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Nov 23, 2003, 4:48 AM
Post #51 of 71 (5603 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Now I'm hungry for cake. Damn it. :evil:

Haha, I know, My mouth was watering while typing that. I wonder if Bakeries will deliver cake after midnight? Is there even such thing as cake delivery?




Nov 23, 2003, 4:51 AM
Post #52 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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I dunno. Probably not here. Austin is disgustingly healthy sometimes. I'm sure I could order up some Tofu.

On the other hand, the grocery store is open 24 hours. I need cake like I need a hole in the head. I'm too fat and don't date. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Maybe I'll take up climbing.


Nov 23, 2003, 5:19 AM
Post #53 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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This weekend, I'm going to a Sorority Formal on Friday, the mall on Saturday :?: , and Sunday is open.

(twitch twitch...pretend the lameness isin't real)

The mall is a day trip? Sorority Formal?
The Lameness is very real.

Sounds like you need a good sandbagging.


Nov 23, 2003, 6:34 AM
Post #54 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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The mall is a day trip? Sorority Formal?
The Lameness is very real.

Sounds like you need a good sandbagging.

I didn't go to the mall, this makes about 2 years since I've been in one....well, there was that one time when I had to go in to get some Fugi Velvia from the photo store, but that dosen't count.

That dance thing was kind of fun. Drunken haze, so it seemed rather enjoyable. The funniest thing was that they loaded us all on a bus to drive us 4 blocks to a hotel. They didn't want anyone driving drunk, so they wouldn't tell the girls where it was. HAHAHAHA!

Three and a half bucks for a beer was rather ludacris though. Hell at Triple crown, the bar is open. Now THAT is southrnSTYLE.



Nov 23, 2003, 2:14 PM
Post #55 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Travis... as long as its a short break, I dont think it will kill me... but please make sure its a just a short one... I know how you feel about distributing your time... I dance 4 days a week, tutor 2 days a week, have clubs after school almost every day.... still have to study ( I know its different in college) but I still manage to climb 4-5 times a week... There are a bunch of girls who lcimb, and I think finding a girl who climbs would be perfect, so then you could spend your "girl"time doing the thing I know you love more than most stuff! Well I'm going to Lilly today... I have to admit Simon and I are going by ourselves, and are really hoping "someone"will be there since we dont know the beta on all the climbs, and Simon has only lead a few routes out there!! I lvoe ya Travis! Peace


Nov 23, 2003, 4:15 PM
Post #56 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Good luck with the big change.

Don't use too much climbing lingo and metaphors in your conversations or all the chicks will think you're from another planet.

You could try to impress them by telling them about the time you fell on that ledge and couldn't decide if it was an onsight or a redpoint, but you'd have to explain to them what these words mean first.



Nov 23, 2003, 7:45 PM
Post #57 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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You could try to impress them by telling them about the time you fell on that ledge and couldn't decide if it was an onsight or a redpoint, but you'd have to explain to them what these words mean first.


(*don't tell anyone, but that whole thread was a big troll...shhhhh...*)

And Melissa, I'm with you. I was really considering driving up to The obed this morning, but I ended up going out for a little while *LATE* (like so late it was early) and I just now woke up. Don't sweat it though, i'm sure I'll be back out there dirtbagging every weekned just like before soon enough.


Nov 23, 2003, 8:23 PM
Post #58 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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"I think it's time for a little break. Get school and my social life back in order. It's the best thing for me to do right now.....Or I could study for my math final to try and make a B in that class.

To graduate from university with a B average is the sign of a misspent youth. Dr. Piton is proud that he graduated with an absolute bare-bones C minus average, thus proving arithmeticallly that he did no more schoolwork than was absolutely necessary.

Not one person in the Real World After Graduation will ever ask you what your marks were because nobody cares - what is relevant is only that you graduate.

I walked to the front of Convocation Hall dead last in my class [however the diplomas were handed out alphabetically, but had they been handed out according to class standing, most likely I would have been dead last, too. I certainly hope so.]

What I remember from my university days is miles and miles and miles of cave passage discovered, explored and surveyed in West Virginia, Kentucky, Mexico, and Belize, and hundreds of first ascents across Ontario. That, and grovelling before a few profs to beg them to squeak me by.


Nov 23, 2003, 8:25 PM
Post #59 of 71 (5603 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2003
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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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When I first read the post,I thought u were a sorority girl. Sat. the Mall?!!I agree.Get yourself a black formal and go to the dance even if you cant get a date. The laws of natural selection are immutable.


