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Jul 5, 2007, 3:06 PM
Post #1 of 149 (7734 views)

Registered: Feb 20, 2006
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The funny things noobs do
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What are some the funniest things you've seen noobs doing?
I'll start: Not long ago we were out and there was a couple obvious new to climbing- while the girl lead, she would pull rope and then say "CLIPPING!" the moment she put the rope in the draw. Later, they got in over their heads and asked one of our friends to get their gear down. He cleaned the route and when they tried to lower him their rope was in such a bird's nest he hung up there for 5 minutes while they scrambled to untie it. hohohoho

(This post was edited by bbjammin23 on Jul 5, 2007, 3:12 PM)


Jul 5, 2007, 3:12 PM
Post #2 of 149 (7715 views)

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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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bbjammin23 wrote:
... while the girl lead, she would pull rope and then say "CLIPPING!" the moment she put the rope in the draw. ...

So whats wrong with this? Although a bit late, it sounds like good communication with her belayer to me.


Jul 5, 2007, 3:17 PM
Post #3 of 149 (7693 views)

Registered: Jul 22, 2005
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Re: [anykineclimb] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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anykineclimb wrote:
bbjammin23 wrote:
... while the girl lead, she would pull rope and then say "CLIPPING!" the moment she put the rope in the draw. ...

So whats wrong with this? Although a bit late, it sounds like good communication with her belayer to me.

I do this often, especially if I'm low on the route, on an appropriatley tight belay. Helps the belayer feed slack for the clip at just the right moment, keeping me from being short-roped, and off the deck.


Jul 5, 2007, 3:17 PM
Post #4 of 149 (7693 views)

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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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bbjammin23 wrote:
What are some the funniest things you've seen noobs doing?
I'll start: Not long ago we were out and there was a couple obvious new to climbing- while the girl lead, she would pull rope and then say "CLIPPING!" the moment she put the rope in the draw. Later, they got in over their heads and asked one of our friends to get their gear down. He cleaned the route and when they tried to lower him their rope was in such a bird's nest he hung up there for 5 minutes while they scrambled to untie it. hohohoho

I yell clipping when I'm about to clip. Usually when I'm about to pull on the rope, but there's nothing wrong with it.

Partner j_ung

Jul 5, 2007, 3:26 PM
Post #5 of 149 (7654 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: [carabiner96] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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I say it if I absolutely must have that rope or blow the clip, especially if, like Bob pointed out, if I'm low to the ground and my belayer is being appropriately stingy. Until new lead belayers get their stuff down, I think it can be a helpful extra call with both safety and educational value.

Of course, it can also get in the way of other communication, especially if other parties are next door and the person yelling clipping isn't including a name, for example, "Jay, clipping!"

My favorite funny n00b thing is the hands-on check. Granted there's some value to this, too, but seeing a couple guys yank each others junk around forcefully right before a burn is so hilarious.

(This post was edited by j_ung on Jul 5, 2007, 3:28 PM)


Jul 5, 2007, 3:50 PM
Post #6 of 149 (7620 views)

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Re: [bobruef] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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Nothing wrong with it, however it was completely unnecessary, and she definetly wasn't clipping from her waist- she had already pulled out a bunch to clip above her head


Jul 5, 2007, 4:04 PM
Post #7 of 149 (7589 views)

Registered: Jul 24, 2006
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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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I was at a local crag recently and had set up a TR for a couple of new climber friends of mine. Another group of noobs came along looking for the climb we were on. I told them we'd be done with it a few minutes.

We finished climbing. I went up, broke down the anchor, rapped down and pulled the rope. As I packed my rope, one of the noobs asked, "Are you taking that rope with you?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Well the book says that this is a TR. Can you leave it?"

"No. It's mine." I said.

"Can you tell us where the climbs with ropes are?"



Jul 5, 2007, 4:11 PM
Post #8 of 149 (7574 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [shimanilami] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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shimanilami wrote:
I was at a local crag recently and had set up a TR for a couple of new climber friends of mine. Another group of noobs came along looking for the climb we were on. I told them we'd be done with it a few minutes.

We finished climbing. I went up, broke down the anchor, rapped down and pulled the rope. As I packed my rope, one of the noobs asked, "Are you taking that rope with you?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Well the book says that this is a TR. Can you leave it?"

"No. It's mine." I said.

"Can you tell us where the climbs with ropes are?"




Jul 5, 2007, 4:28 PM
Post #9 of 149 (7534 views)

Registered: Oct 19, 2005
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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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I guess it's just me, but "Experianced" people making fun of noob's is just lame. Everybody does dumb things.

Maybe we should discourage every noob! Only keep the experianced people Climbing? The sport would be sure to DIE then.

Partner dominic7

Jul 5, 2007, 4:38 PM
Post #10 of 149 (7498 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
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Re: [freezorburn] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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There was this one time, it was really funny, I was on and we were laughing about noobs. It's actually considered helpful by most, because noobs can read along with the thread and figure out all the things they aren't supposed to do. But anyway, this guy came along and tried the old "you shouldn't laugh at noobs" thing that happens in every single thread like this. So we started making fun of him then, as well as the noobs. Oh they were some good times we had. Angelic


Jul 5, 2007, 4:39 PM
Post #11 of 149 (7494 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [freezorburn] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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freezorburn wrote:
I guess it's just me, but "Experianced" people making fun of noob's is just lame. Everybody does dumb things.

