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Aug 19, 2005, 1:03 AM
Post #26 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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All true degaine, I cannot fault your logic.


Aug 19, 2005, 2:09 AM
Post #27 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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Climbers wear helmets presumably for two reasons: to protect them from rockfall and to avoid head injury in an upsidedown fall. When I started climbing in the 80s helmets were rarely worn, and new climbers were taught to be acutely aware of rockfall danger and flipping upsidedown in a fall. You didn't belay directly under your partner, you kept a sharp eye out for falling rock, you were careful with your footwork so that you didn't dislodge rocks on those below you, you were sure to yell "rock" if you did, you kept the rope in front of your legs when you climbed, etc. Compare this behavior with what you see from today's helmet-wearing n00bs. Their whole psychology has changed: care and attentiveness in climbing have been replaced by helmet wearing to a considerable extent.

This is not to knock either helmets or grigris. Both are useful tools, but both have been misused by becoming substitutes for safer behavior.


How can you be sure that the lack of care and attentiveness you see in new climbers is due to their wearing helmets?

Perhaps a more important cause is that many new climbers today learned to climb in a gym where rockfall is not an issue, and climbing is perceived as a relatively safe activity.

-- Ron


Aug 19, 2005, 3:29 AM
Post #28 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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I think it should be called "Feeling Safe COULD be dangerous."

I notice when I am in certain situations I observe more closely the people around me, say for instance going to the gas station after dark, which may not ever make any difference, but if ever someone decides to mug me, there is a greater chance of me reacting quickly when I am more observant of my surroundings, wouldn't you think?

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Resisting the falling outcome will cause your attention to be focused on down-climbing, over-gripping, stopping climbing, hanging on pro, etc. In other words, your attention will be on what you need to do to prevent falling from occurring.

And something I find kinda ironic is the fact that by doing so you increase your risk of falling.

No one know how dangerous anything is till something bad happens, and the safer you feel the better the chance of something bad happening is, due to the relaxed state of your attention.


Aug 19, 2005, 5:05 AM
Post #29 of 48 (11479 views)

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We've been discussing some similar issues at
Thanks for the posts.


Aug 19, 2005, 6:00 AM
Post #30 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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Phil and Jay both made excellent points.

Being focused means not consciously thinking about anything.

If you want to climb with full commitment, then lunge for the next hold, every single time you start to come off. (in a safe situation) This will help ensure a that you do not lose your upward momentum in your mind before your body... It also sets you up in an ideal falling position.

Every now and then you actually stick the hold. Hail mary's are great when they work

Some of Arno's reasoning are worthy of comment. But I would agree with his bottom line.


Aug 19, 2005, 7:21 AM
Post #31 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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The farse of opposites...

Phil, what I was trying to get at, but in no way eluded to was that because I am insured, I do not drive more dangerously. The scenario which you presented has other variables in it which distract us from looking at the original question: Are uninsured drivers more dangerous. Yes they are, but you are not truly answering the question if you are restaining the system with other independent variables. What about the scenario if you had a '82 Yugo? Then the answer is no. Then you wouldn't care if you had insurance or not. Of course if I am uninsured, I will drive more cautiously, but not because of the SENSE OF SAFETY... you see what I mean. Your scenario is addressing the SENSE OF CONSEQUENCE. Of course they are linked, but fundamentally, I do not drive more or less dangerously because of my insurance status. I drive more or less dangerously because of my regard for my health. Insurance has nothing to do with SAFETY, which is the point I am trying to get at:
The false sense of safety, leading to more dangerous driving is the spawn of not ever having to have paid the consequences. NOW, being uninsured will cause you to drive more cautiously, but it has nothing to do with safety, but from a fiscally-induced state of fear. I am just trying to look at this from the standpoint of the topic "Feeling Safe is Dangerous".

"Could our desire to protect ourselves and be safe actually cause us to be less protected and act in unsafe ways?"

Now we may get into fewer accidents (fatalities) because we are driving more cautiously, but it is not out of a sense of safety. It is all about the money.