Nov 23, 2003, 8:33 PM
Post #60 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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When I first read the post,I thought u were a sorority girl. Sat. the Mall?!!I agree.Get yourself a black formal and go to the dance even if you cant get a date. The laws of natural selection are immutable.

STFU studs!!11


Don't make me mention the fact that out of the blue, a cutie (with blue eyes ironically) called me up and asked me if I would go with her, therefore indirectly starting this chain of thought into play. An hour of dancing sandwiched between 9 hours of hard drinking, and hanging out with GOREGOUS young women seems like a perfectly respectable way to spend an evening. Pshaw. (my dress was WHITE anyway...HAR!)

I gotcha, and believe me, I've gotten enough adventures past current and future to hold me over for a long time. Gotta take care of some things right now though.

The rock is calling.......damnit.....


Nov 23, 2003, 10:08 PM
Post #61 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Hey Travis... we just got back from Lilly... Simon lead ticks are for kids with no problem!! Simon lcimbed rocking chair, and I lead it... Then we went to Lilly Boulders, and worked on a bunch of traveres.. Hoped you were coming the whole time... We have to see you b4 Xmas because we have ur Xmas pres... =)
luv ya


Nov 23, 2003, 11:00 PM
Post #62 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Hey Travis... we just got back from Lilly... Simon lead ticks are for kids with no problem!! Simon lcimbed rocking chair, and I lead it... Then we went to Lilly Boulders, and worked on a bunch of traveres.. Hoped you were coming the whole time... We have to see you b4 Xmas because we have ur Xmas pres... =)
luv ya

Rock on! Ticks are for Kids is a cool line! Did you really lead RC? GOOD JOB if you did! That thing is kind of hard for what it is. Funky moves all the way up. I think the HP comp is in 2 weeks, that may be the next chance I get to climb. Y'all should try and make it down!


Nov 23, 2003, 11:07 PM
Post #63 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Travis' post makes me think about my own life . . . going back to school so I can devote more time to my life adventures . . . heh.

I deliberately stayed home this weekend so that I would do well on my upcoming projects. I am on this computer all the time now because it is right in front of me . . . and I could be climbing and actually getting pretty good at it.

Some of us do get a bit obsessed, don't we? I went to Bishop last weekend and was ready to shed all my constraints and just dirtbag again. But, maculated, that's not for you, you found that out!! But isn't it all a wonderful dream?

Two years ago I was thinking about how much I wanted to finally settle down and get stablility in my life, comfort, all of that. Settle for a nice guy, pop out some kids and start the next chapter of my life.

Now i suddenly realize that at this point, that's not right for me. If I am so dangerously close to sloughing off my responsibilities in the name of FUN, who am I to be popping out kids? I could be sitting at a desk job and making gobs of money because I am so skilled, but I am back at school trying to get A's so some good college will pay me to get a PhD and I'll spend the rest of my life enjoying flexibility and 4 month vacations. All so I can climb and stuff.

God, that is so irresponsible. Kudos to the TennDawg for recognizing this affliction and possibly abating it.


Nov 23, 2003, 11:29 PM
Post #64 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Travis' post makes me think about my own life . . . going back to school so I can devote more time to my life adventures . . . heh.

I deliberately stayed home this weekend so that I would do well on my upcoming projects. I am on this computer all the time now because it is right in front of me . . . and I could be climbing and actually getting pretty good at it.

Some of us do get a bit obsessed, don't we? I went to Bishop last weekend and was ready to shed all my constraints and just dirtbag again. But, maculated, that's not for you, you found that out!! But isn't it all a wonderful dream?

Two years ago I was thinking about how much I wanted to finally settle down and get stablility in my life, comfort, all of that. Settle for a nice guy, pop out some kids and start the next chapter of my life.

Now i suddenly realize that at this point, that's not right for me. If I am so dangerously close to sloughing off my responsibilities in the name of FUN, who am I to be popping out kids? I could be sitting at a desk job and making gobs of money because I am so skilled, but I am back at school trying to get A's so some good college will pay me to get a PhD and I'll spend the rest of my life enjoying flexibility and 4 month vacations. All so I can climb and stuff.

God, that is so irresponsible. Kudos to the TennDawg for recognizing this affliction and possibly abating it.

"Utopia" comes from the latin for: There is no place.

I just read an article in R&I that JL wrote. It's the current R&I. It was about never being comfortable in your own skin, about how you always, always desire that which you do not have at the moment. And it was also about how the only person that you can really sync up yourself. You just have to accept who you are.

