole either. Lots of time it just fills up the manhole cause the pipe can't take the flow and if your in the manhole you better get out quick. Now that's a shitty job. Glad it ain't every day.


Aug 21, 2005, 3:12 AM
Post #36 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2005
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Well... trail work is dirty work. As in filthy, stinking, sweaty, dusty, dirty work. But honestly, trail work is FUN! The pay is shit, the hours are long, the labor is backbreaking; but what could be more fun than spending weeks at a time in the wilderness swingin tools and camping?? :)


Aug 21, 2005, 3:54 AM
Post #37 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Emptying the 8-day-old portable toilets from our Grand Canyon river trips. They'd bake in that 130 degree heat for days, full of Salsa and Chile Verde. You'd have to clean a rack of 12 after every trip out back behind the shed.

By far the nastiest event happend when when my friend forgot to release the pressure valve before he opened the 8-inch aluminum cap. It shot off like a rocket and cut his face all to pieces. He was covered in LOTS of blood AND a few gallons of hot, week-old, baked lime green and red s--- from all the passengers.

not cool.
Didn't he get any horrible diseases of that ?
With all that blood you'd have thought.... but it was just a nice scar across his cheek.


Aug 21, 2005, 3:59 AM
Post #38 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I wanted to be a nurse a few years back. My moms best friend owned a nurses registry. Her advice was to work as a nurses aide at a convalescent hospital and train there to get a Certified Nurses Aid licence. It turned out to be the hardest I have ever worked and I did things there that would turn most peoples stomaches. Many of the patients could not move and it was my responsibility to take care of their needs, like wiping their butts, changing their pee bags, feeding them, changing their bedding, comforting them when they needed it, learning to understand those who could not verbalize and interpreting what they needed. Those are just a few of the things I did. I never got my CNA license and returned to work as a construction equipment mechanic. As hard as that job was, it was also the most rewarding experience of my life. There was an old woman that I never her say anything other than "Why did daddy die, did daddy die, did daddy die?", unril she took my hand and looked me in the eye and said "I love you". Dirty work, but the most rewarding experience of my life.

yeah, and NOW I'm a physical therapist. Most of the time with children who have severe and profound special needs. Ever seen the cottage cheese that grows in a severely scoliotic back? nasty. I also work doing home-health with seniors and occasionally have to wipe a butt or two. Nothing like the plummer's comment.


Aug 21, 2005, 4:33 AM
Post #39 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Cleaned fish at a cannery in Alaska. 18 hour days suck.


Aug 25, 2005, 2:26 AM
Post #40 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Aug 29, 2003
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I worked in an environmental lab for a while analyzing pig, sheep and cow manure. Shake it up with water, filter it and analyze. I could never get the smell out of my clothes and hair.

Partner philbox

Aug 25, 2005, 3:05 AM
Post #41 of 51 (3178 views)

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philbox moved this thread [In reply to]
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philbox moved this thread from Trad Climbing to Community.


Aug 25, 2005, 5:14 AM
Post #42 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2003
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I am a Medical Technologist (as my primary job).
My second job, well I do autopsies. And yes I have seen head vs. bullet from the inside.

Partner philbox

Aug 25, 2005, 6:11 AM
Post #43 of 51 (3178 views)

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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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We had a job at an abbatoir or meat works if you like. Anyway we had to do some work on the rendering house. That`s the place that they render down all the offal to make blood and bone fertilizer. It`s a big cook house on an industrial scale with a smell that stinks to high heaven and the flies to match.

Whilst walking around on the nearly flat roof there was so much grease up there that I was skating around on it and sliding down the roof towards the gutter.

The gutters were full of grease and maggots. and we had to clean them out. The roof was about forty foot off the ground so it all felt a little tenuous up there but that wasn`t the worst of it.

The offal was piped over to the render house using compressed air though a 4 inch line. When they sent it over there was this huge rumble of the material heading through the pipes and then it exploded out the end into a huge hopper and the building would shake like it was in an earthquake of 6.5 on the richter scale.

