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Aug 26, 2003, 4:30 PM
Post #126 of 238 (39383 views)

Registered: Jul 9, 2003
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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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somebody please put this thread out of its misery.

Partner camhead

Aug 26, 2003, 4:37 PM
Post #127 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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I think that females should just start objectifying the photos of men. "ooohh, look at that hunk of man-meat!" "huh huh, I'd belay HIM any day!" "can that harness be any more... revealing?"

come on, do it, I dare y'all!!!

That would presuppose that there are any cute guys on this site to slather over.


touché. I'm going to be crying for the rest of the day. honest. hehe.


Aug 26, 2003, 5:14 PM
Post #128 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Say all you want about the quality of the CLIMB, or the ATHLETE, or whatever, but the bottom line is that female climbers are a very beautiful thing. yup.

This is entirely true... all us guys climbers aspire to find a compainion that could do this kind of cool doesn't matter how attractive they are of if we can 'see their face' in the is a mentality that we are attracted to in those of girls we almost idolize to find among the large number of sub-par women in this world....few and far-between gems. -jeff


Aug 26, 2003, 5:15 PM
Post #129 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Don't cry. It'll be okay. I'm ugly too. I climb trad. :)


Aug 26, 2003, 5:17 PM
Post #130 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Wow. A bunch of you really need to take some sexual harassment training. I hope you don't have real jobs or your employers are getting sued fast. No, "compliments" of a sexual nature aren't OK. No, women aren't required to put up with that type of remark. No, we don't need to relax and learn how to "enjoy" it. I'm guessing most of you are about 16. Some day you will get a job and then you will have to sit in a dark room and watch a little video that explains why, in today's legal world, your attitude is very wrong.


Aug 26, 2003, 5:27 PM
Post #131 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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I think we've hooked a biggun', boys. :lol:

Partner camhead

Aug 26, 2003, 5:29 PM
Post #132 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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...I'm ugly too. I climb trad. :)

sorry, those two statements are incompatable. it's like, a logical contradiction. If X cannot equaly Y, or something. see the related thread in community.


Aug 26, 2003, 5:57 PM
Post #133 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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First I consider myself a feminist, who revels in the power we women have. But one of the wonderful (though sometimes a little embarassing) powers we have is to reduce grown men to drooling fools.:lol:

All these women are impressive climbers, out pulling down hard on things some of us can only dream of. That alone makes them Hot. Why not say so. Now that is not to validate silly drooling men, but I like to think most of them are commenting on the fact that they love to see women climbing hard. None of this invalidates the climbing these women are doing, and there are just as many comments if not more on their impressive climbing as on their looks.

now heres an intelligent person

And here is another VERY Intelligent person!


Aug 26, 2003, 6:21 PM
Post #134 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Wow. A bunch of you really need to take some sexual harassment training. I hope you don't have real jobs or your employers are getting sued fast. No, "compliments" of a sexual nature aren't OK. No, women aren't required to put up with that type of remark. No, we don't need to relax and learn how to "enjoy" it. I'm guessing most of you are about 16. Some day you will get a job and then you will have to sit in a dark room and watch a little video that explains why, in today's legal world, your attitude is very wrong.)

Wow is right, If you get suckered into sitting in that little room watching that video you deserve what you get! You sound like a lawsuit waiting for someone to land on!
On a different note or the same whatever ..... I have noticed that some of the most sensitive women to "sexual remarks/harassment/comments" wear the tightest spandex. Although I have not crunched the numbers I would tend to believe that their is a direct relation between sensitivity of the women and the amount of skin she has showing at any given time. I dated a girl who used to always comment on how this guy was looking at her this way, or that, and how someone made some comment to her, or some other stuff and how men are pigs....., But when she climbed at the gym she wore painted on spandex shorts and a jog bra. I mean god damn the girl had a smoking figure and of course men noticed. She argued she should be able to wear whatever she wanted and she is right. but what I could never understand was if she was so offended by the reaction why did she insist on the "sexy" outfits. Just a rant!
Men should keep their mouthes shut more often! and this I know. Looking and thinking is one thing but you don't always have to express it. Sorry ladies the truth is we are pigs! Some of us believe that it's not something to be proud of, rather something to enjoy and live with.


