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why do people bash bouldering so much??
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Nov 30, 2011, 7:15 PM
Post #201 of 215 (10796 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [shockabuku] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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shockabuku wrote:
I wonder if that's a record.
Nope. We had an '03 thread a little while ago, and have had people reply to users who haven't been on the site for 5 years.

Partner cracklover

Nov 30, 2011, 9:30 PM
Post #202 of 215 (10773 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: [SylviaSmile] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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SylviaSmile wrote:
cracklover wrote:
shockabuku wrote:
raistros wrote:
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I think there's kind of a perception that boulderers are a little more cocky, more likely to be spraylords about what they're working, it's more of a competitve and social activity rather than being roped up climbing up a rock with your partner. I think it's cause it attracts a younger crowd with a lot more testosterone pumping than other forms of climbing. You don't often see someone 8 pitches up a trad climb with 5 friends looking on yelling "f*cking send it dude, send it!!!". Not that I personally think there's anything wrong with that, but bouldering is an activity that doesn't get far off the ground, thus more people are going to see and hear what you're doing if you're only 5 feet off the ground as opposed to being roped up 300 ft off the deck. And as in every crowd, a few loudmouthed obnoxious people can get an overall behaved crew a bad name.

And please don't flame me for this observation, but I see more bragging and flame waring among boulderers on this site than any other area. You don't see aid climbers bashing back and forth about whether they used a hook or a leeper cam on a move, but you often see big time wars going on about what's a real V3 and how there's no way someone climbed a v8, etc. Just an observation.
are u saying its inherently bad that its social and competitive?
I'm not convinced its bad or good, just different.
competition helps push people to their limits and do better, which i like
and simultaneously it turns some people off.
so i guess its preference.

Wow. You just replied to an 8 year old post by a poster that hasn't been on this site in over 2.5 years. I wonder if that's a record.

Not only that, but I think special recognition should go to this guy because A - it's his first post on, and B - he dredged up this ancient thread... to add absolutely no original thoughts. Basically his post can be summed up as "I dunno if it's bad or good. I guess it's personal preference."

Wow. Been saving up your first post for that?


Heehee, you just can't win here. I mean, he could have started a new topic wondering why people bash bouldering, and gotten slammed for not doing a search. I say, good job resurrecting the old post. Maybe it IS personal preference! Maybe competition is bad . . . maybe bouldering is bad? Who knows, but clearly people are still talking about it.

Um... when having a conversation, do you reply to people who left the room ten minutes ago? Do you get confused when those people, who aren't there to hear you, don't reply?

Bringing a dead conversation back to life when most of the people are long gone is the same thing.

The exception is when someone has a really important point or new situation to add. The above post, not so much.




Nov 30, 2011, 11:56 PM
Post #203 of 215 (10755 views)

Registered: Aug 22, 2011
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Re: [xanx] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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I boulder, but still lead too and i think that if you bash bouldering, you're the kind of guy that would top-rope a flight of stairs


Dec 1, 2011, 11:51 PM
Post #204 of 215 (10694 views)

Registered: Mar 11, 2011
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Re: [RockLowe] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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To the OP, anyone who doesn't think bouldering is climbing is silly. I've done difficult single pitch and multi pitch trad, sport, not aid but I've belayed c4 aid (which was scary) and now I mostly boulder.

Everyone's ego gets mixed up in all this mumbo jumbo.... it took me fifteen years to figure out that the best way for me to improve is to compete against myself.

It's not going anywhere, if it's not obvious it's growing you're crazy.

It also depends on where you live, 10 years ago, here in utah, bouldering was primarily considered training for routes, only a select few bouldered exclusively. Now, it's very common for the best up and coming climbers in the area to spend most of their climbing bouldering and it's certainly respected by everyeone else. In time, this will be normal.

I was just in font for 3 weeks, the climbers there can't imagine why they would rope up when they have the best bouldering in the world at their doorstep. If they want something longer, they do one of the many classic traverses.

It's mostly a generational thing.


Dec 2, 2011, 4:47 AM
Post #205 of 215 (10678 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [flesh] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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flesh wrote:
...10 years ago, here in utah, bouldering was primarily considered training for routes, only a select few bouldered exclusively...

That long ago, eh? Cool



Feb 8, 2013, 10:29 PM
Post #206 of 215 (10162 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2013
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Re:why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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I don't get people who don't appreciate bouldering either! It's fun, a challenge and appealing for beginners as well. I filmed this video with a couple of friends in England and although being not very advanced, it's still a hell of a lot of fun !


Apr 5, 2013, 8:41 PM
Post #207 of 215 (9890 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2013
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Re: [gwell] Re:why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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I agree with this. I mean, for beginners especially, it helps get over that fear of falling/hitting the ground/letting go, because at first, not many of us can trust our gear. We're all tentatively like slowly letting go. And for those that never had that fear, I think you're crazy. But with bouldering, it's helped me get over the letting go because the mat is there.. but that's just me. You all may be different.


Apr 19, 2013, 4:40 PM
Post #208 of 215 (9793 views)

Registered: Apr 19, 2013
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Re: [xanx] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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I don't like the fact that people even try to separate climbers into categories because we are all essentially doing the same thing... Climbing. I find it crazy too, (maybe i've caught the bug more than other people) that people say "I Boulder" and dont lead or climb trad. The nature of the sport is to push yourself both physically and mentally and to stick to one type of climbing and labeling yourself as something so specific is what sets up this ridiculous dynamic in the first place. Find all types of climbing just as satisfying as the next (though for different reasons) and one type is not necessarily better than the other it just depends on your mood. So screw the distinctions.... We are all just climbers.