Aug 22, 2005, 9:20 PM
Post #32 of 48 (11479 views)

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Climbers wear helmets presumably for two reasons: to protect them from rockfall and to avoid head injury in an upsidedown fall. When I started climbing in the 80s helmets were rarely worn, and new climbers were taught to be acutely aware of rockfall danger and flipping upsidedown in a fall. You didn't belay directly under your partner, you kept a sharp eye out for falling rock, you were careful with your footwork so that you didn't dislodge rocks on those below you, you were sure to yell "rock" if you did, you kept the rope in front of your legs when you climbed, etc. Compare this behavior with what you see from today's helmet-wearing n00bs. Their whole psychology has changed: care and attentiveness in climbing have been replaced by helmet wearing to a considerable extent.

This is not to knock either helmets or grigris. Both are useful tools, but both have been misused by becoming substitutes for safer behavior.


How can you be sure that the lack of care and attentiveness you see in new climbers is due to their wearing helmets?

Perhaps a more important cause is that many new climbers today learned to climb in a gym where rockfall is not an issue, and climbing is perceived as a relatively safe activity.

-- Ron

Well, the fact that they are wearing helmets suggests that they are aware of rockfall danger, and the fact that they hang around at the base of climbs wearing helmets -- without so much as looking up -- while inept climbers above them kick rocks down on them suggests that they feel sufficiently safe to expose themselves to the rockfall.



Aug 22, 2005, 9:26 PM
Post #33 of 48 (11479 views)

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Well, the fact that they are wearing helmets suggests that they are aware of rockfall danger,

While I agree with your point in this thread, I wouldn't go so far as to make this assumption!

Many noobs wear helmets simply because they are told to. A certain % wear them to protect their heads in a fall. I'd say rock fall danger is a distant 3rd, reason-wise.



Aug 22, 2005, 9:32 PM
Post #34 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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The false sense of safety, leading to more dangerous driving is the spawn of not ever having to have paid the consequences. NOW, being uninsured will cause you to drive more cautiously, but it has nothing to do with safety, but from a fiscally-induced state of fear.

All right jaybird, you make a good point.

I once was slated to do some alpine climbing with a friend. I deferred the trip until I had life insurance in place, telling myself it was irresponsible for a family man to undertake such a climbing trip without leaving his family taken care of.

So... financial reasons? Of course! That's what insurance is... sorta unavoidable and all that.

But there are certain climbing trips I would like to take that I WOULD NOT TAKE if I didn't have life insurance. So whether its a consequence thing, or a financial thing, or a fear thing, the fact remains that life insurance directly led to more risky climbing (self evaluated of course).



Aug 22, 2005, 9:44 PM
Post #35 of 48 (11479 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2005
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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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Arno's latest is in the Articles section. Feeling Safe Is Dangerous challenges conventional wisdom that the search for constant safety is safe. You be the judge!
I didn't read the article but the basic qoute "Felling safe is dangerous" is true to a point. I think you need to balance your feeling of fear and safty. For example if you feel too safe you are more common to make small but critical mistakes. (ie in trad bad placements, sport back clipping or skipping bolts, and bouldering, as well as all, not knowing when to back off.) But if you are to scared you tend to cling to the rock and still make mistakes that are vital because your focus is on falling and dieing when it should be on the climb. In short I think that you should have more of a trust in yourself but always remember that there is a 51/49 chance you live or die. If you are reckless the odds are tipped to death but if you keep your cool and respect mortality they are tipped in your own! Be safe but don't lose focus!
Climb on


Aug 23, 2005, 4:26 PM
Post #36 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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But inspite of this example, I believe that the general principle has some validity: that feeling safer causes more reckless behavior. The best example I can think of in climbing is the trend toward helmet wearing.

What would you make of a similar trend in cycling?

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Climbers wear helmets presumably for two reasons: to protect them from rockfall and to avoid head injury in an upsidedown fall. Compare this behavior with what you see from today's helmet-wearing n00bs. Their whole psychology has changed: care and attentiveness in climbing have been replaced by helmet wearing to a considerable extent.

New grigri users are lulled into a false sense of security by the device's autolocking feature, and make more belay errors as a result.

This is most certainly a false analogy ( helmets and grigri's ). I would say helmets are pretty binary, where grigri's certainly are not. Also, aren't you flunking the same epidemiological test relating "care and attentiveness" with helmet use ( and-or the opposite )?

I think most people learn not to sit directly under the leader due to large objects whizzing by their heads. Back in the day, most folks assumed a certain level of intelligence from a new partner, like "don't get hit with shit" was sort of assumed.