Aug 26, 2003, 6:31 PM
Post #135 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Wow. A bunch of you really need to take some sexual harassment training. I hope you don't have real jobs or your employers are getting sued fast. No, "compliments" of a sexual nature aren't OK. No, women aren't required to put up with that type of remark. No, we don't need to relax and learn how to "enjoy" it. I'm guessing most of you are about 16. Some day you will get a job and then you will have to sit in a dark room and watch a little video that explains why, in today's legal world, your attitude is very wrong.

Sorry, but this isn't the "business world" that we are talking about. A good amount of what is said on this site would not be appropriate in other venues. In fact, much of it may not be appropriate here. However, I will state this as it has been said in many other ways...take it all with a grain of salt and consider the source. Now, I'll admit that sexual harassment (I use this term loosely) is not something I have been subjected to, but I've dealt with other forms of harassment my whole life. I doubt that the posts on this site are preventing anyone from living their life how they would like. If this is not the case, seek help!! Fact is, I don't let the little things get me down and neither should anyone else. In case I wasn't clear, I consider this specific issue one of the little things.

P.S. And no I'm not belittling the sexual harassment issue, but I just don't see it as such :)


Aug 26, 2003, 6:37 PM
Post #136 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Hey Hillary,
You know if you spent less time writing pointless threads about things you can't change because they are human nature, then you might just be able to GO CLIMBING and hey you never know, one of these days you could be in one of the magazines too. :shock:

Don't Worry. Be Happy. You know theres a lot of truth to that. :o


Aug 26, 2003, 6:54 PM
Post #137 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Um, I don't know what this thread is about, but thanks for posting the links to all the spankers in one place.

This has to be one of the greatest trolls ever, congratulations to Hillary. :wink:

News flash: some men/boys are socially challenged. Surprising, yes, but true.

Ok, I'll be sort of serious for a second. Yes, some of the comments are inappropriate, so much so that they even disgust many of us men (or at least embarrass us). So, is it just the crude comments that bother you, or do the more tasteful ones irritate as well?

Yes, we men objectify you (whatever that means). We pretty much consider every woman's potential as a sexual partner. That is how we are wired. Some of us just don't know how to deal with that in a socially acceptable manner, and a little "education" (smack down) every once in a while is in order. But I hope your issue is with the bad behavior and not with the way we are fundamentally wired, because otherwise you have a long stretch of frustration ahead of you.

I think most male climbers are attracted to women who kick ass in every way. Mentally strong. Physically strong. Intelligent women. Women who can push us, pull us, wake us up, challenge us, while at the same time be that comforting, safe place that only you know how to be. Most female climbers I've met have these qualities. Most are extremely intelligent and deep thinking/feeling individuals. Yeah, but what about the eye candy, you say.

I don't make comments on the internet about physical appearance, it's just not my style. Nonetheless, I do enjoy the eye candy. But there's more to it. Sure, it's just a picture on the internet, and we are drawn to the beauty, but I think for many of us the pictures of female climbers represent our ideal woman, including all of her qualities that we seek. We really do want you for your intelligence, your strength of spirit, your ability to be a sweaty, dirty hard woman for days or weeks on end, and yes, for the way you clean up when the road trip is over (even if you aren't Barbie, in fact, ESPECIALLY if you aren't Barbie). After all, there are lots of pics of beauty queens on the internet and in magazines, but they don't stir our imaginations like pictures of hard climbing chicks do. So, although comments may be about physical appearance (and I encourage my brothers to excercise a little class and self-constraint in that area), we do have other things on our minds as well. It's just that some poor little male-piglets haven't yet learned the subtle skills of oinking in a socially appropriate manner.

But, then again, some guys are just jerks.

Partner cracklover

Aug 26, 2003, 6:58 PM
Post #138 of 238 (39383 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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I'll give this thread a 9.5 on the troll-o-meter. Let this be a lesson to all you proto-trollers out there - say it like you mean it (especially if you really do)!

If I may indulge myself in a little theory, I call this the "supernova" style troll. It's like fishing with a hand-grenade. You lob it in the water, and the shock-wave kills all of the fish in the immediate area - they float up, and you just skim them off. Often the bigger fish will swim by, attracted by all the fresh meat floating around! The "shock and awe" of trolling if you will. It generates pages of responses very quickly, with most of the major personalities feeling the necessity to chip in, at least briefly. The only downside is that this trolling style rarely generates much good stuff after a few days. Look at this lame post, for example - after only a single day!

Anyway, another nice one CS! I tip my hat to you!