May 15, 2013, 12:58 AM
Post #209 of 215 (9649 views)

Registered: May 13, 2013
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Re: [xanx] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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I think all climbers are different and we all share a common interest (climbing) whether it is bouldering or traditional or sport etc... Just climb the way you like to and as long as youre enjoying yourself, why the hell does it matter? To be honest no one has mentioned free soloing. Atleast from what I have read so far. People who free solo are crazy in my opinion but they probably get bashed the most. I don't believe that boulderers are lazy... Purely because I know plenty people who boulder and are most certainly not lazy. This wouldnt be such a big deal if everyone could shut the fuck up about who is better.


Oct 11, 2013, 11:10 AM
Post #210 of 215 (8902 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2013
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Re: [dead_milkman] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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There is no better sign of low self-esteem than the need to belittle others.


Oct 11, 2013, 12:59 PM
Post #211 of 215 (8890 views)

Registered: Aug 29, 2003
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Re: [xanx] why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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Because we overweight older climbers can't get up a V3.


Oct 22, 2013, 3:06 PM
Post #212 of 215 (8727 views)

Registered: Aug 7, 2013
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Re: [Ruff_Dog] Re:why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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Ruff_Dog wrote:
I agree with this. I mean, for beginners especially, it helps get over that fear of falling/hitting the ground/letting go, because at first, not many of us can trust our gear. We're all tentatively like slowly letting go. And for those that never had that fear, I think you're crazy. But with bouldering, it's helped me get over the letting go because the mat is there.. but that's just me. You all may be different.

I think it might be the other way around for me. I don't trust the little crash pad, if I even have one that is. Especially when I high ball. If there is a difficult move high up that sets me up for a potential bad fall, I won't try and make it unless everything feels right. This means lots of climbing back down. Same move roped up and I am throwing for it every time.


Oct 24, 2013, 8:57 PM
Post #213 of 215 (8664 views)

Registered: Jul 31, 2011
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Re: [bigbear11] Re:why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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bigbear11 wrote:
Ruff_Dog wrote:
I agree with this. I mean, for beginners especially, it helps get over that fear of falling/hitting the ground/letting go, because at first, not many of us can trust our gear. We're all tentatively like slowly letting go. And for those that never had that fear, I think you're crazy. But with bouldering, it's helped me get over the letting go because the mat is there.. but that's just me. You all may be different.

I think it might be the other way around for me. I don't trust the little crash pad, if I even have one that is. Especially when I high ball. If there is a difficult move high up that sets me up for a potential bad fall, I won't try and make it unless everything feels right. This means lots of climbing back down. Same move roped up and I am throwing for it every time.
well sure, but you can huck a lowball boulder problem over and over and work on moves that usually would be on routes that are WAY over your head. If you're a 5.11 climber you're not going to be getting on 5.14s to test your limit power for single moves...but you might find the equivalent crux on a lowball and project it as a boulder problem...

bouldering is A-O-K Cool


Oct 27, 2013, 1:15 AM
Post #214 of 215 (8619 views)

Registered: Jan 6, 2009
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Re: [5.samadhi] Re:why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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5.samadhi wrote:
bigbear11 wrote:
Ruff_Dog wrote:
I agree with this. I mean, for beginners especially, it helps get over that fear of falling/hitting the ground/letting go, because at first, not many of us can trust our gear. We're all tentatively like slowly letting go. And for those that never had that fear, I think you're crazy. But with bouldering, it's helped me get over the letting go because the mat is there.. but that's just me. You all may be different.

I think it might be the other way around for me. I don't trust the little crash pad, if I even have one that is. Especially when I high ball. If there is a difficult move high up that sets me up for a potential bad fall, I won't try and make it unless everything feels right. This means lots of climbing back down. Same move roped up and I am throwing for it every time.
well sure, but you can huck a lowball boulder problem over and over and work on moves that usually would be on routes that are WAY over your head. If you're a 5.11 climber you're not going to be getting on 5.14s to test your limit power for single moves...but you might find the equivalent crux on a lowball and project it as a boulder problem...

bouldering is A-O-K Cool

I highly doubt many 5.11 climbers are making any sort of progress on ~v10 movements. If they are, they probably need to reassess why they climb so poorly on a rope.


Oct 27, 2013, 1:17 AM
Post #215 of 215 (8618 views)

Registered: Jul 31, 2011
Posts: 98

Re: [shotwell] Re:why do people bash bouldering so much?? [In reply to]
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shotwell wrote:
5.samadhi wrote:
bigbear11 wrote:
Ruff_Dog wrote:
I agree with this. I mean, for beginners especially, it helps get over that fear of falling/hitting the ground/letting go, because at first, not many of us can trust our gear. We're all tentatively like slowly letting go. And for those that never had that fear, I think you're crazy. But with bouldering, it's helped me get over the letting go because the mat is there.. but that's just me. You all may be different.

I think it might be the other way around for me. I don't trust the little crash pad, if I even have one that is. Especially when I high ball. If there is a difficult move high up that sets me up for a potential bad fall, I won't try and make it unless everything feels right. This means lots of climbing back down. Same move roped up and I am throwing for it every time.
well sure, but you can huck a lowball boulder problem over and over and work on moves that usually would be on routes that are WAY over your head. If you're a 5.11 climber you're not going to be getting on 5.14s to test your limit power for single moves...but you might find the equivalent crux on a lowball and project it as a boulder problem...

bouldering is A-O-K Cool

I highly doubt many 5.11 climbers are making any sort of progress on ~v10 movements. If they are, they probably need to reassess why they climb so poorly on a rope.
Doubt on brother.

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