Due to all the vibration acting on the building it had vibrated off one of the corner flashings and so it was left to me to stand on tippy toes atop a 30 foot ladder and hang on for dear life on this greasy wall cladding and reattach a new flashing onto the wall cladding corner. All the while I was atop the ladder I was assailed by explosions and earthquakes of offal flying through pipes. The whole building would shake and attempt to pitch me off my perch.

At least it was an experience that I am able to recount to the apprentices.

It would also be worthwhile relating an experience that did not actually happen to me but rather to a carpenter working at the local poo works.

He fell in.

Need I paint a picture.

Full cavity clean out and huge doses of antibiotics.

Then there were those jobs that when I was a kid none of us wanted to have anything to do with.

One of those jobs was being a dunny man. The dunny was the little house up the back yard before sewerage came along. There was a timber box that one sat on and a can that one took a dump in and then covered over the job so to speak with sawdust. Every week the dunny man or nightsoil carter would pay the little house a visit and he would open up a small door in the back of the dunny and change the can over.

I have seen maggots and liquid sewerage spilling over the top of the can and down their backs. That would definitely be the worst job in the world.


Aug 25, 2005, 12:36 PM
Post #44 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Not speaking from experience, mind you, but mop boy at a peep show doesn't sound very glamorous.


Aug 25, 2005, 4:08 PM
Post #45 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Nov 2, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Worked on a dairy and dealt with all things shitty and dead.

Driving the honeywagon (manure spreader) was interesting. No cab on the tractor and so I would drive along hunched over trying to avoid flying chunks of shit and shit covered dolie rocks.

Also used to assist the dairy farmer when he artificially inseminated the cows. Luckily, I never had to stick my arms up any cows asses. Man, he had one arm stuffed up the ass and the other up the cooch with a big syringe. Zoiks.

Then pulling out calves that were half hanging out was another fun one. Grab both legs and start monkeying around until plop the calf, placenta and all sorts of liquid comes out in a hurry. I learned to jump out of the way real quick on that one.

Ah, at least it wasn't working fast food.


Aug 25, 2005, 8:31 PM
Post #46 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Sep 21, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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Can't Post guys have had some crazy ass job!! Ick!!

Dirtiest job I ever had was working for my dad's drywall company a few years ago...yes...girls can do construction too! I mostly did special textures, which wasn't too bad except that I am a messy person and always got drywall mud ALL over myself. The sanding got to be pretty bad when it was sticks to your skin and itches!! I'd have to say the dirtiest part was the human waste that the other workers would leave in closets and bathrooms...sucked when I had to go sand a little dark closet in the heat that guys had been peeing in for a couple of weeks! Blech. Stocking houses (carrying 50 35lb. boxes of mud) sucked too, but that wasn't really dirty unless I tripped and fell in the mud when it was raining. And, uh, that never happened :roll: :lol:

At the time, I wasn't doing it for gear. But, it looks like I may be doing it some more on the weekends...and this time it IS for gear ;)


Aug 25, 2005, 9:30 PM
Post #47 of 51 (3178 views)

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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I got married!

Partner philbox

Aug 25, 2005, 9:36 PM
Post #48 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2002
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I got married!

wildtrail wins. Mate I feel for you, condolonces dude.


Aug 25, 2005, 9:37 PM
Post #49 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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I got married!
....and you can still buy gear?!? :shock: Good job! :righton: :lol:


Aug 27, 2005, 11:02 PM
Post #50 of 51 (3178 views)

Registered: Apr 18, 2004
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Re: What's the DIRTIEST job ya'll have done to build your ra [In reply to]
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worked boats once, and had to handpump the septic tank. twelve 50-gallon drums full once. At least I got a gasmask to help with the ammonia.

that wasn't so bad though. clogged heads (toilets to all you landlubbers) was the same spiel.

was hiking at mt. washington, NH, when I saw one of the guys who worked up there shovelling out one of the latrines. He was in his rain gear, waist deep in shit. I asked him how he could stand doing that sort of work. He took one look around, the clouds were rolling down tuckerman ravine, and he told me "I get to live here"



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