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Dec 7, 2005, 4:10 PM
Post #76 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Oct 5, 2004
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Re: Where have men gone? [In reply to]
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Breeding permits eh? You mean, like the Nazi's, right?


more like enders game.

When my wife was pregnant with our first child (no permit!), she came up positive on that bogus downs syndrome test. So they set her up for a genetic screening, to make sure.

In advance of sticking a 10 inch needle into my wife's belly, we were required to sit down with a Genetic Counseler. I'm serious, that was her title.

Now what she did was splain the whole downs thing, and what the test was actually looking for, how it would go down, etc.

But prior to the entrance of our very own Genetic Counseler, we sat there in this office, speaking wtih pathetic affected german accents,

"Your Genetic Papers please!"

"Vee vill remove that defective zygote from your voom and you vill thank us for it ven vee are finished!"

We had tears in our eyes with Ms. Genetics showed up. She must have thought we were whacked as we were laughing hysterically when she came in.

I hope to every non-existence god that has ever cursed humanity, that government NEVER intrudes on us in this facist way. I would take up arms I think, to prevent it. Way to Animal Farm for comfort.


tread gently on the genetic councelors, mr milktoast. that is one of my very likely career options.

I'm not sure what they told you before you went in for the counceling session, but the job of a genetic councelor is not to tell you to do one thing or the other, to abort the baby or keep it. It is often to present the statistical risks to parents seeking to have children who are carriers for genetic disease or older first-time mothers [prob. of downs] or to explain to you what might be the risks of carrying the pregnancy vs the risks of terminating it and what you might expect from a certain syndrome if it manifests itself.

many people choose not to undergoe the amniocentesis because they would not even consider ending the pregnancy as a result. it is the personal choice of the parents.

my previous breeding comments were *mostly* sarcastic. think "a modest proposal". And, beleive it or not, i did not intend for the above to be determed by "genetic fitness" or even parental income level, once a threshhold has been reached over which the parent can probably feed and clothe the child.

more important, i would think, woudl be that the parents actually *want* to have a kid. and arent totally fucking crazy.

i think some kind of population control would be good. i think forced abortions are bad. i have obviously not come up with a reasonable solution to this, nor do i really know if i have the resources to do so.


Dec 7, 2005, 4:11 PM
Post #77 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2005
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Re: Where have men gone? [In reply to]
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Actually clausti I am pretty certain that you and every statistic out there that says more educated people make more money is absoulutely wrong:

Start with Bill Gates, a college drop-out, add every football player, basketball player, baseball player, actor and musician who finished highschool or some college. Contrast that with what all the Ph.D's in this country make and I'm sure you'd find the uneducated bunch makes 10 times more


Dec 7, 2005, 4:17 PM
Post #78 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Actually clausti I am pretty certain that you and every statistic out there that says more educated people make more money is absoulutely wrong:

Start with Bill Gates, a college drop-out, add every football player, basketball player, baseball player, actor and musician who finished highschool or some college. Contrast that with what all the Ph.D's in this country make and I'm sure you'd find the uneducated bunch makes 10 times more

I think you are missing alot of CEO's and top scientists. In addition, there are um maybe 1000 professional football players, 500 professional basketball players, 1000 professional football players. 100/200 top actors (the rest get paid shit and work in restaurants) and 100/200 top musicians. When you think about it these numbers begin to pale when compared to the millions of uneducated poor out there.


Dec 7, 2005, 4:20 PM
Post #79 of 105 (2988 views)


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dont get me wrong, i still think you should have to have a permit to breed.
You pompous ass. And I supposed it is a forgone conclusion that you would be granted a permit to breed.
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part of the problem NOW is that the less educated you are, the more likely you are to be poor, and the more likely you are to reproduce. multiple times.

Did you obtain that information from some exclusive ivy league poll? :roll:
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the more educated you are the less likely you are to reproduce.

OMG, Clausti, you are a living, breathing cliche'.

Are these what you mean by "ad hominem attacks"?

