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The yuppie climber's thread
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Sep 12, 2008, 2:10 PM
Post #51 of 122 (3026 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: [dynosore] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Can anyone tell about the Valet service at Super Crack Buttress? Planning a get away weekend.

Partner wormly81

Sep 12, 2008, 2:12 PM
Post #52 of 122 (3020 views)

Registered: May 9, 2004
Posts: 280

Re: [armsrforclimbing] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.


Sep 12, 2008, 2:27 PM
Post #53 of 122 (3007 views)

Registered: Nov 2, 2006
Posts: 525

Re: [wormly81] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Sep 12, 2008, 2:34 PM
Post #54 of 122 (3001 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2008
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Re: [zealotnoob] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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i cannot and am having trouble coping with this.

i cant b elive i am reading climbing being associated with yuppie who is obssessed with money and image.

u call me an asshole for saying it but- all u guys need to rethink climbing ur doing it wrong.

plane and simple.

(This post was edited by Aceto on Sep 12, 2008, 2:36 PM)


Sep 12, 2008, 3:04 PM
Post #55 of 122 (2964 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2008
Posts: 52

Re: [dynosore] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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cmon doesnt matter wat u got to climb wit as long as u climb safe....have a love 4 tha sport and respect mother nature wherev u climb....u should stop the this guys such a n00b cuz he has nice stuff....myb ure just jealous....the thread dont make the chilllllll...........juz luv wat u doTongue

Partner lwilson

Sep 12, 2008, 3:05 PM
Post #56 of 122 (2961 views)

Registered: Jun 28, 2006
Posts: 101

Re: [Aceto] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Aceto wrote:

i cannot and am having trouble coping with this.

i cant b elive i am reading climbing being associated with yuppie who is obssessed with money and image.

u call me an asshole for saying it but- all u guys need to rethink climbing ur doing it wrong.

plane and simple.

dude, this thread was never directed at you, so don't read it, and then complain about it. let people live the way they live.


Sep 12, 2008, 3:06 PM
Post #57 of 122 (2961 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2006
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Re: [Valarc] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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this is what i'm about--buying 2 dollar slacks from goodwill to cut into shorts, rather than 120 dollar prana manpris--you know what that gives me? 118 dollars to spend on belgian ale.

you yuppies need to get your priorities straight.

Valarc wrote:
I have two indulgences that deprive me of a large portion of my disposable income:

Perhaps not surprisingly, both are alcoholic beverages.

I am a big fan of good scotch. I can slam down shots of jack when I want to get hammered, but a glass of 18 year old single malt after a long day writing grant proposals is a beautiful thing.

Similarly, I love a quality beer. Most people bring a bottle of cheap champagne to parties, I usually bring a bottle of Rochefort 10 for the fellas, and will often throw in a Lambic for the ladies. Again, I'm not above slamming some coors light while I watch a football game, but I'd much rather have a bottle conditioned Trappist ale with my dinner.


Sep 12, 2008, 3:09 PM
Post #58 of 122 (2956 views)

Registered: Sep 29, 2005
Posts: 597

Re: [wormly81] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

You watch way to much T.V my friend


Sep 12, 2008, 3:09 PM
Post #59 of 122 (2956 views)

Registered: Nov 2, 2006
Posts: 525

Re: [Aceto] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Yes, the materialism is distasteful, but I'm more dismayed by your inability to convey a thought. You're doing it wrong.

(This post was edited by zealotnoob on Sep 12, 2008, 3:11 PM)


Sep 12, 2008, 3:38 PM
Post #60 of 122 (2923 views)

Registered: Sep 2, 2007
Posts: 694

Re: [dynosore] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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im an up-and-coming yuppie. currently at dirtbag status, but i aspire to be a yuppie someday. ill be back to this thread in a few years, right after i make my first million. ill probably still read this thread so i can observe the attitude and practice the terminology and then make a smooth transfer into the yuppie kingdom.


Sep 12, 2008, 3:39 PM
Post #61 of 122 (2931 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
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Re: [curt] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jt512 wrote:
deltav wrote:
That was cold

So is generic cheese, crackers and Cabernet.


A good Cabernet is properly served in the low 60s--not all that cold, actually.


We live in Southern California. 60 is cold.


Sep 12, 2008, 3:44 PM
Post #62 of 122 (2926 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
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Re: [wormly81] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

I'm not reading that.


Sep 12, 2008, 3:47 PM
Post #63 of 122 (2920 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [dynosore] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
knieveltech wrote:

Ooh oh! I have three link cams and I work in a cubicle. Can I play?

In reply to:
If you answer "yes" to at least one of the following questions you're in:

1) do you own a power edger or mow your yard in criss-cross pattern (bonus points if you pay a yard service to do it for you)?
Uh oh, I might be in trouble here. No yard.

In reply to:
2) have you had to skip climbing to work late on a project or proposal in the last month?
Work late? I've turned crawling into the office an hour late into an art form.