Maybe we should discourage every noob! Only keep the experianced people Climbing? The sport would be sure to DIE then.

Ok, first off, animated graphics are lame and annoying, get your head out. Secondly (and more importantly) get your head out and grow a sense of humor. This shit is legitimately funny. I mean, some gumby wanders up with the expectation that you're going to leave your rope for them to TR off of? How is that not funny as hell. And before you try V2.0 of your elitism rant on me I've been climbing for a grand total of about 7 months. Oh, and in parting, get your head out.


Jul 5, 2007, 4:39 PM
Post #12 of 149 (7494 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2005
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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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The first time I took my girl friend climbing outside I led a short crack and I belayed from the top. As she pulled each piece of gear she tossed it to the ground for later recovery even after I explained mid pitch that she was not using proper gear cleaning technique.


Jul 5, 2007, 4:44 PM
Post #13 of 149 (7481 views)

Registered: Nov 17, 2006
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Re: [chumbawumba] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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chumbawumba wrote:
The first time I took my girl friend climbing outside I led a short crack and I belayed from the top. As she pulled each piece of gear she tossed it to the ground for later recovery even after I explained mid pitch that she was not using proper gear cleaning technique.

Was the gear ok?



Jul 5, 2007, 4:51 PM
Post #14 of 149 (7446 views)

Registered: Jun 15, 2007
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Re: [coastal_climber] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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One time I was out bouldering and I saw some guys climbing up putting metal squares and springy things in the rock. When I tried to explain to these noobs that little pieces of metal couldn't possibly hold them, they just gave me a weird look. Crazy


Jul 5, 2007, 5:02 PM
Post #15 of 149 (7416 views)

Registered: Apr 29, 2004
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Re: [chumbawumba] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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chumbawumba wrote:
The first time I took my girl friend climbing outside I led a short crack and I belayed from the top. As she pulled each piece of gear she tossed it to the ground for later recovery even after I explained mid pitch that she was not using proper gear cleaning technique.

this a joke, right? she didn'r really do that, right?

like: "oh, this little thing on the side of my harness are not just decorative?"


Jul 5, 2007, 5:15 PM
Post #16 of 149 (7389 views)

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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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Funniest thing?

That would be the people who know next to nothing making fun of the people who know nothing.


Jul 5, 2007, 5:31 PM
Post #17 of 149 (7351 views)

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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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The Williamson Gumby Show of 2002, a Comedy in Three Acts.

The Cast: Group of about 4 gym climbers, pretty strong, but it looks like it is their first time outdoors.

Act One: The group spends a half hour trying to get to the cruxy high first bolt on their first route of the day, a popular 5.11a warm-up for the locals. They take one horrendous ground fall after another. It's a miracle none of them breaks an ankle. Eventually they decide to stick clip the first bolt. Recognizing that they have to keep the gate of the top biner of the draw open to stick clip, they take a shoelace and tie the gate of the biner open, and stick clip up the draw, but forget to first clip the rope into the draw. So now they have an out-of-reach draw with a tied-open carabiner hung on a high, crux bolt, with no rope through the draw. The looks on their faces when they realized their predicament were priceless.

Act 2: At this point, one of us who had been watching this circus with amusement, rrrAdam, feels sorry for them, and boulders up to the first bolt to hang their rope for them and untie the shoestring holding open the gate on the bolt-end biner. With the first bolt safely (one would think) clipped, one of their guys ropes up to attempt the route again. He falls below the second bolt, flips upside down, lands on the ground right on his head, jumps up onto his feet, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened, and quietly unties and sits down with his buds. Incredibly, the guy had taken a 20-foot upside down head-first ground fall, and was completely unhurt.

Act 3: So, finally, after investing several hours into unsuccessfully leading their first outdoor route, the group begins to understand that the route is over their heads, and they decide to toprope it. Unfortunately, it is a half-hour hike up to the anchors, and there is about 45 minutes of daylight left. Nonetheless, they send one of their guys up to hang the toprope. He eventually finds the anchors and hangs the rope. At this point, it is obviously starting to get dark, and someone in the group yells up to him that there's no time left to climb, so he should just rap down.

So these guys' first outdoor climbing experience consisted of no climbing at all (beyond the start of a climb too hard for them). I never saw these guys again, but I assume that next time out they learned a lesson about the difference between indoor and outdoor climbing, and started out on something easier.



Jul 5, 2007, 5:39 PM
Post #18 of 149 (7332 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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Re: [jt512] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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Funny how one n00b is telling stories about another n00b


Jul 5, 2007, 5:59 PM
Post #19 of 149 (7279 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2004
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Re: [shimanilami] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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shimanilami wrote:
I was at a local crag recently and had set up a TR for a couple of new climber friends of mine. Another group of noobs came along looking for the climb we were on. I told them we'd be done with it a few minutes.

