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Feb 18, 2003, 9:17 PM
Post #26 of 58 (1225 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2002
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good call russ. thanks to all who are putting thier time and effort into the site. and steve, please don't consider your post whore status as a contribution to this site. LOL!! :lol: :lol:


Feb 18, 2003, 9:27 PM
Post #27 of 58 (1225 views)

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I am not sure if I like it yet..........I will make up my mind soon!

-Camhead: Check out your 'profile' there is an option to get emails that lets you know about replies or not. I think the default is to email you, simply change that to NO. Good Luck! :D


Feb 18, 2003, 9:32 PM
Post #28 of 58 (1225 views)

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I think that the jury is still out on the changes that have been made. I for one had some initial difficulty only because I was so used to the older setup that moving around was a snap. Once I get used to this one it will work out also. I would point out that the survey indicated that 65% of the people that responded wanted changes/enhancements to the Routes DB and Gear Reviews but very few indicated that changes were needed in the forums layout. I am also disappointed to find that I no longer have a photo album of "my photos" and am not sure how to find them. Hopefully this will be one of those things that will be worked out. I also liked my "Friends" list and wonder if that will also return.

In closing I will say that although I found it hard to work this layout, it will become easier with usage. I am disappointed that it now looks just like a lot of other BBs that I see on the web. RC.COM was always different and that was one of the things l liked. I will withhold any final judgement until adequate time has passed to correct any bugs and get everything running smooth.

I appreciate all the work that has been and continues to be done freely by those doing the coding. Keep up the good work.

Climb On


Feb 18, 2003, 9:45 PM
Post #29 of 58 (1225 views)

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Hey Russman,

*extends finger*

It still sucks. I had a great profile. Are my pics still here? What about hostels and contacts? You may think it's better, but I don't. I think it made the site cheap and common. Before it had character.

Preach all you want about people giving money. I would have if I had money. Besides the point. Improvements isn't conducive with "changes". Improvements were necessary? I didn't think so. I thought the place was great as it was. Perhaps, a little slow. Maybe memory (or whatever it is) needed to be upgraded. I just don't like the way it looks and don't see the point in making it look like every other site on the web. That's all.

The door? Whatever.

(the finger thing was in a sarcastic manner, not a serious one, to end confusion)


I just liked it the way it was. Improvements are good, but a complete change isn't. Just me, but what do I know?


Feb 18, 2003, 9:50 PM
Post #30 of 58 (1225 views)

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I just want my profile back :cry:


Feb 18, 2003, 9:50 PM
Post #31 of 58 (1225 views)

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I am not too keen on the new look either. wasn't broke? Well, I would be happy if things were how they used to be, and why do away with the titles, like boulder, belayer, etc? That added it's own certain somethin special about the site, gone now! :evil:


Feb 18, 2003, 10:10 PM
Post #32 of 58 (1225 views)

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Again, I am just sitting patiently. No worries. Change can be (and is) startling, but we'll come to accept it... shouldn't be too difficult... I mean, it's a Web site, not the disintegration of economy, politics, or family! I too miss my photo albums, my snazzy profile, my friends list, etc., but like arrettinator said, I am sure all these things are still out there somewhere, and I am sure we'll get them back sooner or later. There'd probly be a hellacious peasants' revolt if we didn't! :lol: It's a hell of an undertaking for the programmers, and one they get "mad props" for :D I sure don't envy them, but I [indigo]thank[/indigo] them :)

So, be cool 8) To use the unofficial climbers' motto again,

"No worries" :D

And on the subject of smilies, I think it's cool that we got to keep "Mr. Green" :mrgreen: And this guy, :shock:, reminds me of me in my old glasses. hehe!!


Feb 18, 2003, 10:12 PM
Post #33 of 58 (1225 views)

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Thanks to the admins, who at least took the time to ask what was wanted, and to respond to those desires, for all their time and efforts.

I've gotta agree that some of the changes are unwelcome. The sudden transformance of Profiles is one that seems universally unpopular. In my own case, it also slowed the advancement of's aims, as well, since I had just spent a lot of time going through the routes database and adding ascents/routes to my profile. This was a neat idea that served me as a checklist, a reminder to get the pics and notes out of my old files and journals, to add them to your database.

Now that list has been erased, without word one that it would happen, and I get to spend the two or three hours going through the database and making notes all over again, if I feel like contributing to your database, (which, incidentally, I do for free, sort of a quid pro quo, I guess... and one I see as a fair trade, no complaints intended or implied). Gee willikers and gosh darn it, life just isn't fair, is it....?

I guess if my initial urge to participate in and add to this site meant any more than a surge of ego, that's exactly what I'll do. Just give me a little warning, next time, please? Givin my razor-sharp wit, maybe a marching band, glowing zepplins, and a column of fire thirty feet high...

Anyways, I'd reckon that by now you've sussed that the change in profiles was almost universally unexpected and doesn't seem too popular. Along with the loss of at-a-glance online status and the hostels/tour status and information, this seems to comprise a list of the three biggest changes and the most greatly diliked ones.

Not too shabby for an almost top-to-bottom overhaul, folks... Bravo.

You listened to your members before, so there seems little reason to doubt, after all this work, that you would fail to do so again. I hope/assume that little is lost forever in this medium, so that there is always the chance of a new form of the old features, given time and patience and MONETARY SUPPORT enough from the site's members.