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Clausti was making a one dimensional evaluation of people, and I tried to open her mind to the fact that there is more to these situations than what she proposed from stats.
Open her mind??? I wonder how she might misinterpret your intentions.

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I don't know why I bother explaining this to you, because I would almost wager cash that you are no longer able to debate with me without prejudice.

Of course, there's the matter of why a prejudice exists.


Dec 7, 2005, 4:29 PM
Post #80 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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tread gently on the genetic councelors, mr milktoast. that is one of my very likely career options.

You must admit the title has some dark connotations. And yes, she did what you described. A nice lady too, one that had to deal with the unsubstatiated fears of parents-to-be trapped by a defective screenig process. (god forbid we extend that to the preconception phase)

That sounds like it could be a tough job clausti?

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i think some kind of population control would be good. i think forced abortions are bad. i have obviously not come up with a reasonable solution to this, nor do i really know if i have the resources to do so.

Hmmm, I just finished John McPhee's Control of Nature that details three major examples of how humans have attempted to interrupt natural processes and impose human constraints upon the system.

While each case (New Orleans pre-flood, L.A. and an island in Iceland) demonstrated marked success in achieving their short term goals, each suffered major setbacks and more importantly to our discussion, entirely unanticipated side effects, major ones (like the Mississippi Delta sinking into the Gulf).

Natural selection has gotten us this far. Only supreme hubris would suggest a human program could do any better long term.



Dec 7, 2005, 4:43 PM
Post #81 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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I think you are missing alot of CEO's and top scientists. In addition, there are um maybe 1000 professional football players, 500 professional basketball players, 1000 professional football players. 100/200 top actors (the rest get paid s--- and work in restaurants) and 100/200 top musicians. When you think about it these numbers begin to pale when compared to the millions of uneducated poor out there.

There are also tens of millions of undereducated working class making upwards of sixty thousand dollar per year, which is in the ball park as where most undergrads and many grads sit. I have met many.

Many of you, who seem adamant about adhering to these stats as a measure of the reality of education to income, etc. are the same people who have shouted so loudly about how unreliable polls and stats are, in general.

Several in here have tried to make the same point that I have. A few have spoken from personal experience. One stated the current situation in France as a good example.

I am not denying that these stats can show basic trends, although they in no way represent the absolute truth of things for all people or even most. Such stats would be impossible to accurately procure, because they only account for certain recordable information


Dec 7, 2005, 6:41 PM
Post #82 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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although they in no way represent the absolute truth of things for all people or even most.

The only accurate map is a complete reproduction of the terrain. Everything else is approximate.

Nevertheless, we use maps to great affect, navigating the realities they depict.

Put the map in the hands of an idiot, he gets lost. Put the map in the hands of someone who knows how to use it and she can find Shangri La.



Dec 7, 2005, 7:00 PM
Post #83 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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although they in no way represent the absolute truth of things for all people or even most.

The only accurate map is a complete reproduction of the terrain. Everything else is approximate.

Nevertheless, we use maps to great affect, navigating the realities they depict.

Put the map in the hands of an idiot, he gets lost. Put the map in the hands of someone who knows how to use it and she can find Shangri La.


How eloquently you said nothing. Did you know that it is sunny out in Salt Lake? I've heard that certain foods are better for you than others. :roll:


Dec 7, 2005, 7:14 PM
Post #84 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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How eloquently you said nothing.

Cool. Here's another way to say it.

"I am not denying that these maps can show basic trends, although they in no way represent the absolute terrain or even most. Such maps would be impossible to accurately procure, because they only account for certain recordable information."



Dec 7, 2005, 7:39 PM
Post #85 of 105 (2988 views)


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I liked this gem.
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There are also tens of millions of undereducated working class making upwards of sixty thousand dollar per year, which is in the ball park as where most undergrads and many grads sit. I have met many.

"undereducated working class" WTF?

10s of millions of them "make upwards of sixty thousand dollar per year"?
How nice up you to note the upper limit of the range.