I do also have my own little contribution to the thread. First, a quick story... I used to shower at the gym after my workouts. There was a guy there who I never saw anywhere in the gym except the locker room. It seemed that whenever I walked into the shower room, he would appear out of nowhere and start showering next to me. Funny thing, though - he clearly had no interest in getting clean - he would just stare. Now I'm pretty comfortable with my body, and he wasn't hurting me, so I just ignored him for a while, but after about the fourth time, it really started bugging me. I basically told him to shove off. I mean, I kind of felt bad for the guy - that his sex-life was so pathetic, but I really did feel uncomfortable. Draw your own conclusions and lessons from the story.

I believe I once saw a paper that showed that images of attractive women caused men's brains to produce a bunch of chemicals - basically making them happy. It was completely involuntary. Had nothing to do with fantasizing or desire. Just like Pavlov's dog - automatic response. So of course guys would like the pics with the "hotties" in them more. The trouble is with the few men who just can't help but share their most base responses.



Aug 26, 2003, 7:16 PM
Post #139 of 238 (39383 views)

Registered: Jan 17, 2003
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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Wow. A bunch of you really need to take some sexual harassment training. I hope you don't have real jobs or your employers are getting sued fast. No, "compliments" of a sexual nature aren't OK. No, women aren't required to put up with that type of remark. No, we don't need to relax and learn how to "enjoy" it. I'm guessing most of you are about 16. Some day you will get a job and then you will have to sit in a dark room and watch a little video that explains why, in today's legal world, your attitude is very wrong.

OMFG! Hey, guess what- We're not at work! I don't believe that anyone posting here gets paid to do so. I am a professional and have been for several years. I've sat through many Sex. harassment tng classes, and have even taught some myself. Sexual harassment laws do not protect a person when they are walking dpown the street, at the mall, or posting on an internet site. So, you're exactly right that women don't have to... Oh wait, I'm being sexist... I mean ANYONE does not have to "put up with that type of remark." They can simply leave and go to Rec.Climbing :lol: :lol: :lol: or start their own website.

It's only words. Didn't your mamma ever teach you about sticks & stones???


Aug 26, 2003, 7:21 PM
Post #140 of 238 (39383 views)

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But I hope your issue is with the bad behavior and not with the way we are fundamentally wired, because otherwise you have a long stretch of frustration ahead of you.
You are correct pedro, it is related to the behavior, not the men themselves. I don't expect people to be asexual drones, I just am tired of the garbage that escapes from their immature little pieholes. It's intellectual pollution. I recognize that being frustrated by this is also basically endless; however, I am not QUITE dumb enough to think I can change human nature. That's even more endless than endless 8)

It is human nature to look and fantasize. It is NOT human nature to make other people uncomfortable. Self-control and respect for others can be very easily achieved just by NOT saying aloud, "I would spot her any day, huh huh, heh heh!"

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I think most male climbers are attracted to women who kick ass in every way. Mentally strong. Physically strong. Intelligent women. Women who can push us, pull us, wake us up, challenge us, while at the same time be that comforting, safe place that only you know how to be. Most female climbers I've met have these qualities. Most are extremely intelligent and deep thinking/feeling individuals.
Wish there were more guys out there that were TRULY like this; I am not saying you're wrong but it's often been a pipe dream in my experience. Seems I scare a lot of men... WHO KNEW? And not cos I fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, and not cos I crank 5.13 (...which I don't). It's cos I am a bitch... Just a demanding, whiny, out of touch with reality little annoyance. (grrr. hear me roar) Oopth, talking about myself again!


Aug 26, 2003, 7:32 PM
Post #141 of 238 (39383 views)

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It's cos I am a bitch... Just a demanding, whiny, out of touch with reality little annoyance. (grrr. hear me roar) Oopth, talking about myself again!

Amen to that :lol:


Aug 26, 2003, 7:36 PM
Post #142 of 238 (39383 views)

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The Masses Are Asses

Holds true in all facets of life.


Aug 26, 2003, 7:39 PM
Post #143 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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I can see Hillary's point.

Here's an interesting question though. Quite a while ago I posted a photo of my wife bouldering. The very first comment made was strictly about her looks. "wow! she is so beautiful!! "

It caught me a bit offguard but I think my wife is beautiful also so I made reference to the fact that I was in full agreement. Am I encouraging and perpetuating a certain attitude towards women by agreeing with this comment?