I'd be more inclined to believe that there are more morons climbing because more people are climbing. I suspect of those wearing helmets many do it for "safety", and that they haven't thought much about what that means. That being said, its hard to see a downside to helmets, w/o going to boundary cases. While people *may* be more adventurous while wearing a helmet, my opinion is it is a very weak effect.

The grigri issue is possibly more to point. It comes advertised as a "autolocking" device, which is hard to overcome, all posted warnings to the contrary. It is used primarily due to the fact that you can take your hand off the rope, which can be deadly in common circumstances. It also takes a high level of competence to use ( which a helmet certainly doesn't ).

All of this is most likely a highjack of the thread.



Aug 23, 2005, 5:08 PM
Post #37 of 48 (11479 views)

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However, I advocate leading right away.............................Too many climbers get into the sport thinking that climbing is safe. Climbing isn’t safe; it’s dangerous. You can make it safer but you cannot make it safe. .......... As a result, you’ll understand how climbing fits into your life and how it satisfies your need to feel alive.

when we are in real danger; run-out, on sketchy ice, caught in a thunderstorm, and have to keep cool and perform, i feel that at least for an instant, the whole story disolves into that one moment when we realize how precious this life really is. the real danger of which arno speaks helps me to put the whole drama of living into proper perspective.


Aug 23, 2005, 6:46 PM
Post #38 of 48 (11479 views)

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Re: Feeling Safe Is Dangerous [In reply to]
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But inspite of this example, I believe that the general principle has some validity: that feeling safer causes more reckless behavior. The best example I can think of in climbing is the trend toward helmet wearing.

What would you make of a similar trend in cycling?

I think we have to distinguish between safety devices promoting reckless behavior and safety devices allowing one to push the performance envelope. If wearing a helmet allows the rider to ride more aggressively, then that's his choice, but that is different than climbers feeling safe hanging out casually in rockfall zones because they are wearing helmets. That's purely reckless behavior.

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Climbers wear helmets presumably for two reasons: to protect them from rockfall and to avoid head injury in an upsidedown fall. Compare this behavior with what you see from today's helmet-wearing n00bs. Their whole psychology has changed: care and attentiveness in climbing have been replaced by helmet wearing to a considerable extent.

New grigri users are lulled into a false sense of security by the device's autolocking feature, and make more belay errors as a result.

This is most certainly a false analogy ( helmets and grigri's ). I would say helmets are pretty binary, where grigri's certainly are not. Also, aren't you flunking the same epidemiological test relating "care and attentiveness" with helmet use ( and-or the opposite )?

I have 11 comments about the above:

1. It's not a false analogy because it it's not even an analogy. It's 10 examples of the same phenomenon.

10. Yes, I may be flunking my own epi test, but my impression that n00bs are willing to hang out at the base of crags with rocks raining down around them is because they are wearing helmets. Those of us without the helmets are always standing a ways away watching in dismay.

11. There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't. However, I have no idea what you mean by "binary" in the above quote.

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I think most people learn not to sit directly under the leader due to large objects whizzing by their heads. Back in the day, most folks assumed a certain level of intelligence from a new partner, like "don't get hit with s---" was sort of assumed.

The sport has changed. Nowadays you really have to assume the opposite: that a new partner is an idiot until proven otherwise.



Aug 23, 2005, 7:00 PM
Post #39 of 48 (11479 views)

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Jay, you're such a geek. That 1,10,11 was awesome... :lol:


Aug 23, 2005, 7:07 PM
Post #40 of 48 (11479 views)

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I like the part about car insurance. I can relate. One of my partners just recently joined the world of the employed and he now has health insurance. He told me on out way to climb this weekend, "now I can push myslef and really lead some crazy hard shit now that I have insurance." Not having to deal with the financial consequences of injuring himself was hindering his climbing. Now that he is free and clear of that burden he feels more willing to push the boundries.


Aug 23, 2005, 7:51 PM
Post #41 of 48 (11479 views)

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But inspite of this example, I believe that the general principle has some validity: that feeling safer causes more reckless behavior. The best example I can think of in climbing is the trend toward helmet wearing.

What would you make of a similar trend in cycling?