We finished climbing. I went up, broke down the anchor, rapped down and pulled the rope. As I packed my rope, one of the noobs asked, "Are you taking that rope with you?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Well the book says that this is a TR. Can you leave it?"

"No. It's mine." I said.

"Can you tell us where the climbs with ropes are?"



hmmm I'll give a kinda funny one about myself, a few years ago...
On my first time ever using rap rings, and rapping down after a climb, while I knew what to do, I was so paranoid about dropping the rope I think I tied about 47 knots in the rope and clipped them to myself Tongue (well not quite that many) but I kept running into new knots I had unnecessarily tied as I was running the rope through the rings. after I had the rope ready to toss, I still had knots to find and undo. In the end there was no rope dropping and everything was fine, but it took me about 8X as long as the process should have, and it was all rather silly Blush


Jul 5, 2007, 6:33 PM
Post #20 of 149 (7205 views)

Registered: Apr 8, 2006
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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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the scariest thing i have ever seen noobs do was when i was out by butte and some guys were girth hitching webbing to the bolts as the climbed. and to top it all of they were climbing on a static line.


Jul 5, 2007, 7:16 PM
Post #21 of 149 (7113 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2005
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Re: [anykineclimb] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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anykineclimb wrote:
bbjammin23 wrote:
... while the girl lead, she would pull rope and then say "CLIPPING!" the moment she put the rope in the draw. ...

So whats wrong with this? Although a bit late, it sounds like good communication with her belayer to me.
At one time, way back in the day, when the AMC was a much more powerful force in Northeastern climbing, they taught this bit of communication. As one might suspect, it was a lot more rigorous (to say nothing of anal retentive) - rather than just saying "clipping" the leader would say at the first piece "clip 1"; the belayer would reply "1 clipped". At the second piece it would be "clip 2/2 clipped" and so on.


Jul 5, 2007, 7:20 PM
Post #22 of 149 (7099 views)

Registered: Jun 19, 2002
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Re: [majid_sabet] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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majid_sabet wrote:
Funny how one n00b is telling stories about another n00b

Sorry Jay, I laughed at this one...



Jul 5, 2007, 8:18 PM
Post #23 of 149 (7006 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2005
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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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This is more about what someone thought than what they did (slightly off topic). In a conversation on a subject similar to this thread, a fellow was describing a recent experience when taking students on a multi-pitch graduation climb. This particular type of graduation climb follows a 5 day course on basic roped climbing safety from the perspective of a follower. These graduation climbs typically consist of the leader, a couple of experienced climbers, and 2 or 3 students.

For graduation climbs, the leader explains that he usually does a route where it is extremely unlikely that he [the leader] will fall. Also unbeknownst to the students, he says he usually puts his weakest student as second - that way, if that student gets into trouble then he is more likely to be able to communicate with the student and understand what needs to be done.

The fellow continues, "Well, last time I put old Bob as second. As Bob gets to the top of the second pitch he sez 'You know, Andy, this is pretty easy climbing for me so you don't need to put in so many pieces of pro.'"

(This post was edited by billl7 on Jul 5, 2007, 8:28 PM)


Jul 6, 2007, 1:13 AM
Post #24 of 149 (6829 views)

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Re: [bbjammin23] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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I was climbing at a local spot not to long ago and as I'm belaying my partner two guys walk up and start to lead a sport route with a high first bolt. There is a horizontal 7-8 ft. or so off the ground so the leader plugs in (what appears to be) a brand new C3 and works his way towards the first bolt. Then with no warning he falls and seeing how his belayer is standing 5 ft. away and straight back, he racks his nuts then flips up side down. I bit my lip and tried not to laugh but they are unphased and taking turns, bombing on to that one piece over and over.
And then the puchline: as the climber is starting up for his fourth try and fall, one of the local guys who put up some of the routes walks by (not having seen any of the shenanigans that came before) and with a shocked and concerned look on his face say's, "God, I wouldnt fall on that"

Honestly I was surprised that the cam held as long as it did because the horizontal is parallel sided and not very deep but the crotch abuse is just classic NOOB.

Come on, show of hands everyone. How many here has been on the giving or receiving end of a crotch racking?

I've given one to a dear friend of mine and boy was he pissed!


Jul 6, 2007, 1:35 AM
Post #25 of 149 (4980 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Re: [shimanilami] The funny things noobs do [In reply to]
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Are you sensitive? Then don't look...

shimanilami wrote:
I was at a local crag recently and had set up a TR for a couple of new climber friends of mine. Another group of noobs came along looking for the climb we were on. I told them we'd be done with it a few minutes.

We finished climbing. I went up, broke down the anchor, rapped down and pulled the rope. As I packed my rope, one of the noobs asked, "Are you taking that rope with you?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Well the book says that this is a TR. Can you leave it?"

"No. It's mine." I said.

"Can you tell us where the climbs with ropes are?"

Aww, I'd have offered to put up their rope, if I were feeling benevolent. Then laughed. Then worried about how they were going to get it down without breaking themselves. But somewhere in there, yes, definitely would have laughed. Sorry.

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