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May 1, 2007, 5:05 AM
Post #101 of 117 (1833 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [karlbaba] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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karlbaba wrote:
How dare you call me "Sir" on a Chick thread?

You're trolling technique is straight off a Popeil Pocket Fisherman infomercial!

Sadly I remember when those commercials were new.

That Ron Popeil, he's still at it, selling refrigerators to eskimos, haha. Remember the spray paint hair? Who sells paint as hair? Ron Popeil that's who.

Anyway karl, one day my climbing buddy Stu and I were waxing in similar fashion about this classic salesman. I said something about wanting to take up fishing when I was no good for climbing and Stu?

God bless him he GAVE me an original POcket Fisherman in its original plastic zippered pouch complete with instructions. I have it out in the garage as I type.

Hmmmm, think he was trying to tell me something???



May 1, 2007, 5:07 AM
Post #102 of 117 (1833 views)

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Re: [karlbaba] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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karlbaba wrote:
This works, let em have their fun and we'll talk about something meaninful. Win-win

There are only 2 meaningful things to be said in this discussion:
1. Nothing meaningfull will be said in this discussion and
2. Women climb because their lower centre of gravity makes it easier for them to carry my rope


May 1, 2007, 1:42 PM
Post #103 of 117 (1807 views)

Registered: Jul 10, 2002
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Re: [macblaze] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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Seems to me that someone who would troll women with demeaning remarks probably feels threatened by women's sexual power over him.

or fear of inadequacy.

So you have to act tough, dominate, picks fights and such.

But heck, what do i know? I'm a guy. Whadda think ladies? Why do some guys like to put women down?




May 1, 2007, 2:19 PM
Post #104 of 117 (1797 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2007
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Re: [karlbaba] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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karlbaba wrote:
Seems to me that someone who would troll women with demeaning remarks probably feels threatened by women's sexual power over him.

or fear of inadequacy.

So you have to act tough, dominate, picks fights and such.

Trolling the troller will get you nowhere. I won't bite.


May 1, 2007, 6:11 PM
Post #105 of 117 (1776 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2006
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Re: [the_leech] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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do we really need to sit here and analyze women to this degree, why is it when ever a woman has a desire to do something that is labelled a ( male ) thing,it has to be put to a discussion as to why. Just let us be for christ sakes, I don;t know a single female climber that climbs to seek male attention, remember just because you think from between your legs doesn't mean we do as well. Stop analyzing and just climb damn it.


May 1, 2007, 6:41 PM
Post #106 of 117 (1765 views)

Registered: Mar 19, 2007
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Re: [the_leech] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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Men are so easy.

Put a few women with nice asses and bikinis up on a rock face, and you've mollified most of the male climbing population.

Have a couple women scoff a thread off as a ridiculous and pointless troll that doesn't affect us as women. We don't want to seem as if we all get irrational. We can take a joke.

Have a few more ladies express their righteous indignation at the suggestion that we might climb for reasons other than the simple fact that we want to. It only serves to perpetuate that illusion that these trolls really affect us and that men can really goad us into a pissing match with a few words.

and even more women to express their sincere love of climbing and how they cannot be categorized so simply and that we're dedicated to the sport. Can't let them think there aren't any of those types out there.

So now we've covered your general basis for the predictable response for women to an obviously inflammatory troll.

It's a perfect set up. Lull the men into underestimating us on all levels. Giving them exactly what they were looking for to begin with. We SHOULD seem predictable, then they'll never see it coming. There's no reason for them to know that our responses might be carefully crafted for a reason. Let them feel superior because of their Y-chromosomes on a single thread while we methodically plot their downfall in the shadows. They do all the work for us really. Like i said...easy. By being naturally overconfident, thinking that male dominated means men are better at it. We already have the advantage of being underestimated from the start. We can bide our time, train with eachother, or better with them, that way they don't become suspicious. And once we're ready...well...i guess they'll figure it out.