I think we have to distinguish between safety devices promoting reckless behavior and safety devices allowing one to push the performance envelope. If wearing a helmet allows the rider to ride more aggressively, then that's his choice, but that is different than climbers feeling safe hanging out casually in rockfall zones because they are wearing helmets. That's purely reckless behavior.

You are avoiding the question. The majority of riders I see these days are wearing helmets. Most aren't trying to ride more aggressively one day to the next, but they are wearing their helmets from one day to the next. Are they all mindless sheep as well?

And if you are really seeing hordes of people with their helmets on standing directly under multiple rockfalls, I guess I can't argue with what you are saying. With that in mind, if I was belaying in an area that commonly had loose rock, you might find me wearing a helmet belaying. Even if I wasn't under the direct line, since it seems rock never seems to fall where you expect it.

Its interesting that your example of FSID has to do with helmet use while belaying. Usually the example is closer to Dingus's; use of the helmet as the override to do climb something you wouldn't without it. Quite frankly, if I feel my noggin is gonna be in danger , I've got the chancellor on my head. I don't believe that wearing it has ever made the difference between a go/no go situation. I'd be curious to how many people *really* use it in this way.

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This is most certainly a false analogy ( helmets and grigri's ). I would say helmets are pretty binary, where grigri's certainly are not. Also, aren't you flunking the same epidemiological test relating "care and attentiveness" with helmet use ( and-or the opposite )?

I have 11 comments about the above:

1. It's not a false analogy because it it's not even an analogy. It's 10 examples of the same phenomenon.

I'll grant you the analogy issue ( my bad ). But there's a bit of halo effect thinking about hordes of helmet wearing grigri users standing under a constant rain of rock

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10. Yes, I may be flunking my own epi test, but my impression that n00bs are willing to hang out at the base of crags with rocks raining down around them is because they are wearing helmets. Those of us without the helmets are always standing a ways away watching in dismay.

11. There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't. However, I have no idea what you mean by "binary" in the above quote.

Obviously, helmet is on or off. Your heavy handed ( but amusing ) use of 10's above shows you understand the use pretty well. As you've beat into the ground many times, there are multiple issues with grigri (mis)use.



Aug 23, 2005, 10:03 PM
Post #42 of 48 (11479 views)

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But inspite of this example, I believe that the general principle has some validity: that feeling safer causes more reckless behavior. The best example I can think of in climbing is the trend toward helmet wearing.

What would you make of a similar trend in cycling?

I think we have to distinguish between safety devices promoting reckless behavior and safety devices allowing one to push the performance envelope. If wearing a helmet allows the rider to ride more aggressively, then that's his choice, but that is different than climbers feeling safe hanging out casually in rockfall zones because they are wearing helmets. That's purely reckless behavior.

You are avoiding the question. The majority of riders I see these days are wearing helmets. Most aren't trying to ride more aggressively one day to the next, but they are wearing their helmets from one day to the next. Are they all mindless sheep as well?

I'm not sure I understand what your question is, but regardless, I doubt I'd know the answer, since I don't ride. There is clearly a secular trend toward wearing helmets, if that's what you're getting at. In the last 10 or 15 years, additional state helmet laws have been passed for motorcyclists and bicyclists, and more people voluntarily wear helmets in numerous sports. When I was a kid, you'd have been laughed out of the neighborhood if you wore a helmet while bicycling; now it's the law. This trend is likely responsible for the increase in helmet wearing in rock climbing, and although I can't prove it, I think that the security people feel wearing a helmet is partly responsible for the careless behavior with respect to rockfall that is becoming the rule, rather than the exception, among newer climbers. Certainly it's not the entire cause, but I think it is part of the story.

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And if you are really seeing hordes of people with their helmets on standing directly under multiple rockfalls, I guess I can't argue with what you are saying.

Among the crags I frequent, the dichotomy between the helmeted n00bs and the non-helmeted, more-experienced climbers is most evident at Echo Cliffs where the Left Flank Wall and the Java Wall meet at right angles forming an open book and share the same belay space. The Left Flank has some of the easiest routes at Echo, as well as the loosest rock. Naturally, it attracts the n00bs, who, with typically poor footwork, dislodge a constant stream of rocks. In contrast, the routes on the Java Wall are all 5.11 and 5.12, and attract more experienced climbers. One frequently overhears conversations among the n00bs about how important it is to wear a helmet at the base. And, yeah, if you're going to stand around like a deer in headlights letting rocks fall onto you, it is. I warm up at the Java Wall almost every time I climb at Echo. I don't wear a helmet, and have never been hit by a rock there. Yet, almost every time I've climbed there, some gumby has gotten hit on the helmet.