It's a great free site, lads. Don't look a gift horse to deeply in the teeth, y'know? Keep up the good work, trevor, tim, assorted RC codewriters... take plenty of breaks and maybe some actual FOOD (you do remember food, right?) between slugs of coffee and safety meetings... Take the time to do it right, and in a week or two maybe it will be time to beta test... maybe bring back a few of the old bells and whistles, and you'll be right... meanwhile-

Rock on

(Okay, anne... I posted on here.... and here they all come to flay me alive... I hope you appreciate this... ow... that's gonna leave a mark....)


Feb 18, 2003, 10:16 PM
Post #34 of 58 (1225 views)

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Wildtrail, Do ya need a hug?


Feb 18, 2003, 10:18 PM
Post #35 of 58 (1225 views)

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The only complaint I have is the permanent text that says "You have no new messages". I already know that I have no friends but I really hate being constantly mocked by a website.


Feb 18, 2003, 10:19 PM
Post #36 of 58 (1225 views)

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*Me edits: gotta get up to speed on that BBcode instead of HTML! Oh well, I'm trainable ;)


Feb 18, 2003, 10:40 PM
Post #37 of 58 (1225 views)

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none of the stuff you added to the database is gone - it just isn't accessible quite yet. be patient before screaming that all your contributions have been clobbered.


Feb 18, 2003, 10:58 PM
Post #38 of 58 (1225 views)

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Here is one more thing i don't like. At the top of my sceen it says You have no new messages instead of it just being blank. It makes me feel unloved :cry: :lol:


Feb 18, 2003, 11:06 PM
Post #39 of 58 (1225 views)

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I always wondered...

why the [brown]brown[/brown] background?



Feb 18, 2003, 11:09 PM
Post #40 of 58 (1225 views)

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why the [brown]brown[/brown] background?

...actually, it's more like "artificial limb colour" now. :?


Feb 18, 2003, 11:19 PM
Post #41 of 58 (1225 views)

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hopefully after all the bugs are worked out then it will be back up to par. i think it is great that they are updating it, but i do like the functions of the old site. if they want to update the appearance of it then that is great, but i do really really like the old format. but good luck with all the bugs!! i know it is tough :D


Feb 18, 2003, 11:33 PM
Post #42 of 58 (1225 views)

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Ok, two things that I find HI-FRICKIN-LARIOUS:

1. Wildtrail complains that the "smilie selection sucks" HA!

2. Wildtrail complains about his great pictures. Double HA!

Steve, go BUY a set of nuts and then SACK UP!!!1


Feb 18, 2003, 11:36 PM
Post #43 of 58 (1225 views)

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I like the fact that I have a signature, and can add sweet sprites to it to make myself look fierce. Grrr ...

*flexs small muscles and pulls something*



Feb 19, 2003, 12:24 AM
Post #44 of 58 (1225 views)

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i like it better :D


Feb 19, 2003, 12:25 AM
Post #45 of 58 (1225 views)

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sheesh moan moan blah blah :evil:
whats the story with avatars?? :?


Feb 19, 2003, 12:32 AM
Post #46 of 58 (1225 views)

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...I want an avatar!


Feb 19, 2003, 12:59 AM
Post #47 of 58 (1225 views)

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...I want an avatar!
I have one...I'd show it, but can't get on the site at the mo... :?


Feb 19, 2003, 1:10 AM
Post #48 of 58 (1225 views)

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I think I like it so far. Give those guys a chance to get the site up and running before you all bash it. I for one like what I see.

Good Job Tim and Trevor, thanks for all your hard work.


Feb 19, 2003, 1:11 AM
Post #49 of 58 (1225 views)

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I think I like it so far. Give those guys a chance to get the site up and running before you all bash it. I for one like what I see.

Good Job Tim and Trevor, thanks for all your hard work.


Feb 19, 2003, 1:52 AM
Post #50 of 58 (1225 views)

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I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Steve on this one. I know that people are trying really hard and putting alot of effort and time in to make a better place, but frankly, I thought it was pretty much perfect before. It used to say, "Hello, Tedi Lockwood." Now it just says, "Hello, rckclimbergurl." You also don't have a list of "friends" any more. And think about people's profile's, some of which took a long time to make, (and in passthepitonspete's case, days!), and now they're all gone. They put alot of effort into their profiles, so that other people could see what they were like. I myself just figured out how to get pictures in my profile a few days ago, and prided myself in my find. But now it's all gone. No one cares what you're occupation is, and all the general stuff like that. That's not as important as finding out what kind of a person you are, and why you love climbing so much. That's the thing. With the old, everything was so personalized, and now it just looks like every other site on the web.

Sure, the RDB could be upgraded a bit, but in my opinion, that's all that needed to change. And also, the "You have no new messages" box at the top of the page is a little discouraging. Makes you feel left out. Now, I find that the site is way more confusing then before. Sure, the tan and black got a bit boring after awhile, but it's like that was a trademark for In a good way. Now it looks all futuristic and stuff, and I feel that it just doesn't fit.

And I know that I'm just a teenager, and everyone else just sees a chick who's whining about something, and won't care what I say, but I just wanted to say this: I really appreciate the efforts that people are giving in trying to make a better place, but I just don't think that it's necessary. At all. And I know people, like russman, will just say, "Well, the door's always open," and I know it is. But it's not like there's alot of other websites that are just like this one, with all the nice people, all the info, etc. There are, but they just aren't the same as this one once was. The old was original, and now it looks like all the others out there.


P.S. The smilies were better before too!

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