May 1, 2007, 9:23 PM
Post #107 of 117 (1735 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2007
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Re: [bitchslabbin] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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bitchslabbin wrote:
do we really need to sit here and analyze women to this degree, why is it when ever a woman has a desire to do something that is labelled a ( male ) thing,it has to be put to a discussion as to why. Just let us be for christ sakes, I don;t know a single female climber that climbs to seek male attention, remember just because you think from between your legs doesn't mean we do as well. Stop analyzing and just climb damn it.

That's fine.

But let's get to the meat of the issue: What category do you fit in? Or are you in a category that I didn't cover? I'd love to hear your input.


May 1, 2007, 9:27 PM
Post #108 of 117 (1733 views)

Registered: May 8, 2005
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Re: [temperedinsanity] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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temperedinsanity wrote:
It's a perfect set up. Lull the men into underestimating us on all levels. Giving them exactly what they were looking for to begin with. We SHOULD seem predictable, then they'll never see it coming. There's no reason for them to know that our responses might be carefully crafted for a reason. Let them feel superior because of their Y-chromosomes on a single thread while we methodically plot their downfall in the shadows. They do all the work for us really. Like i said...easy. By being naturally overconfident, thinking that male dominated means men are better at it. We already have the advantage of being underestimated from the start. We can bide our time, train with eachother, or better with them, that way they don't become suspicious. And once we're ready...well...i guess they'll figure it out.

You know, your post just totally gave me a flashback. I used to have really bad PMS, and I was pretty much the stereotypical all-men-are-bastards-and-should-die type PMSer. And I came up with this idea that we should take over, put men in institutes (breeding farms) where they can be used as sperm donors or just for recreational purposes, and basically remove all their rights as citizens/human beings. Genetically engineer the vast majority of births to be female, and there you go.

I've mentioned that jokingly more than once over the years, and almost every chick who's heard that idea has been wildly supportive.


May 1, 2007, 9:44 PM
Post #109 of 117 (1725 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2006
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Re: [the_leech] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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I don't fit in to any your categories, I love to climb because it brings me to a calm and relaxing place for my soul, I don't care if that sounds like a hippie thing to say. But I have never felt so accomplished in my life like the way i feel when I push myself and complete an a amazing climb with the reward of a view and self accomplishment. I climb with both men and women, beginner or very experienced, it doesn't matter to me. I get out there i get dirty and banged up and i go home have a beer and feel like i've spent my day trying to better myself. I have had a lot of guys try to hit on me climbing and I never climb with them again, i don't want to be in a dating game when I'm sweating, swearing and paying attention to noone but myself this rock and how am i going toi solve the complex puzzle of getting up it.

So I don't no what category you would put me in or how you would label me and it doesn't really matter.

When i'm at the top of the highest cliff i can't hear you anyway.


May 1, 2007, 9:49 PM
Post #110 of 117 (1716 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2007
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Re: [bitchslabbin] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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bitchslabbin wrote:
...i get dirty and banged...

Sweet! That's all I need to know.


May 1, 2007, 10:06 PM
Post #111 of 117 (1708 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2006
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Re: [the_leech] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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I have a feeling no matter what I wrote you would have taken it and made it sexual.

I appreciate your kind of humor, really i do. I'm just use to being the one dishing it out.


May 1, 2007, 10:08 PM
Post #112 of 117 (1706 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2006
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Re: [bitchslabbin] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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I guess you are as bored as I am ( are you at work too?), nothing better to do but sit here and find something to talk about even if it is pointless and meaningless.


May 2, 2007, 1:56 AM
Post #113 of 117 (1666 views)

Registered: Feb 2, 2003
Posts: 434

Re: [the_leech] Why Men Stalk Women Climbers [In reply to]
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What is it about men that attracts them to climbing girls? Historically, climbing has been a male-dominated activity, suggesting that it is a poor way to meet women.

If a woman goes to nursing school, don’t you normally assume she's not looking for ass? That’s just a stereotype, but in my experience, it’s often a valid one. (There’s something ingenious about a male who joins a profession that is 95 percent female...)

However, I propose that some men who get into climbing for other than just a love of climbing--that is, to pursue a woman with certain characteristics.