How's this compare?
There are over a hundred million workers making upwards of one billion dollars per year.

This business of you just throwing a bunch of vague, irrelevant blather is getting kind of old.


Dec 7, 2005, 7:53 PM
Post #86 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Jul 28, 2003
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How eloquently you said nothing.
I'll take his prose over your ineloquent sh!t spewed forth. You're spinning yourself into a quagmire, my friend.


Dec 7, 2005, 8:36 PM
Post #87 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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I liked this gem.
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There are also tens of millions of undereducated working class making upwards of sixty thousand dollar per year, which is in the ball park as where most undergrads and many grads sit. I have met many.

"undereducated working class" WTF?

10s of millions of them "make upwards of sixty thousand dollar per year"?
How nice up you to note the upper limit of the range.

How's this compare?
There are over a hundred million workers making upwards of one billion dollars per year.

This business of you just throwing a bunch of vague, irrelevant blather is getting kind of old.

What have you contributed to any large group of people, that has enhanced their lives, Thorne? BTW, if you state it, prove it. You are nothing but a provocative mouth piece in a very limited forum. I have participated, without receiving nor giving ridicule, in numerous blog forums, and I have never experienced anything that remotely approaches the self-righteous, egocentric personalities that I have encountered here. You, in those respects, are at the head of the class.

It is because of this prevailing RC.Com phenomenon that I now approach all discussions here with the attitude they they will eventually dissolve into circus events.

As for my contributions, as modest as they might be, I did four weeks of volunteer work, in Charlotte County, Florida, following Hurricane Charley. I also did daily volunteer work with the Charlotte County Fire Department during the 1984 wild fires there. Over the years, I have volunteered for and participated in several dozen mountain rescues, in several states, including Massachusetts, New Hampshire, California, and Colorado. I earned almost two thousand dollars for breast cancer, from privately solicited sponsors, in a Colorado-based climb-a-thon.

My point is that I might seem acerbic with RC.Com members at times, although most of it is meant in the spirit of good natured banter, and most of my attacks are provoked by people like you. I have several close friends on this site, whom I know in real life and with whom I communicate here, who laugh at my RC.Com persona, because it in no way represents the real Ken Cangi. They are also aware of the fact that I never back down from a frontal assault by anyone. They also know that I am open, direct, fair, and honest. I concede my mistakes, and I apologize when I have behaved in a manner unbefitting of civilized interaction, although I will never apologize for putting malcontents like you in their place. You have so far proven that you can in no way say the same.

What more to say to someone like you, Thorne? You continually attempt to engage me in debate after I have stated, in no uncertain terms, that I do not like you, nor do I respect anything that you have to say.

Carry on if you must, but you are wasting your time with me. If biting at my ankles gives you so much pleasure, then, by all means, knock yourself out. Every arena needs a clown, and you have proven yourself a worthy candidate for the position.


Dec 7, 2005, 8:44 PM
Post #88 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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How eloquently you said nothing.
I'll take his prose over your ineloquent sh!t spewed forth. You're spinning yourself into a quagmire, my friend.

You are entitled to your preferences, and I hope that they satisfy you. I don't know you, nor do I know that your opinion is based on anything of substance, so your insult means nothing to me.


Dec 7, 2005, 8:54 PM
Post #89 of 105 (2988 views)


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My point is that I might seem acerbic with RC.Com members at times, although most of it is meant in the spirit of good natured banter, and most of my attacks are provoked by people like you.

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They also know that I am open, direct, fair, and honest. I concede my mistakes, and I apologize when I have behaved in a manner unbefitting of civilized interaction,
More Bullshit!

See, the thing is you like to present yourself in a manner that is significantly different from your track record on this site.

Just because you say you're a certain way, doesn't mean it has any validity.


Dec 7, 2005, 10:25 PM
Post #90 of 105 (2988 views)


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Here's a classic post, addressed to rufus.

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Uuhhh, I think it was your "tone" and "attitude" that got you called a prick.... not your opinions.