I suspect you could go overboard by trying to avoid mention of physical appearance don't you think?


Aug 26, 2003, 7:42 PM
Post #144 of 238 (39383 views)

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. . . I don't expect people to be asexual drones, I just am tired of the garbage that escapes from their immature little pieholes. It's intellectual pollution . . . It is human nature to look and fantasize. It is NOT human nature to make other people uncomfortable. Self-control and respect for others can be very easily achieved just by NOT saying aloud, "I would spot her any day, huh huh, heh heh!"

Word. Real men don't like that crap either. It reflects poorly on us all.

In reply to:
Wish there were more guys out there that were TRULY like this; I am not saying you're wrong but it's often been a pipe dream in my experience. Seems I scare a lot of men... WHO KNEW? And not cos I fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, and not cos I crank 5.13 (...which I don't). It's cos I am a bitch... Just a demanding, whiny, out of touch with reality little annoyance. (grrr. hear me roar) Oopth, talking about myself again!

Well . . . don't be such a scary beotch. :wink:


Aug 26, 2003, 7:43 PM
Post #145 of 238 (39383 views)

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Re: Pics of "hotties" [In reply to]
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Confucious says chicks who post pictures of themselves on the Net climbing in barely any clothes should not whine when man make comment about woody.

What do you expect to see in the comments? "I can't really see the rock or the route because your half naked body is covering it up but I'm sure its a really great climb. Good job!"

Granted this is not always the case. Objectification is wrong. A lot of the shots on this site are not deserving of it. Some are out right asking for it though. You put your picture(s) out there for the world to see and comment on and its pretty much a given that some people are going to be a$$es and some people are going to give you the feedback you were hoping for.

Get thicker skin!!!!

uhg mary me


Aug 26, 2003, 7:45 PM
Post #146 of 238 (39383 views)

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WE are Asses in Masses!


Aug 26, 2003, 7:58 PM
Post #147 of 238 (39383 views)

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OK I finally have to weigh in. For the most reasoned male response see Hugepedro - after he gets past his "spanker" comment.

Now from Pegasus email we get
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Be careful when using variable signatures -- people's tastes differ hugely all around the world, and something which seems witty to you may be offensive to other people.

It's that simple guys. It may be witty to you in ninth grade, but this here is the big wide world. And while all ladies like compliments just about none of them like crude asinine comments and I bet the ones that do are way over the edge where it ain't a good idea to be with em. So while your objectifying the "hottie" in the climbing photo - your being one of the guys it ain't a good idea for the hottie to be with. Granted a bit of objectifying happens in all sexual behavior - it happens best when it's a safe behavior between the two or three (kinda of a joke, but sex reality is diverse) people involved.

Climbsomething: At least these guys are revealing what they are like so you don't have to waste time on em in the real world.

One last thing. the women in the photos may not even know they are posted here and so may not may be able to complain to mods or admin. The person taking the photo has the control of it.


Aug 26, 2003, 8:07 PM
Post #148 of 238 (39383 views)

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...I have to visit the US someday

...You weird people!

Your modern society (and as a consequence your pop art) is so profoundly based on sex.
Still one can read posts like this arguing about the immorality of interpreting climbing photographs from a sexual point of view...


Aug 26, 2003, 8:31 PM
Post #149 of 238 (39383 views)

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Hillary, just one question, how can you object to men talking about how hot you are, when you posted your picture on an internet site, which allowed men (and presumably lesbians as well) to vote on how hot they thought you were? And weren't you also boasting about the high number of votes you achieved in the same site?

Methinks I smell hypocracy............


Aug 26, 2003, 8:45 PM
Post #150 of 238 (39383 views)

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*brain splat* Gosh, people can be DENSE CAN'T THEY!!!

I am not talking about HUMAN NATURE. I am not talking about deprogramming sexuality or barring people from checking each other out. I am TALKING ABOUT NOT POSTING LEWD COMMENTS BECAUSE THEY'RE RUDE!

now, in again another attempt to shut me down, allan_thompson says I am on a hot-ranking web site. Yeah, a couple years ago as a joke. I didn't even remember I put that there till I saw a community thread about I still think I am plain. So a few guys are visually-impaired and reacted favorably to a photo, poor saps. If they only knew. :lol:

Again, this is not whether you think girls are hot, this is ABOUT HOW YOU ARTICULATE IT. Fine line? Guess so...

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