I have a few theories as to what kinds of men expect to meet women while climbing. I haven’t conducted any formal research on the subject – I just have years of anecdotal observations. To simplify matters, I’ve broken the perceived expectations into certain categories.

It is worth noting that I am a happily non-single male. This allows me to make objective observations without getting distracted by the sexual tension that often exists between single climbers of the opposite sex.

Anyway, here are the categories.

The Girlfriend Stealer: These men are looking for women who don’t have much interest in climbing, but whose boyfriends happen to be climbers. These women spend a lot of time belaying and not much time climbing, making them easy to chat up while their boyfriends are showing off. Since they don’t do any climbing either, these guys can focus on making girls resentful of their boyfriend's single-minded pursuit of redpoints. Their motivation is to spend as much time as possible around other people's women, no matter who she is supposed to be belaying.

The Histrionic (aka The Attention Seeker): These men are most predominant in the gym environment and crowded, accessible sport crags. This is because these are the only places to be sure that women will be around to notice them climbing. They are often good climbers who tend to climb shirtless. They crave the attention of females, but generally find women aloof and unapproachable in any other situation. They can be identified by their clothing selection (or lack thereof). They don't realize that the only people checking them out are other guys.

The Serial Poser: These men don’t try to flaunt their sexuality like the Histrionic because they are too insecure. Climbing is another pathetic attempt at dating for them. They are often n00bs who get the attention of women by asking for help. They quickly latch on to a helpful female, but for reasons yet unknown to him, she's already decided that the relationship will be short-lived. They are easily identified in the gym environment because they have a new female “victim” every couple of weeks. Their motivation is simply to fail at trying to initiate relationship, after relationship, after relationship…

The Hippie-Humper: These men are drawn to climbing girls because they think that they are “counterculture.” They look for dreads, hemp shoes, nose rings, and beat-up old cars to identify easy prey. They will often spend more time slacklining and hitting the bong than actually climbing, because these are surefire ways to get laid. Their motivation to go after climber girls is that they heard a rumor that they are easy.

The Climber: These are men who climb simply because they have a passion for climbing. There are no ulterior motivations involved here--they realize that if they wanted to meet women, they wouldn't go climbing. This is the majority of men climbers... or is it?

(This post was edited by valeberga on May 2, 2007, 2:22 AM)


May 2, 2007, 2:45 PM
Post #114 of 117 (1636 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2006
Posts: 45

Re: [valeberga] Why Men Stalk Women Climbers [In reply to]
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ha ha ha Laugh


May 2, 2007, 2:53 PM
Post #115 of 117 (1630 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [valeberga] Why Men Stalk Women Climbers [In reply to]
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valeberga wrote:
What is it about men that attracts them to climbing girls? Historically, climbing has been a male-dominated activity, suggesting that it is a poor way to meet women.

This puzzles you? Say you have a dozen guys, house painters, a male-dominated profession for sure. Now a sole female house painter joins the crew...

Historically house painting is a piss poor way to meet women too! So when you DO meet a house painting woman, WHOA!

That's worth a 2nd look don't you see??????



May 2, 2007, 3:17 PM
Post #116 of 117 (1618 views)

Registered: Mar 8, 2005
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Re: [the_leech] Why Women Climb [In reply to]
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         Q: Why Women Climb?

ANS: to seduce man like you.Wink


May 2, 2007, 3:38 PM
Post #117 of 117 (1608 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
Posts: 727

Re: [valeberga] Why Men Stalk Women Climbers [In reply to]
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valeberga wrote:
(There’s something ingenious about a male who joins a profession that is 95 percent female...)

Haha, I am nearly failing organic chem right now... I should go into nursing. At least with that, there would be some decent pay off.

I'm glad someone finally wrote this, it made me laugh. I can't say that I fit into any of the categories other than the climber. The thing is, I do have some ulterior motives... i.e. spending time with friends/doing something with my parents that we all can enjoy, but my main reason is I simply love climbing. Which I think is why several of my friends/parents are now into climbing also, but still, it doesn't seem that the climber category perfectly matches.

Still... I laughed a lot when I read this. It had such a familiar ring to it Wink

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