In reply to:
3) do you spend more time on, ahem, climbing sites than you spend climbing?

Aha! Yes! Score! Whew, that was close.


Sep 12, 2008, 3:48 PM
Post #64 of 122 (2920 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [dynosore] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
zealotnoob wrote:
Arc'teryx softshell, hardshell, harness and pack. Need I say more?

I dunno, you might an imposter that spends mad $$ on gear but then throws his pack in the trunk of his 99 Camry and drives back to his apartment. Answer me this:

what would you pair seared scallops with?

A) Riesling
B) PBR - PBR goes with anything!

Oh its definitely...


You're trying to out the dirtbag lurkers. Well you're not gonna get this one!



Sep 12, 2008, 3:58 PM
Post #65 of 122 (2905 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
Posts: 1768

Re: [Aceto] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Aceto wrote:

i cannot and am having trouble coping with this.

i cant b elive i am reading climbing being associated with yuppie who is obssessed with money and image.

u call me an asshole for saying it but- all u guys need to rethink climbing ur doing it wrong.

plane and simple.

u fail.....

at life


Sep 12, 2008, 4:19 PM
Post #66 of 122 (2884 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [wormly81] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

How can anyone so clever not know the difference between "your" and "you're"?


Sep 12, 2008, 4:35 PM
Post #67 of 122 (2866 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2004
Posts: 469

Re: [jt512] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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In reply to:
How can anyone so clever not know the difference between "your" and "you're"?
Because he learned English from adherents of the 'creative writing' school and submitted his journals for credit.


Sep 12, 2008, 4:52 PM
Post #68 of 122 (2847 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2008
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Re: [Aceto] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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I find your lack of faith (in the force) disturbing


Sep 12, 2008, 4:55 PM
Post #69 of 122 (2841 views)

Registered: Jul 28, 2008
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Re: [wormly81] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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lawl. this thread makes me smile.


Sep 12, 2008, 5:00 PM
Post #70 of 122 (2833 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2008
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Re: [zealotnoob] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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zealotnoob wrote:
dynosore wrote:
zealotnoob wrote:
Arc'teryx softshell, hardshell, harness and pack. Need I say more?

I dunno, you might an imposter that spends mad $$ on gear but then throws his pack in the trunk of his 99 Camry and drives back to his apartment. Answer me this:

what would you pair with seared scallops with?

A) Riesling
B) PBR - PBR goes with anything!'s a 91' Camry with the muffler hanging low, a door about to fall off, a pasenger side window that doesn't work and a crack in the radiator, but that's only because I'm holding out for the company car and gas card, which should be available soon.

Seared scallops? I can see the merits of a Riesling there, but I generally think it tastes like feet. Besides, I usually don't bother with foods that don't compliment a good red or belgian ale. Follow it up with a maduro and a glass of Dalmore and we're talking. ...then again, exchagne that for some skunk and some pirate booty and we're having a good time.

Sorry - FAIL. The correct answer is “All natural scallops or not? Everyone knows that Rieslings react to scallops sodium tripolyphosphate”

Partner cracklover

Sep 12, 2008, 5:49 PM
Post #71 of 122 (2801 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: [curt] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
deltav wrote:
That was cold

Jay doesn't do yuppie--he does nerd. Cool


I'm not buying his credentials as a nerd until I hear about his homebrew or (as it sounds more likely) vintner prowess!

Me, I'm just a mutt. Equal parts yuppie, intellectual, hippie, dirtbag, nerd, and athlete. I don't fit in anywhere. The ability to snipe from the sidelines at any of these threads is a pretty cheap runner-up prize, but hell, I'll take what I can get.



Sep 12, 2008, 6:00 PM
Post #72 of 122 (2795 views)

Registered: Dec 12, 2007
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Re: [Toast_in_the_Machine] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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I think this thread embodies the true spirit of the pretentious yuppie climber.


Sep 12, 2008, 6:07 PM
Post #73 of 122 (2782 views)

Registered: Aug 28, 2008
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Re: [hafilax] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
I think this thread embodies the true spirit of the pretentious yuppie climber.

Takes all kinds! LOL
Just don't make it unsafe for me and my party and I will not take your BMW apart while you climb.Wink<< theres a story behind that but I think it best I not tell it! lol

(This post was edited by Maddhatter on Sep 12, 2008, 6:09 PM)


Sep 12, 2008, 6:16 PM
Post #74 of 122 (2770 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
Posts: 8406

Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

I'm not reading that.

damn it. I was counting on you for a synopsis.


Sep 12, 2008, 6:18 PM
Post #75 of 122 (2766 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
Posts: 8406

Re: [yosemite26] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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yosemite26 wrote:
cmon doesnt matter wat u got to climb wit as long as u climb safe....have a love 4 tha sport and respect mother nature wherev u climb....u should stop the this guys such a n00b cuz he has nice stuff....myb ure just jealous....the thread dont make the chilllllll...........juz luv wat u doTongue

fon txtng f4g.

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