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climbing diet
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Feb 7, 2003, 10:16 AM
Post #1 of 27 (3531 views)

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climbing diet
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not really about training or technique, but realted. im inerested in home cooked diets, not that crap that you buy in stores. im a quite good cook and not a vegeterian.

so, has any of you guys/girls tried a climbing diet? and if you did, what it was, what were the results and could you post some recipes? im looking for a diet that helps regenerate glikogen level on muscles as well as one that has enough protein intake to help regenerate muscles and enough fibre to keep the digestion healthy. also lookin to loose some excesive pounds on my stomach (gained during the winter ) until the summer. you know, wanna look good on a beach.



Feb 7, 2003, 12:07 PM
Post #2 of 27 (3531 views)

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Raw: fresh fruit, dates, nuts

Steamed: vegetables, fish

Slow cooked: beef, pork and lamb

Boiled: rice, eggs, oatmeal



Feb 8, 2003, 12:02 AM
Post #3 of 27 (3531 views)

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i assume fried was left blank for a reason????? it is hard for me to cut that out of my diet...i grew up eating it, and being in the south, i cant get away from it! but it sure is some good cookin' good luck with the diet though!


Apr 10, 2003, 1:14 PM
Post #4 of 27 (3531 views)

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ok, take this with a small grain of salt, i am a vegeterian :)

when i start into my endurance phase, which i use to build local and general endurance. i go easy on the proteins and simple sugars, and give myself enough carbs to keep moving, but let my muscels thin a bit, and burn up stored reserves. then i switch to strength building, and bump my protein levels to 75-100grams a day ( i am about 140lbs) i do this with protein shakes, but feel free to eat some chicken, or whatever other flesh you can find :twisted: at any rate, i use protein shakes as they are pretty targeted towards muscel development.

other than that, i maintain my diet of fresh vegtables and fruits, stay away from refined sugars, try to limit the amount of caffine in ingest, cut back on carbonation (beer is my weak spot), and eat lots of granola.


Apr 10, 2003, 1:18 PM
Post #5 of 27 (3531 views)

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here is a link to an article about Glycemic levels and carbs over at the training for climbing web site.


Apr 10, 2003, 1:50 PM
Post #6 of 27 (3531 views)

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Climbing Diet [In reply to]
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There is no such thing as a climbing diet. There is however, healthier was to cook and eat that not only will better help support your physical activity but lead to an overall healthier body.

Try to keep processed food out of your diet as much as possible. Rely on your own ability to prepare foods. Simple foods, veggies, fruits etc. should be the staple of your diet. Proteins that are vital for the rebuilding of broken down muscle tissue can come from multiple sources, I like fish.

A typical recipe for me is the following:

Fish seasoned to your likening then seared lightly, (tbl spn. of Olive Oil) on both sides to give fish a nice color, then braised with white wine. Just before fish is finished I add fresh spinach greens cover to let greens sweat-out a little, served with a small portion of penne pasta, al dente of course, with a true marinara sauce, none of this Muricanized crap.

You say you don’t have the time to prepare foods like this, bullpuckies I say. Make the time to find the time, instead of standing in line at Starbucks for the 20oz cup of whatever super fad drink your swilling today stand in line at the meat counter. If you take the convienence out of your food shoping and cooking you'd be surprised how easy it really is and how much healthier will blow you away.

I could go on forever about this topic but I’ll stop here before I have to pick splinters out of my butt.


Apr 10, 2003, 3:24 PM
Post #7 of 27 (3531 views)

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I'm a vegetarian too.
I try to eat carbs (specially simple ones) at different times than proteins, find they all go through better.
Raw foods rock. I still eat dairy, so I don't have as many protein problems as vegans.
Since I started climbing 3-4 days a week, my diet has naturally changed to match the added energy and recovery needs.
Carbs thru climbing and proteins after kinda thing.

I have a friend who is a long distance runner.
She lives on raw foods only.
Seems to work well for her.
I think she's nuts tho :wink:

A happy belly answers alot of questions!