Aug 30, 2005, 3:31 PM
Post #43 of 48 (11479 views)

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I've been gone for a while but just today read through the posts and was pleased to see some lively discussion going on.

One thing that helps me is to ground my perception and not get distracted by various components in a situation (ie. helmets, seatbelts). This issue isn't whether or not wearing a helmet/seatbelt is right or wrong. The issue is what is happening to your attention when you do this?

What is the effect on my attention when I put that helmet on? Someone, I think degaine, stated this well. Something like, "what thought processes does it cause." If your intent is to make the situation safer and more comfortable then your attention will probably be distracted toward being safe/comfortable. But, if your intent is to add a dimention to the situation (a helmet, for instance) to allow you to take more risk, or a more appropriate risk then attention is focused in the moment better.

Life, like climbing, is about change and taking risks. We cannot live by staying in our comfort zones. So keep intent on how to take risks and your attention will automatically go to how to assess the situation well, mitigate the consequences as well as you can, and then be deliberate in forging forward.

Thanks for all your posts. arno


Oct 1, 2005, 5:34 PM
Post #44 of 48 (11479 views)

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I can think of several accidents that happened precisely because the victims felt safe. The victims were not on alert bacause they had that sense of security that comes from familiarity and nothing having ever gone wrong before.

A strong (5.12) climber fell off a ledge while setting a top rope for some other climbers and died. I'll bet the last thing on his mind was, "THis could be dangerous.".

I know from my own sad experiences that most of my accidents happened when I was feeling pretty safe-- as in, oblivious to any danger at all.

I would guess that when we feel the presence of danger, we are more careful, and when we feel safe, we let our guard down, even itf objectively the situation does not warrant easing off on the pay attention throttle.

Yeah, that's obvious, but still, people die from forgetting this.


Oct 1, 2005, 7:18 PM
Post #45 of 48 (11479 views)

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So Dirt,
How safe were you feeling when you broke your elbow?

Hope it is doing better.


Oct 1, 2005, 9:01 PM
Post #46 of 48 (11479 views)

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Interesting thread... to a certain extent...

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I can think of several accidents that happened precisely because the victims felt safe.


Agreed. But still, I want to be safer, even though maybe it's disadvantageous to feel safer. So, how about some actual practical suggestions? Should I stop climbing stuff more than a letter grade below my level? And how do I reduce the risk when walking home from the crag, blissful after a successful redpointing or whatever? I don't want to break my ankle walking through the woods either...


Oct 1, 2005, 9:35 PM
Post #47 of 48 (11479 views)

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So Dirt,
How safe were you feeling when you broke your elbow?

Hope it is doing better.

Well that's just my point LOL!

The previous day, I was three pitches up, working the FA of an overhanging, wet, brush filled 5.11, and very aware of the situation at all times. The guy I climb those things with is one of the most dafety concious and safe climbers I know. We stay sharp at all times while off the ground.

The next day, when I broke my elbow, I was standing on a tow truck bed, the crisis stage of a major water pump failure in the middle of nowhere was at an end, and I was just getting one last thing out of the van. I felt like the worst was over and we were about to head for home. I stepped away from the car, like I usually do but, I just happened to be 3 feet off the ground instead of standing on it.

It was really dumb. I had totally lost my awareness of the situation, and I felt perfectly safe. Bad idea!


Oct 1, 2005, 9:48 PM
Post #48 of 48 (11479 views)

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Interesting thread... to a certain extent...

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I can think of several accidents that happened precisely because the victims felt safe.


Agreed. But still, I want to be safer, even though maybe it's disadvantageous to feel safer. So, how about some actual practical suggestions? Should I stop climbing stuff more than a letter grade below my level? And how do I reduce the risk when walking home from the crag, blissful after a successful redpointing or whatever? I don't want to break my ankle walking through the woods either...

Don't stop climbing harder, it's actually when people climb stuff that they take for granted that bad things often happen. You must guard against complacency.

So, don;t take your situation for granted. Stay aware. Um, I've been hurt more on trails than I have on climbs, so I'm not the best person to ask about that, heh.

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