There you have it, amigo. And he's still doing it, like a broken record. This is a fascinating and tricky business. It's also something we all do, though rarely with the blind venom of brethren Rufus.

In old psychodynamic terms, it's called "objective identification," whereas you subtly rile folks, often with faux objectivity and civility, all the while projecting your own insanity onto someone else who will act it out for you. Later you act surprised and disappointed that someone would ever call you a “prick,” mindless to the fact that you unconsciously evoked the response in the first place.

Objective identification is a subtle and destructive psychological racket because it's so unconscious. It’s also a hard habit for anyone to break because there’s rarely any ownership of admittance to doing so, rather the person will predictably try and invert the issue and say it's something someone else is doing, or will engage in some other form of attack (i.e., deflection--"It's you, it's you, it's you--NOT me!")--anything but cease and desist doing what he’s doing--and denying.

Though rare to this extent and gravity, it makes such folks the biggest trolls on any site.


Dec 7, 2005, 10:38 PM
Post #91 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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You are like the energizer bunny. You are admirably earning your title as class clown. Quite the role model for your children. Is your wife out supporting them while you act the fool all afternoon on the computer? Don't answer that. It was a rhetorical question.


Dec 7, 2005, 10:49 PM
Post #92 of 105 (2988 views)

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It was a rhetorical question
O tempora, o mores!


Dec 7, 2005, 11:34 PM
Post #93 of 105 (2988 views)


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although they in no way represent the absolute truth of things for all people or even most.

The only accurate map is a complete reproduction of the terrain. Everything else is approximate.

Nevertheless, we use maps to great affect, navigating the realities they depict.

Put the map in the hands of an idiot, he gets lost. Put the map in the hands of someone who knows how to use it and she can find Shangri La.

Exactly, it is a tool. Tools of that nature are necessary if we are going to attempt to understand our world. Unless we attain the status of an all knowing god we have to use generalizations, and oversimplifications. If you didn’t the mind would be swimming in a flood of data that we couldn’t make any sense out of, and we couldn’t function in the world.

I don’t think this is hard to understand. Imagine that every time you go to your local climbing area you meet someone new, and they are wearing a harness, you would have to be surprised that they were climbers if you didn’t generalize and pre-judge. I can believe it would be an exciting world if you had to individuate each instance that you encountered what we call a chair, but you’d also never get anywhere.


Dec 8, 2005, 3:46 AM
Post #94 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2003
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So basically, this guy is arguing that the traditional school system doesn't adapt to different learning styles, and this primarily disadvantages boys. This then leads to more high school drop-outs, and few college graduates. It is in the best interest of society, not just men, to correct the problem. That is, adapt to the needs of the students, and to stop trying to force each one through the square hole, when some are clearly circles and stars.

Males - the latest victims of a non-responsive education system. :roll:

I didn't read it all, so I may be off the mark, but this sounds like another well-developed rationalization, made to excuse poor performance.

Bottom Line - School is supposed to be hard. Part of getting a good education is learning skills/habits that help us deal with aspects of life where our natural talents may be lacking.

Easy there. The article pretty much supports your point. The problem is pointed out that school discourages many things that boys respond to well for learning--competition for example. Girls generally women perform better in cooperative environments, boys perform better in competitive ones. Individual exceptions exist--many of them--but the point is that men are falling back in general because of these factors. Even in science based curriculums, like say, Georgetown Medical School here in DC, women outnumber men.



Dec 8, 2005, 3:52 AM
Post #95 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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So basically, this guy is arguing that the traditional school system doesn't adapt to different learning styles, and this primarily disadvantages boys. This then leads to more high school drop-outs, and few college graduates. It is in the best interest of society, not just men, to correct the problem. That is, adapt to the needs of the students, and to stop trying to force each one through the square hole, when some are clearly circles and stars.

Males - the latest victims of a non-responsive education system. :roll:

I didn't read it all, so I may be off the mark, but this sounds like another well-developed rationalization, made to excuse poor performance.