Apr 10, 2003, 3:38 PM
Post #8 of 27 (3531 views)

Registered: Oct 6, 2002
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glycogen issue [In reply to]
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I am a vegetarian as well, and I think these suggestions are great. I just want to add one thing in response to your wish to replace glycogen in your muscles: Glycogen is just another way for your body to store calories. Its a long chain polymer, filled with water molecules to keep it together. It comes from excess sugar/etc. in your bloodstream and is stored both in your skeletal muscle and in your liver. There really isn't any great way to increase the storage of glycogen in your body, because its done pretty automatically. However, these things may be helpful: build lean muscle (exercise regularly and get enough protein/nutrients in your diet to help repair injuries), keep your liver healthy (don't go overboard with the beer or other additives), and maintain a good fibrous diet with lots of nutrients (veggies veggies veggies, this will keep your body running well overall). Also, to keep from bonking, make sure you fuel your body during exercise (anaerobic exercise like bouldering or steep climbing often burns glycogen the fastest and you want to replace it if you're already thin). Oh, and always stay hydrated. Not that I always follow my own advice, but it's good stuff to remember!


Apr 10, 2003, 4:34 PM
Post #9 of 27 (3531 views)

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McDonald's on Mondays and Wednesdays

Burger King on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Wendy's on Fridays

Weekends I splurge: chinese takeout from the shithole down the road and a 12 pack of Schlitz.

I snack on pork rinds and cake frosting between meals and I only drink Jolt.


Apr 10, 2003, 5:03 PM
Post #10 of 27 (3531 views)

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I"m a strict vegan and it works wonders for my energetic lifestyle. My diet is extremely diverse but I am sure to get a healthy dose of soy protein, mainly from tofu, and eat lots of veggies... especially the really green ones! the rawer the better! cooked food is nowhere near as healthy as raw stuff. I try to drink atleast 5 large glasses of fresh juice a week (often times more)... it is amazing what carrot juice can do for ya :)

I climb 3 days a week and take karate atleast 2 days. Never miss a beat.


Apr 10, 2003, 5:25 PM
Post #11 of 27 (3531 views)

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A big mouthful of 'Gunks conglomerate with a sprinkling of plastic for seasoning... :P


Apr 10, 2003, 5:57 PM
Post #12 of 27 (3531 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2003
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One very important thing is how do you combine your food. OK, it's fine to eat a diferent kind of food: fruit, protein, vegetables, even fat... But it's also importat the way and the time of the day you eat them. For example, you shouldn't eat proteins (meat, fish, eggs, milk, etc) at the same time you eat carbohydrates (potapoes, rice, bread, sugar, honey, etc) (Don't you feel :? when you eat a burguer???) That is because proteins and carbohydrates are incopatible food. The body needs diferent substances to process this chemically diferent kind of food. The correct way to eat them isdoing it separattely, proteins in the morning, carbohydrates in the evening... Another good recomendation is eat all the amount of raw vegetables you can eat. It is imposible to get fat with that... Eat carrots, lots of them. Do not drink soft drinks (sugar... no good) Prefer beer or wine with your food. :P


Apr 10, 2003, 6:00 PM
Post #13 of 27 (3531 views)

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gunks conglomerate. and plastic shouldn't be used in the same sentence.


Apr 10, 2003, 6:02 PM
Post #14 of 27 (3531 views)

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you CAN get fat eating certian vegetables as some of them are high in carb content. it's the carbs that get you fat. my dad has lost over 80 pounds from simply cutting out carbs. i agree that it's not the most healthy way to lose weight, but it proves my point.


Apr 10, 2003, 6:34 PM
Post #15 of 27 (3531 views)

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you CAN get fat eating certian vegetables as some of them are high in carb content. it's the carbs that get you fat. my dad has lost over 80 pounds from simply cutting out carbs. i agree that it's not the most healthy way to lose weight, but it proves my point.

In fact the fact you get is because you cook the vegetables. That causes a decomposition at molecular levels. It's a good idea to eat them raw. The rawer the better. If you don't like them raw, then cook them, but only a little, like chinese food...


Apr 11, 2003, 3:55 AM
Post #16 of 27 (3531 views)

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vegetable are carbohydrates... so are fruits. if you eat an excess of them, your body turns them into fat. This is true regardless of whether they are cooked.



Apr 11, 2003, 10:54 AM
Post #17 of 27 (3531 views)

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yup, cooking does not destroy carbohydrates, it only brakes the complex ones into smaller pieces. but it does destroy some vitasmins.


Apr 11, 2003, 11:35 PM
Post #18 of 27 (3531 views)

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it is funny how many people break diets up in those two categories. it is so ridiculously over-simplified and inaccurate.

If you want to be as healthy as possible then cut dairy completely out of your diet and meat as much as you are willing (with none being the best). Eat lots of veggies, and never forget to eat lots of greens for plenty of protein.