I was touched. Nice story John, it fits so well into this whole situation I'm currently. Perhaps not verbatum, but close enough for me to extrapolate.

Y'all should ALL read it.

I've always thought that climbers were incredibly self absorbed and selfish. It is just the nature of the game we love to play. People climb because there is no one to blame except themselves for their failures. Because it allows you to truely FIND yourself, even if just for a moment. We are selfish.

I was about 2 days away from dirtbagging it. I widthdrew from school for a semester, got a job, got the money, quit the job, then went to see my parents.

They understood, and gave me their blessing, then asked me to make my choice, to start up that car and drive, or to finish what I started at school.

For some reason, I came back. Even now I don't know why. But the least I can do, is take it serious while I'm here. Finish this, put it behind me, and set some framework for the rest of my life. Mabey fall in love along the way?

Well, that's not the hard part, the hard part is making it work, god knows I've been in love. But this is not the place to discuss this...:wink:

Anyway, thanks JL for a great story, it gave me some perspective, and in a way reminded me a little of what I already knew about life.

It was Proud.



Nov 23, 2003, 11:30 PM
Post #65 of 71 (5603 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2003
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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Travis, why have you been on here posting all afternoon? As pretty as it was today you should have done like me and went and got you some altitude. Oh well, to tell the trust I just finished a 6 month sabatical my own self.


Nov 23, 2003, 11:39 PM
Post #66 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Travis, why have you been on here posting all afternoon? As pretty as it was today you should have done like me and went and got you some altitude. Oh well, to tell the trust I just finished a 6 month sabatical my own self.

Been workin. I've got a math final coming up that's gonna roast me if I'm not careful, and I'm teaching myself to code PHP so I can get a little business idea going. I was close to having the site online, but I just scrapped it, and am starting over from scratch. (boo)

God, it was goregous today though wasn't it?



Nov 24, 2003, 12:16 AM
Post #67 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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ERG.... I meant to type "simon lead it, I cleaned it" I was panning on leading it, but I've always wanted to you to be there when I lead my first route... untill then I'm gonna have to be cleaning routes and Simon leading them... What can I say.. I need ya... Also, you missed the sho yesterday at Black.. I top out on this really high bouldering problem, and couldnt get down... I was upt here for like 40 min... then Simon had to get at the top with a rope, and I shimmied down it.. missed out.. Also, seriously you've been on all day... face you LOVE climbing... its ur life... you wasted a beutiful day... go climbing damnit... Simon and I are coming to the HP 40 comp!! see ya there ( if not sooner)


Nov 24, 2003, 1:50 AM
Post #68 of 71 (5603 views)

Registered: Nov 28, 2002
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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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By the way, is anyone else tired of all the whining about there not being many girls who climb?

Aye god, the sport is teeming with fit and attractive women these days! Back in the Iron Age when I started climbing we would all gawk in astonishment when a female appeared at the crags. Classy gents we were. On one of the rare occassions that we did see a woman approaching the rocks, my friend Greg pointed and shouted "Look! A girl!", whence we all craned our necks excitedly, causing her to flee the vicinity at a vigorous trot.

Climbers these days don't know how good they've got it!


Nov 24, 2003, 2:41 AM
Post #69 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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"Pete, I gotcha, and believe me, I've gotten enough adventures past current and future to hold me over for a long time. Gotta take care of some things right now though.

OK, just don't take care of them too well, and if you get a B in math instead of a C, and missed any climbing time to achieve it, I will be sorely saddened.

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"The rock is calling.......damnit....."

Heed the call, Young Bull. Throw those books under the bed and head for the crag.

P.S. Any knickers under that bed as a result of last night?


Nov 24, 2003, 3:41 AM
Post #70 of 71 (5603 views)

Registered: Jan 15, 2002
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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Travis, why have you been on here posting all afternoon? As pretty as it was today you should have done like me and went and got you some altitude. Oh well, to tell the trust I just finished a 6 month sabatical my own self.

You would have loved it at sunset rock today, o golden one.


Nov 24, 2003, 7:43 PM
Post #71 of 71 (5603 views)

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Re: Quitting Climbing...for awhile... [In reply to]
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Dude finish school. don't be a 6 year senior like me that had to retake freshman classes so his GPA would be OK enough to get into his department, but had alot of playtime by neglecting his studies. oh and put the PHP down man... you're page was good enough without it, and if you learn it before i do, i'll be saddened... Sides if you take enough time off, i might get up OPP before you do :P

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