Bottom Line - School is supposed to be hard. Part of getting a good education is learning skills/habits that help us deal with aspects of life where our natural talents may be lacking.

Easy there. The article pretty much supports your point. The problem is pointed out that school discourages many things that boys respond to well for learning--competition for example. Girls generally women perform better in cooperative environments, boys perform better in competitive ones. Individual exceptions exist--many of them--but the point is that men are falling back in general because of these factors. Even in science based curriculums, like say, Georgetown Medical School here in DC, women outnumber men.


In "professional" disciplines (law, medicine, etc.) that's true. However in the "hard" sciences and engineering, men still far outnumber women in both undergraduate and graduate schools.



Dec 8, 2005, 4:04 AM
Post #96 of 105 (2988 views)

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I am familiar with the statistics, Clausti. It is not that I don't believe that there is a modicum of validity to some of them - more that I find your demeaning portrayal of persons, who possess less than MENSA level intellect, highly offensive.

let me be very clear here: i phrased those statistics the way i did for a reason. "level of education" or "extent of education" are NOT neccasarily the same things as actual intelligence level.

and i'm going to ask you two things. please answer them seperately.

1] by what statements did i refer to those of ANY specific intelligence level?

2] which of those statements do you find offensive?

I will answer them as one. It wasn't any particular thing that you said. It was the overall tone of the body of your statements that came across to me that way. Try reading them from the position of the people whom you are portraying, and see if you don't hear what I heard. You might be surprised. I always try to put myself in one's position, before I level such criticisms.

Cool! From your tone, here's what I get:

You're offended, outraged, indignant, and inflamed by her statements because you dropped out of high school, and you had to try and put yourself in the position of trying to be a high earning, highly educated intellectual, and you just couldn't do it, and so you now lash back at her because she used the wrong "tone".

Hey, this inferring things from "tone" works pretty well!



Dec 8, 2005, 4:06 AM
Post #97 of 105 (2988 views)

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Easy there. The article pretty much supports your point. The problem is pointed out that school discourages many things that boys respond to well for learning--competition for example. Girls generally women perform better in cooperative environments, boys perform better in competitive ones. Individual exceptions exist--many of them--but the point is that men are falling back in general because of these factors. Even in science based curriculums, like say, Georgetown Medical School here in DC, women outnumber men.


In "professional" disciplines (law, medicine, etc.) that's true. However in the "hard" sciences and engineering, men still far outnumber women in both undergraduate and graduate schools.


Right--I meant that even in science based curriculums the numbers are changing. At GTown Med I think last year or the year before was the first year that women outnumbered men.


Dec 8, 2005, 4:10 AM
Post #98 of 105 (2988 views)

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You are like the energizer bunny. You are admirably earning your title as class clown. Quite the role model for your children. Is your wife out supporting them while you act the fool all afternoon on the computer? Don't answer that. It was a rhetorical question.

Hilarious! This from the guy with 1.5k posts in < half a year?

Better a clown than a dunce!


Dec 8, 2005, 4:38 AM
Post #99 of 105 (2988 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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You are like the energizer bunny. You are admirably earning your title as class clown. Quite the role model for your children. Is your wife out supporting them while you act the fool all afternoon on the computer? Don't answer that. It was a rhetorical question.

Hilarious! This from the guy with 1.5k posts in < half a year?

Better a clown than a dunce!

All sarcasm. No substance.


Dec 8, 2005, 5:42 AM
Post #100 of 105 (2673 views)

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i'm sorry that you read things into my post that werent there.

it would have been a *lot* less typing to say "dumb ppl have more kids." but i *didnt* say that did i?

Actually, you did. I read nothing into your post.

No, she didn't, and yes, you did.

Skipping over the rest of the self-congratulatory crap spewed forth on this thread, I have to say that I am shocked... SHOCKED!, I tell you... that nobody took G's title to it's logical conclusion:

"Where have [all] men gone, and where are all the gods?

Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?"

Disappointed, I am.

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