You will lose weight, and more importantly KEEP it off! You will gain higher levels of energy and coupled with green veggies and soy protein you'll be able to build great muscle mass.


Apr 12, 2003, 12:33 AM
Post #19 of 27 (3531 views)

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I know a guy who lived off nothing but peanut butter for 8 months on a (non-climbing) trek in Africa. Must be a picky eater...


Apr 14, 2003, 11:55 PM
Post #20 of 27 (3531 views)

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Alright, some one has to say it, so I take it upon myself to be the first.

SURE, you COULD eat healthy, but if you climb as often as the people here claim they do, then you can eat ANYTHING, and its not going to hold you back.


I haven't been to this site for so long, and I just felt it necessary to reply to this topic, because I've seen it so many times.

Just now, I had about half of a half-gallon tub of my FAVORITE ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD - chocolate chip cookie dough (so thats 1/4 gallon for those who cant figure it out :P), Hell yeah, and Im couldve sworn i was created from a block of stone. but this wasnt always the case. When I "ate" healthy, i wasnt exactly hehe, healthy. Thats cuz I spent TOO much time worrying about what i ate, and not so much time of just cherishing that HUGE load of sugar and using it - like playing BASKETBALL or doing some MAD DYNOS.

I still eat healthy, but hey, sometimes I get a BAD (or good) sweet tooth. I dont buy from a health food store, and I still buy from McDonalds about once or so a week. my diet has changed VERY LITTLE to nilch when comparing my old flub to my present day chiseled physique.

When you attain a certian level of metabolism from doing anything for a long time, it just burns right off. I kid you not. the best diet is to TRAIN

the best marathon runner in the world has to HAS to eat a whole stick of better everyday just to match the calories he burns and the fat he loses. I forgot his name, but he's from China. Just imagine what that has to be like.

You dont need EXTRA SUPER DUPER OLIVE VIRGIN OIL, and every freakin vitamin known to man. who the hell actually monitors their iron? I mean, c'mon people. eat what makes you feel good. for some its that greasy burger, others its a soy burger (how, I dont know....)

its ALL about what you do with it!! I cant stress that enough. If you prepare the MOST HEALTHIEST DIET IN THE WORLD, it wont do CRAP for you if all you do is sit in front of a pc telling others about it, CLIMB, RUN, SOMETHING.

now if you dont mind, the sugar is kickin in, and with the sun going down, its time to play some mad basketball.


Apr 21, 2003, 5:53 PM
Post #21 of 27 (3531 views)

Registered: May 14, 2002
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food [In reply to]
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eat ONE SERVING of protein and ONE SERVING of carbs 6 times a day mon-sat and eat what ever you want on sunday.


my 2 cents.


May 25, 2003, 2:21 AM
Post #22 of 27 (3531 views)

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So, if you drink lots and lots of water, does that take up the food space in your body, then you lose it when you go to the washroom kind of thing???

So, you can just drink water instead of sugary foods, or whatever, and get stronger and lose weight??



May 25, 2003, 4:05 AM
Post #23 of 27 (3531 views)

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Roclymber pretty much right. It's interesting that the topics on diet generate by far the most interest (perhaps a separate category is called for?) Unfortunately, you can't eat your way up a hard climb.

Single pitch rock climbing may be the least nutrition-sensitive sport in the world: a power sport that doesn't depend on muscle mass. This may be why Fred Nicole can climb so hard on what is reportedly a diet consisting primarily of whisky, cigarettes, and Big Macs.

I can tell you from experience that you can climb .13 eating whatever the heck you want (within reason, of course.) In fact, being the slave to good food that I am, local cuisine is one of my biggest concerns when planning a climbing trip. Contrary to popular belief, Thailand beats France any day...

A training tip for Roclymber: Turn your freezer way down and get that ice cream really hard. I find that getting the spoon through a quarter gallon will give you a wicked pump...


May 25, 2003, 6:54 AM
Post #24 of 27 (3531 views)

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I eat healthy...I eat vegetarians.



May 25, 2003, 7:15 AM
Post #25 of 27 (3531 views)

Registered: Apr 20, 2003
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Climbing Food [In reply to]
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If you're a climber who wants to learn about what to eat and when to eat it, I suggest you get the book Training for Climbing. It covers everything you need to know about climbing-related nutrition, icluding what foods you should eat to replenish stores of glycogen following a workout. Learning about the concept of glycemic index (detailed in the book) makes planning appropriate meals pretty simple. Hope this helps.

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